Status: Active as long as I have ideas. (AND PROMPTS FROM YOU GUYS!)


Your Tears Don't Fall, They Crash Around Me.


Title: Your Tears Don't Fall, They Crash Around Me.

Credit: Tears Don't Fall by Bullet For My Valentine.


It's kinda sad, btw. I cried a bit while writing this, but the ending is golden. Ron was originally going to stay an asshole but he tweeted me and he was really fucking nice, so I couldn't bring myself to make him stay an asshole thought the whole one shot. Enjoy!


Lauren's POV

I'm dating the one and only Ryan Seaman, drummer of Falling in Reverse. I love him to pieces and he loves me right back. But there's one thing I'm not sure about--Ryan's sexuality. When my brother, Falling in Reverse's guitarist Derek, introduced me to Ryan, I thought that Ryan was without a doubt 100% gay. But he proved me wrong and fell for me. He told me he's straight, and I believed him. That was until Ron joined the band a few months ago. Now? Ronnie and I have a bet against Jacky and Derek on whether Ron and Ryan had a thing for each other.

"Holy shit!" I yell, shocked at the sight in front of me. "Both of you. Couch. Now." I demand and they sit down on the couch. "What the actual fuck did I just witness!?"

"Why were you guys kissing!?"

"It's my fault. I fell for Ryan and today I told him. Afterwards, I panicked an I kissed him."

"Thank you for being honest. All I can say is I called it. Jacky and Derek owe Ronnie and I fifty bucks each!"

"You guys were betting on us!?"

"Yeah. Jacky and Derek thought that you were both straight as poles, but Ronnie and I begged to differ."

"So Lauren, where does that leave us, exactly?"

"I'm going to move in with Jared from Blessthefall."

"What the actual fuck?"

"One, he's my best friend and two, he lives across the street."

"Okay then."

"Ryan, I can't date you anymore. You have a boyfriend, and I don't want to mess that up for you."

"No I d--oh. I see."

"Well, have fun you two. And please try to keep it down, I don't want to hear you fucking from across the street." I tell Ryan and Ron, causing them both to go red. I laugh at them and I pack my stuff. 


*Three Years Later*

Ryan's POV

"Lauren, why the hell did I ever fall for Ron in the first place!?" I ask her, sobbing.

"The heart is a strange, strange thing Ryan." Lauren answers. "Fuck!" She screams, clutching her abdomen.

"Do I even need to ask?"


"I heard Lauren scream, are you guys okay?" Jared asks, running into the living room.

"Stomach problems, Warth."

"I'll grab you some Tylenol."

"And that's why I love you. You're the best." It's not what you think, really. Lauren's six months pregnant with she and Jared's twins and they kick really hard and the kicking hurts her ribs, so her doctor told her she could take medication, as long as it's Tylenol.

"So what exactly happened with Ron?" Lauren asks as Jared walks back into the room an hands her water and liquid Tylenol.

"It all started in the bathroom at Ron and I's, no, MY house. "


Ryan's POV

"Oh my fucking god." My world just flipped upside down in all of five minutes. I'm going to have Ron's baby. Holy shit. I lift up my shirt a bit and I examine my abdomen in the mirror. Damn, I already have a tiny bump. The last time Ron and I had sex without a condom was about a month ago, so I'm one month. Damn. Now, I just have to figure out how to tell Ron. 

"Ryan! I'm home!" Ron yells from the living room. Shit. Fuck it, I'm just going to come right out and say it. When I walk into the living room, Ron gives me a light peck on the lips. "You want to go out for a drink with the guys?"

"I can't."

"Why not? Ron questions, slightly worried.

"Well..." I mutter and I pull the three pregnancy tests I took out of my pocket. "Ron, I'm pregnant."

"That's not possible. Please tell me this is just some sick joke."

"It's not a joke, asshole. Ugh. Follow me." We walk into the bathroom and I pick up a fourth, unused pregnancy test. I show him that it's not a gag test and I pee on the damned thing. After we wait five minutes, I look at it. "See? It's positive. I'm going to have your baby, Ron."

"Wow." Ron breathes out, shocked. He smiles and hugs me, but his smile quickly falters.

"Ron, what's wrong?"

"I'm so fucking stupid. I gave you false hope."

"What do you mean, false hope?"

"I made you think I actually want a baby." 

"You mean to tell me, you don't want our child?"

"Not really. I've never really wanted kids, to tell you the truth."

"And it never occurred to you to tell me this!?"

"No because you're a dude! You shouldn't be able to get pregnant!"

"Yeah, well Ron, it doesn't change he fact that I still did. And you know damn well that I want kids!"

"Abort that thing or I'm going to leave."

"You're making me choose between you and our child!?"

"Your child, and yes."

"Dammit Ron!"

"Me or your child, Ryan."

"I love you but that's an innocent child you're asking me to murder."

"Ryan, I'll give you one last chance. You can either get rid of it and keep me or you can keep that thing and I'll walk out the door and never come back." When he says this, I snap and since we're on the second floor of our house, I gather all of his shit together and I throw it out the window and onto our lawn.



Ryan's POV

"After that, he rolled his eyes, flipped me off, and left." 


"Here it is, five months later, and I just heard from Steve, I Am Ghost's lead singer until they broke up in 2010, that Ron's got a girlfriend named Haley."

"I need to slap the shit out of him right the hell now." Lauren growls.

"And get this. Haley's pregnant. But-" (A.N.~Ron's real life girlfriend's name is Haley, and she's not actually pregnant.)

"That's it! Where's Lorena Bobbitt when you need her!?" Lauren cuts me off.

"Lauren, you are NOT getting Lorena Bobbitt to cut off Ron's dick. And you didn't let me finish."

"Dammit Ryan, you never let me have any fun! Anyways, continue."

"Steve told me that Ron's been going out with Haley since about a day after he and I broke up and though she insists that she's only four months pregnant, she looks about nine. Unless the woman's having triplets, which I doubt, that baby's not Ron's."

"Let's hope to god it's not his."

"It's not. Unless it's natural for a white woman to give birth to a white man's baby at four months pregnant and have that kid end up being mixed. Steve just texted me."

"He's a fucking idiot if he thinks that kid is his. And anyways, where's his logic on this whole thing!? He tells you he's leaving because he doesn't want kids but then he goes and supposedly gets this Haley bitch pregnant and stays!? What the actual fuck!?"

"Babe, calm down. It's not good for Reese and Riley." Jared says, rubbing her knee. "But you're right in being pissed at Ron." Lauren kisses Jared and I take it as my cue to leave.


Ron's POV

Why am I so fucking stupid!?


Ryan's POV

When I get home, which isn't very far since I live across the street from Lauren and Jared, I drag myself upstairs and into my bedroom. Even thought the heat's on at full blast, it's still colder than a polar bear's tits in here since there's a huge ass snowstorm going on outside. I grab Ron's Nine Inch Nails hoodie and I shove it on, hoping that it fits over my abdomen, which it does. Yes, I kept my ex's hoodie. But that's only because it reminds me of him. It smells like him, a mix of Axe, vanilla, cigarette smoke, and mint gum. God, do I miss him. I grab my phone off of my nightstand and I pull upPandora and I lay down on my bed and I curl up into my blankets. The first song that comes on is Six Feet Under the Stars by All Time Low and I tear up a bit because it reminds me of Ron and I. I roll over, facing the wall. Twenty minutes later, I'm still absentmindedly lying in my bed, not doing anything except rubbing my palm on my abdomen and talking to my baby.

"Hey baby, it's your mommy. I know I'm a guy, but I'm your mother, nonetheless. Your father was an idiot and made me choose between you and him, so it's just you and me now, little one. There's nothing that I'll ever chose over you, I swear. I love you so much." I smile, talking to my unborn child. Lost in You by Three Days Grace starts playing and I break out in tears. It was Ron and I's "song", when we were together. I hear the door open  and I bury myself further into my blankets. "Go away, Jacky." I complain. He's staying with me for a few weeks while Derek's in Lake Forest, California helping his mom take care of his dad, who's got cancer. I honestly never expected Jacky and Derek to get together, for a number of reasons. One, Derek's loud and outspoken and Jacky barely speaks above a whisper. Two, from the beginning of 2011 to the middle of 2012, Derek absolutely detested Jacky's existence, though since then I've learned that it was a defense mechanism because he didn't want Jacky to know he loved him. In August of 2012, Derek pinned Jacky to a wall as if he were going to beat the shit out of him but instead kissed him, and the two guitarists have been together ever since. Jacky kicks his shoes off and climbs into my bed next to me, snaking his arms around my waist. "Jacky, what the actual fuck!?" I ask, irritated.

"I'm not Jacky. Far from it." Ron says and the blood drains from my face. Shit. 

"Ron, what the hell are you even doing here? You made it blatantly obvious that you don't want our child, so why the hell did you even come back!?" I yell, pushing his arms off of me and turning so I'm facing him and not the wall. 

"I was an idiot, okay?"

"Understatement of the fucking year, let me tell you. Did you honestly think that Haley's baby was yours!?"

"Yeah, actually! I did! And how do you even know!?"

"Steve. You have got to be mentally incompetent if you actual though for a minute that it was yours! Women don't give birth a four months pregnant and they aren't that big at four months, anyways!"

"I realized that it wasn't mine when I saw that the baby was mixed!"

"Still doesn't change the fact that you told me you didn't want a child and then you got with Haley and decided to raise a child with her! And anyways, you know that nobody goes into labor at four months pregnant!"

"I have no excuse for what I did."

"I have it figured out now. Male pregnancy disgusts you!"

"I will freely admit that when I first found out you were pregnant, it did."

"Then why the hell are you even here if what I'm going through disgusts you!?"

"I talked to a friend about it and they convinced me that it's not disgusting at all."

"Steve, right?"

"No, it wasn't Steve."


"It was Jared. He called me fifteen minutes ago and he yelled at me until his throat hurt. Told me I was the "Motherfucking cocksucking douchebag of the year" and that I need to pull my head out of my ass before I lose you forever."

"He's not wrong, you know."

Ron wraps his arms around me again and I let him. "I know."

"Just go, Ron."

"Why would I want to do that? I'm about to be a father, and the love of my life is making it possible."

"Yeah, but Haley's baby isn't yours."

"Who said I ever loved Haley? You're the only one who I've ever felt this way about, Ryan."


"Yes. I'm ready to be a father. I mean it." When he says this, I start crying and he pulls me towards his chest and just holds me. 


*Three Months Later*

Ryan's POV

I'm freaking the fuck out right now. Why am I freaking out, you may ask? Well, wouldn't you be freaking out if, though you couldn't feel anything, a doctor just sliced you open so he could pull a baby out of you? I went into labor about an hour and a half ago and now, Ron's holding my hand while a doctor cuts me open.

"WAAAHHH!" My baby cries.

"It's a boy! But wait! There's another one!" Soon, the tiny cries of another baby erupt. "It's a girl!" 

♠ ♠ ♠
Listening To: Shine Down by Godsmack