Status: Kinda testing this out abit

A Girl I Don't Know

Chapter 1

Waking up slowly I slammed my hand down on the squealing alarm. The Monday morning sun shinned in my face, its warm rays doing little to heat up my cold body. "Guess the air conditioner is on high." I thought throwing off my blanket padding into the bathroom for a quick shower. I felt like crap after my escapades over the weekend. Parties, booze and girls.
I quickly washed away the evidence of the weekend I couldn't wait till next Friday. Wrapping a towel around my waist I went in search of clothes. My phone kept beeping signaling I had messages. Swiping the screen up I found a few texts from the girls.

Tonya: Want to have some fun again didn't get enough
Sandra: Weed and more sex. Maybe some booze if dad leaves town.

"Guess I have plans for next weekend" I smirked tossing my phone on the bed and got dressed in a pair of ripped skinnies and a white v-neck. Slipping on my Galaxy vans I booked it downstairs for some breakfast. Settling on a granola bar I stood in the kitchen for a bit. The sound of a car door slamming had me scrambling to hide a stray bottle of Jim Beam. Once hidden I turned on some music to help drown out whoever was coming.

The beautiful sound of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" filled the house a moment later. A smiling aunt aunt Val came strolling in the kitchen trailed by uncle Matt, Zacky, Johny and Brian.
"Good song!" Matt smiled it didn't reach his eyes tho. It hadn't in a while not since Avenged Sevenfold was forced to get a new drummer. I think uncle Matt thought of it as a betrayal to dad.
"Yup." I said dumping my orange juice in the sink. "You guys just stopping by cause I have school. Dont want the hell hole to get their panties in a bunch." I sigh a small smile on my lips at uncle Johny struggling to cover his laughter.
"We were headed to the studio, wanted to check if you were going to go see your dad today." Aunt Val said leaning on the countertop she ignored my comment.
"Yes I go every Monday." I sigh grabbing my backpack. "You could have just called or texted me."
Uncle Brian let out an annoyed sigh. Grinding my teeth to refrained from commenting. Our relationship has been rocky for awhile now. Ever since he snapped on me and told me everything was my fault.
"Ok we will see you there then." I could tell she was upset with my hostility. Just my her solemn expression. I know why she gets upset, because I shut everyone.
"Ok I have to go." I shook my head and left the room. Instead of leaving I stayed to see if they said anything.
"That kid is getting worse." uncle Brian said a few moments later.
"I can't imagine why. I mean you did tell him Jimmy's accident was his fault. Like that wouldn't warp an already upset sixteen year old." Aunt v snarled. Yes snarled she was a scary woman at times.
"I was upset. My brother was almost killed."
"you had no business taking it out on him!" She yelled back slapping a hand on the marble island.
"His bipolar crap is old. Jimmy should of smacked him on the head!" he yelled back.
"Last time I checked you didn't have a problem with jimmy's Bipolar Crap when we were teens." her footsteps getting closer to him. Oh she's pissed.
"All right that's enough you guys. Yelling isn't gonna solve much." Matt yelled silencing the his wife and brother.
After a few moments of silence Uncle Johny "She's right though. The bipolar stuff is only a small piece of the problem. I mean we've all missed not just his birthday but papa gates, Kenna's." he paused. "I mean I know its a hazard of the job but id snap too if I was him."
"Now i know why i love uncle johny." I didn't listen to the rest of the conversation. Instead I actually left this time.
Throwing a leg over my motorcycle I situate myself then slam the visor for my helmet down. Looking back at the house I spot aunt val in the living room window watching me. She knew I heard them talking.
Revving the bike I sped down the driveway and onto the road. Thankfully the traffic was minimal today so I was able to actually get to school on time for once.
Homeroom dragged on, English and History too. By the time much rolled around I was ready to jump out a window. Not in a suicidal way, an I need to escape this hell way.
I decided on pizza and a mountain dew and headed to my usual table. I didn't really have any friends anymore. So I sit by myself, occasionally I have company but they mainly were lab partners.
Looking over my shoulder I found my old friends laughing and causing a scene like they always did. Dad always said we reminded him of himself and my uncles when they were growing up.

"Hey looser." Aiden Brock the biggest asshole in school stood in front of my table, his goons behind him.
Rolling my eyes I responded even though I shouldn't. "go fuck yourself Meathead." I growled noticing his girlfriend Allison beside him. "Or better yet go fuck her." I pointed to Allison. A surprised look crossed her face, cheeks going red.
Is she blushing?
"Funny weirdo" Aiden snagged my shirt pulling me forward.
Slapping his hand away I arched a brow. "I wasn't being funny. Now dont you have practice or shower time with your boys." I smirked using air parentheses on the word boys.

I didn't realize the whole cafeteria had gone quite.

I should of known he would punch me the impact knocked me on my ass, my wrist let out a horrible cracking noise. Pain coursed up my arm.

Before I could brace for another a hand grabbed my shirt yanking me to my feet I grabbed onto the hand to get it off but to no avail. Another punch sent my head back blood drizzled down my chin and cheek. The third punch made my head fuzzy like someone hit me with a brick or like the time I tripped and hit my head on the coffee table and got a concussion.

"Stop! Aiden! Your gonna kill him!" someone screamed and all the sudden I was dropped. After a second I sat up groaning at the pain.
Guess he couldn't take a joke.
"Shit! Jaime are you ok." My old friend David couched in front of me. I couldn't see him very good my vision kept blurring.
"Yeah perfectly fine." I chuckled regretting it immediately the pain in my face intensified.

"Oh my god! Look at your face!" Gee thanks. Allison crouched down her eyes looked abit watery like she might cry. "am I hallucinating? I thought looking over at David he wore an equally shocked look. Nope sadly no hallucination there.

A wave of dizziness assaulted my senses as Mrs.Bathory The School Nurse waved a flashlight in my eyes a moment later everything went dark.
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Ugh I keep posting this and it gives me hell