What Love Does

What Happened...

I woke up, screaming. I didn’t exactly have the best dream, as my childhood memories are NOT good times.

RyRo, being the darling he is, heard me screaming and saw the tears running down my face and immediately hugged me tight and asked, “Jade, what the hell is wrong??”

Sobbing and shaking, I stuttered, saying “N-n-night m-mare. C-childhood. N-n-not fun.”

He hugs me even tighter and waits for me to calm down before asking me anything else.

Then, quietly and full of love, he says to me, “Jadey, you never really told me about how you’re childhood was. I know it might hurt, but I want you to tell me what happened. It might not be easy, but I love you so much and I care to much to see this happen.”

I stared into his loving eyes, sighed, and began.

“When I was really young, I would stay with my Aunt Grace for weeks on end. Apparently, my parents enjoyed being away, getting drunk and gambling, more than being with me. I loved Aunt Grace; she was like the mother I always wanted.”

I shuddered, and RyRo told me to go on, squeezing my hand tightly.

“T-then, when I was 5, Aunt Grace disappeared. My parents were taking me to drop me off at her place, and when we got there, there were around 10 police cars, talking to my Uncle Ken and trying to calm down my crying cousins. My parents walked over to one of the officers, and I rushed after them, super worried. They told my parents that Aunt Grace was gone, and they didn’t know what had happened to her.”

I fumed, and continued. “My parents, being the fucking self centered idiots they are, didn’t even seem worried and just told me to shut up when I burst into tears. We spent the night at Aunt Grace’s house for the next couple of weeks, and that’s when my whole world came crashing down...”

“What happened, Jade?” Ryan asked this delicately.

I sobbed some more and said, “They... they found her, dead a couple blocks down. Apparently she had been out for a walk and someone stabbed her and killed her... I was torn into little shredded pieces; Aunt Grace was the closest thing I had to a loving mother. Of course, the very next day my parents go and ride off to Vegas. I was so mad at them, and so sad because Aunt Grace was gone. I realized that after this last trip, they couldn’t go anywhere else and I’d be stuck at home with them.”

Ryan was crying and said to me, “Jadey, I am SO sorry...”

“It’s okay Ryan... That’s hardly even half of the story.” I spoke quietly.

“For the next 13 years, my parents abused me. They neglected to have food in the house and went out to eat without me. If I did even the slightest mistake, they would hit me with a belt. I was miserable for all those years, until I finally was fed up and old enough to get out of there and come live with you.”

I started crying and Ryan said “Jade, I’m going to spend the rest of the day here with you. Let me call the guys.”

He calls Brendon, puts it on speaker, and Brendon answers on the first ring.

“Hey Ryan, what’s up?”

“Listen, Brendon, I’m going to stay home today from the studio.”

“Dude, we’re already behind, you NEED to be here!”

“B-don, I have to stay with Jade today.” Then quietly he explains why.

“Oh geez, Ryan. Stay there with Jadey. I’m so sorry Jade. I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow.”

“Bye, Brendon.”

Then RyRo and me spend the whole rest of the day together, talking, watching movies, listening to music, and finally falling asleep on the couch together.
♠ ♠ ♠
sad chapter to write :[
completely out of the blue, also