What Love Does

Love Over Family

“NO! You can’t Mom, you just can’t!”

My Mom shakes her head and continues swearing. “Jade, I already fucking told you, I don’t want you seeing that... that man-whore of a band member! End of the discussion!”

I run up to my room, then slam and lock the door. I lay on my bed, crying because of what my mom said. I can’t see RyRo anymore; my Mom thinks he’s a man-whore like the rest of the band, and the music. Why can’t she see that I love him?

At about 2:30am, when my whole family is asleep, I pack a couple of suitcases and get the hell out of my house through my bedroom window. My room is empty; no more CD’s in there, or clothes, or my notebooks. It’s all packed away in these couple of bags.

I don’t know where to go, all I know is that I need to find a place to stay. Then it hits me; why not go stay with RyRo just to piss off my parents? So I go to his place.

He answers the door, his hair is messy and he’s in his cute little pajamas that say, “I’m A Rock Star”

He looks surprised and says, “Jadey, what are you doing here at 3 in the morning?”

“Can I come in RyRo? We need to talk.” I’m sure he sees the worry and tears in my eyes, and he hugs me tight then leads me to sit on the couch with him.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Tell me everything.” He kisses me on the cheek after he says this.

“My Mom told me I couldn’t see you anymore... she thinks you’re a man-whore just like the rest of the band and that your music sucks.” The tears start pouring down my cheeks.

“What a bitch!” Then he realized what he had said and says, “Oops, sorry, no offense.”

“None taken; I agree with you. Both my Mom and Dad are bitches.”

“So what are you doing about the not seeing me thing?”

“Well... I ran away and I came here to ask if I could live with you.”

He has a shocked look on his face, but kisses me and says, “Of course you can live with me Jadey; you’re my world. I love you and I want you here with me.”

I start sobbing and say, “I love you too, RyRo, and I want you by my side always and forever.”

We make out for awhile, then RyRo says with a gleam in his eyes, “So where are your bags baby? Big, strong RyRo will carry them in for you.”

I laugh and say, “There in the car, you moron. Where else would they be?”

He leaves and I look around this place, the place that I’ve always considered more of a home than my parent’s house. I smile, because now I live here and there’s nothing more I want.
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well... its the first story i've written like this. it kinda sux. deal wit it.
comment tho and i'll give u a cookie :D
or maybe some lint cuz i ate all my cookies :D