What Love Does

Things Have Changed

“So now that all you’re bags are in Jadey, what do you wanna do?”

“First we need to talk.”

“Whoa, you sound serious baby. But ok, let’s talk.”

“RyRo... I want to know, we’ve known each other forever and we just started dating a year ago... How long have you loved me?”

“Jadey, I’ve loved you since the day that we met. The first time I laid my eyes on you I thought you were the most amazing girl I’d ever seen. I never thought I’d get you. But... I have you now.” He smiles at me. I smile back.

“I thought the same thing back then... and I’ve loved you since we met too.” The last words I said were barely in a whisper; RyRo meant the world to me.

“So now... is that the end of the talk?”

“Yes, it is. Thanks for that Ryan.”

“Now what do we do?”

I look into his eyes and smile and take his hand. I know he understands because he picks me up and runs to his room.

We fall onto the bed and make out; slowly we take off each others clothes, piece by piece, and then... well, you know what comes next.

Apparently we fell asleep; I wake up to the sound of my ringtone on my phone, Beat It by Michael Jackson. Yeah, I’m lame. I push RyRo off of me and grab my phone to look at the caller ID. Great, it’s my mom.

“Hello Mom.”


“That’s none of your business, Mother.”

“Your with that man whore, aren’t you?”

“So what if I am?”

“Get home RIGHT NOW!”

“No, Mom, I won’t go home. I’m sick of you and the rest of the family; I’m done with you! I live with RyRo now, so good bye and good riddance!”

“Fine, have it your way, don’t ever come near this house again!”

I hang up the phone and look at RyRo, still sleeping. I love this guy more than anyone else. I start to cry, and RyRo wakes up at the sound of me crying.

“Jadey! What happened?”

“My Mother called, Ryan. She told me not to come back to the house ever again.”

“Oh Jadey, I’m sorry... but we’re together and that’s all that matters, right?”

I kiss him and I say, “Right. It seems as if you’re finally learning something.” We both start to laugh, then get dressed and head downstairs.
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likin it so far?
i think it's pretty terrible, lolz. xDD