Sea Witch


Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound every teenager loathes. The sound of the alarm clock.

Today the sound echoed throughout my ears for a minute before I moved an inch. My arm slowly reached out to turn the device off. The sound had interrupted my thoughts of being far away from California and in college in Maine.

Only two more years to go, I thought as I threw the covers off me. I made my way to the bathroom where my image stared back at me. The red hair I was born with was starting to make me have thoughts of dyeing it. The kids I have known since kindergarten still look at me funny. I am the only girl, it seems like, in Malibu to have a different shade of hair than blonde.

The hair, and the freckles, is the thing I believe that made all the kids hate me. I only had one friend throughout the entire shore-side high school. After school I would walk to the beach and stare out into the waves.

The ocean was the only thing in my life that made me happy. The shade of blue so bright. The way the sun cascades along the top of the sea life. Dolphins could be seen at sunset. Numerous sailboats and surfers.

I wish I knew how to swim. It's the only other thing beside my appearance than makes me different from the other humans in this state. I sit on the sand and imagine a day where I can walk further than where my feet touch in the mysterious blue water. I could talk to the whales, see the fish swim, maybe even make friends with a starfish or turtle.

The thoughts of my dreams unattainable were interrupted by my father knocking on my bedroom door. He always could tell when I wasn't awake. I often imagined him staying by the window side all night, never closing his eyes for a wink.

"Hon, you awake?" his voice boomed.

"Yeah, in the shower!" I yelled back. Then I reached over with my left arm to turn the faucet on in the shower.

I hope today is better than yesterday, I thought to myself as my panties hit the floor and I was feeling the warm water caress my bare skin.