The Thief and the Rogue Prince


~3rd Person POV~
A young girl about nineteen with black shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes, hanged upside down from a cord.

She flipped herself right side up and landed softly on her feet. Her breathing was even as a smirk danced onto her lips. She was dressed in a long sleeved black shirt, a black under breast corset, black cargo pants and black heelless boots. Three belts hanged from her tiny waist, one held knives, another had two guns, and the last had pouches big and small.

She pressed her back to the wall keeping to the shadows, watching the cameras.

When she reached her goal, two oak doors, she found two guards. Both had shaved heads, tight black shirts and black jeans, no shoes.

The girl smiled. She knew they were werewolves. As did her "employer" but he thought she was a normal human who didn't know, but she knew.

Quietly scaling the wall she crawled into the air shaft. Army crawling her way to her goal, the office of the Wolf King, she stopped to observe the room.

Pulling out goggles and a black box with a red button, she slips the goggles on and pressed the button.

It went dark. She jumped down, going straight for the desk. She only had a few minutes.

She picked the lock on the safe under the desk, pulling out a file.

She locked it back up and was safe in the air shaft when the lights went back on.

Stuffing the goggles back into a pouch, she also put the the file in a bigger pouch.

She made her way to the roof top when the alarm went on. She lifed her face mask over her face, continuing on her way.

Once she was out she jumped from roof top to roof top till she was sure she was far enough away. Picking up the cell phone given to her by this employer, she pressed one.

The deep voice of her answered on the first ring.

"Got it." She said

"Met is in the clearing in the park woods." He said

"I don't do met and greets." She said

"Than you won't get paid." He said hanging up

She smirked and made her way to the park, but at the park she stayed in the trees.

Three guys stood in the clearing.

The one that caught her eye first was an old friend. He had short brown hair and bright green eyes. He wore only basketball shorts, showing off his 6 pack. His name was Doyle.

The next guy stood next to him. He seemed to only be afraid. Black hair, slicked back. He was smalled than the other two.

The third guy stood ahead of the other two, the girl could almost see the power radiating off of him. He had to be an Alpha. He had dirty blonde hair that hanged in his grey eyes. She almost fell out of the tree when she saw his very muscular body.

"Where is she?" Growled the Alpha

He was the one on the phone.

"Oh she is here." Said Doyle. "Watching us."

"I don't smell her." Said the scared one

"You wouldn't." Said Doyle

She dropped the file in front of them quickly switched trees.

The Alpha picked up the file to find a single piece of paper that says "bad wolf."

Doyle tried not to laugh.

"Doyle." Said the Alpha

"I am sorry Alpha. She doesn't like taking orders." Said Doyle bowing his head

"Doyle since when did you join a pack?" The girl asked her voicing echoing so the wolves wouldn't find her.

"Since that day little fix." Said Doyle

"How's Violet?" She asked

"She misses her pet human." He said a grin

"Doyle do you know where she is hiding?" The Alpha asked with power

"In a tree." Said Doyle bowing his head. "Alpha Dominic."

The girl knew the Alpha used his Alpha voice.

Dominic sounded familiar though. She knew Doyle wouldn't have given me his name without reason.

Than she remember his stories. Dominic was the name of the Wolf Prince.

"I'm sorry." A voice whispered in her ear

The girl flew out of the tree, landing in front of the three guys. The owner of the voice landed next to Doyle. She had long liac color hair with matching eyes.

"Violet." The girl said

Violet sent a sad smile to the girl.

"Mate." Growled Dominic

"Yeah. No." Said the girl pulling down her face mask. "I just want the money. Here is your file."

She tossed Doyle the file and he tossed her the money. Turning around to leave a hand grabbed her wrist sending tingles and sparks uo her arm.

She faced Dominic, his cold, unmoving eyes stared back into her own.

"Let go." She said

"How can a worthless human be my mate?" He growled

The girl sent a punch to his face forcing him to let go and even stagger. But when he got ahold of himself, she was gone.

"Doyle, who is she?" Dominic asked

"Nisassa Draven, the Fox." Said Doyle

"Find her, bring her too me. I'll make her obey me." Growled Dominic

Doyle nodded as Dominic left. He wanted Dominic to have his mate to calm the rage. But Dominic was like his abusive father and wanted a mate like his obedient mother. Nisassa was not that mate.

Violet turned to her mate when their Alpha was long gone. "Should we warn him about her?"

Doyle shook his head. "Let him find out."

"Nissy is going to hate us."

"Hopefully we can explain." He said as they went in search of their old friend