Perfectly Flawed

Wild ride.

Gerard just looked at me for a second before laughing lightly. It was sorta a nervous laugh. Almost like he wasn’t quite sure what to make of me… I smiled stupidly back at him but god! What was I doing? Trying to set a date with him! I wasn’t prepared, not yet at least.

That was the whole point of me coming off to have to coffee. To sit and think and plan… I needed clothes like badly, and for that I would need money… Hmm, I wonder if I could rob a bank? Would that be wrong? Well yeah duh it would be wrong. It’s a federal offense…

But maybe something less offensive? Or less federal at least? A convenience store? That might work, but I would need a gun… Unless I'm like a burglar! A ‘Kat’ burglar! I laughed to myself, well sorta to myself. I was smiling at the thoughts in my head a little to widely I guess and it showed on my face.

“What is it?” Gerard asks and I looked up a little shocked that he was still sitting here. I had forgotten.

“Mmm, nothing. You know what, I gotta go.” I apologize to him as I stood up. I had to get out of here. Reorganize my thoughts a little.

“What? Why?” He went to reach like he was going to stop me.

“I'm running late. I'm sorry, I forgot.” I lie to him a little flustered as I grabbed my bag and my sweatshirt from the booth.

“Wait, you wanna take my number then?” He says and I smiled a little at him.

“Naw, we’ll run into each other again. I'm sure of it.” I tell him as I went to leave and then I paused a second. “Mmm thanks for the coffee Gerard.” I winked at him and then I don't know what possessed me to, but I leant over and kissed his cheek lightly. You’d think his skin would be smooth, with that cute little baby face of his. But it was sorta scruffy. Felt like he needed a shave. I took a deep breath in of him as I pulled back. His scent was intoxicating. There was no other word for it really…He sorta smiled back at me as I darted out the door.

God! Think Kat! Think! I yelled at myself as I walked down the street. Looked like we were in the city. Probably not to far from the Cartoon Network offices… I mean that’s where he said he was coming from. But I wasn’t really that familiar with the city.

I found myself thinking of this park that Kenny and I use to go to years ago when we were dating. It was right on the other side of the Hudson, in Jersey. They had benches and little trails and shit. I would go there often to think. It always seemed to give me inspiration for some reason. But they had torn it down a year or so ago to build some condos. But that was like 2007. It was 1999 now. That means it would still be there…

I ducked down a deserted alley and pulled my laptop out quickly. Probably not the best move, but whatever. I opened the screen and my mind went totally blank as the screen came up. I forgot what the name of that park was… Did it even have a name? I mean we would just call it ‘the park’ by his house.

Hmm… let’s try- ’May 10th, 1999, mid afternoon, Park in Jersey’... I typed it in and hit enter. Right away an error message came up.

“Multiple locations found. Please enter additional details.” I read softly out loud and frowned a little at the screen. I didn’t have any additional details to enter.

Okay how about. the one with Kenny. I added and I shrugged a little. I mean would my magical keyboard know which one that was? Well, there was only one way to find out. I put my finger on the enter button and squeezed my eyes shut as I pressed it. Suddenly the noise of the city faded and the only sound left was that of a bird chirping.

“Yes!” I cried out as I opened my eyes. I was in the park! The one by Kenny’s house too! Oh this was just way to easy. I totally had the hang of this.

“Kat? Is that you?” A voice called out and I slowly lifted my eyes up to the source.

Aw fuck… Maybe I didn’t quite have the hang of it yet…