

The rest of the week passed in an uneventful blur. No screaming. No weird voices. I thought things were calming down for the better, but then Scott told me were basically kidnapping Liam and chaining him in the basement of Lydia's lake house. Liam hadn't actually spoken to me. He ignored me in the mornings and acted like I didn't exist during the day. Mason was still friendly, though he seemed more worried about what was going on than I was. It wasn't like anyone could tell him that his best friend had been turned into a werewolf. That was the quickest way to land him in Eichen House.

"Are you riding with me to the Lake House?" Lydia asked when school was finally over.

"Uhm...yeah. What exactly are we doing? Liam's not going to want to kill us or anything, right?" If I was being honest, I was terrified. I was still iffy with Scott, and he proved to be trustworthy. Liam was a freshly turned werewolf with a preexisting anger issue, and from what I'd heard, that wasn't a good thing.

"He's going to want to kill us either way. This is just going to stop him from killing other people." Her words didn't settle my stomach at all, but I had a feeling that nothing will.

"You okay? You look like you're going to be sick." Those were the first words Stiles had spoken to me directly all week. For once, he genuinely sounded concerned rather than the sarcastic tone he normally gave everyone. I wasn't sure what he had against me, but I wasn't going to ask him. No point in pissing him off even more. Obviously I'd rubbed him the wrong way from the beginning, but it wasn't my intention.

"I just don't think this is a good idea, but I'm new, so what the hell do I know?" I ran my fingers through my hair, sighing loudly and leaning against the lockers. I needed to get to the school bus before it left me.

"Come on. I'll take you home" I looked to Lydia with wide eyes, but all she did was give me an encouraging shrug in Stiles' direction. I wanted to run the opposite way. What if he purposely ran us off the road or something? It wasn't a secret that he wasn't my biggest fan, so why was he being nice all of a sudden?

"Uhm...sure." I followed him to his powder blue jeep, and to my surprise, he opened the door for me and helped me inside, "Thank you," I murmured as he shut the door. I gave him my address to put in his GPS, and the first few minutes of the ride were silent.

"I'm sorry." I turned to stare at him, eyebrows raised.

"Come again?"

"I'm sorry. I know I haven't exactly been welcoming, but we've had a lot of issues, and I wanted to make sure you weren't one of them." It was a bit insulting, but I didn't comment on that part.

"I'm not sure I understand." Was he like that with everyone that entered his circle of friends unexpectedly?

"Look, when someone new comes to Beacon Hills, it's normally not a good thing. People disappear, people die, people turn. I've just learned to expect the worst." That was a horrible way to live life.

"That's a bit cynical, don't you think?" I asked, turning so that my body fully faced him.

"No. It's just the truth. We haven't had a good visitor in the last three years."

"Not true. Kira's not evil." He rolled his eyes, glancing briefly in his rearview mirror.

"That's to be determined." His sarcastic tone was back, and I prayed that we got to my house soon. I felt like the conversation was going to go south pretty fast.

"She seemed alright to me." I'd only met Scott's girlfriend once, but she was incredibly sweet. She didn't seem like she had an evil bone in her body, but maybe Stiles new something everyone else didn't.

"Everyone seems alright to you." He turned the corner onto my street, and I was thankful that the ride was over.

"Wrong. I was skeptical about you and Scott from the beginning," I said honestly, unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing my bag from the floor.

"I'd be skeptical too if I saw someone with red eyes the first time I met them." I still didn't know the full story behind Scott, but I figured if it was of some importance, they would tell me eventually.

"Thank you for the ride." I opened the door, moving to get out.

"Do you have a ride to the party?" Stiles asked as I had one foot out of the door.

"Yeah. Lydia's coming to get me." He nodded once, looking a little disappointed. I raised my eyebrows in confusion but decided not to question him. I hopped down, turning to close the door.

"I'll see you tonight, then."

"Yeah." I shut the door and turned on my heel, letting myself inside my house. It was silent, and I knew neither of my parents were home. Their schedules were hectic, and I barely saw them in the mornings. It was a treat when one of them was home for dinner, and they were never home at the same time. I locked the front door behind me and walked up to my room, collapsing onto my bed. I debated on whether or not I should change clothes and decided that it would be smart, but I still had time before Lydia was even supposed to be on her way.

I managed to sleep for an hour and a half before I got in the shower. I kept my outfit simple, settling on jeans and a baseball tee. I slid my feet into my chucks, just incase I needed to make a quick getaway. There was no way I was going to run around in heels all night. I didn't know how long all of this was supposed to take. I was brushing through my hair when I heard a horn honk out front. I glanced out of my window, seeing Lydia parked in my driveway. I rushed to gather the rest of my stuff, grabbing a sweater and my keys. I locked the front door behind me and walked to Lydia's car, sliding into the passenger's seat. She stared at my outfit, a look of disapproval on her face.

"If I'm going to die tonight, I want to die comfortable," I said in response to her expression. She seemed to accept my statement and pulled out of my driveway, nearly speeding down the street, "So how is this supposed to go exactly?" I asked as she made a quick turn.

"I'm not entirely sure. We told Liam it was a party, so he's probably going to be mad when he gets there and he realizes that's not what it is." She trailed off, driving up a hill. I groaned, placing my hand over my eyes.

"Are you sure it's smart to piss him off? I mean what if he's starts to turn or something?" I really wasn't prepared for this, but I knew Lydia, or either of the guys for that matter, was going to let me stay home.

"We don't really have another plan. Liam's scared, and he's not going to let us help him willingly. Besides, Scott can handle him. He's an alpha." I wasn't unfamiliar with the term, but it was a little shocking to learn the information.

"That explains the red eyes then." I nodded to myself, turning to look out the window. I could see the moon rising slowly, and I hoped none of us were going to die tonight.

"You really don't know anything about this stuff, do you?" She asked, suddenly concerned. One thing I'd learned about Lydia was that a lot of people thought that she was superficial and stuck up, but they couldn't be more wrong. That might have been how she appeared to other people, but in my opinion, she had a giant heart. She'd been nothing but nice to me since I met her.

"No. I remember my grandmother telling me that I was a banshee when I was younger, but they locked her up in a mental hospital, said she was schizophrenic because she could hear things. That was when the screaming started for me, and then things just started turning up dead. I didn't really know what was going on. My parents took me to the doctor, and every test came back negative, so they didn't know why I was fainting. Then I lost the small group of friends that I had because I was "crazy". The more dead bodies I found, the more the police started to think that I had something to do with them, so we moved here." It was good to finally get everything on the table. For once, someone understood what I was going through. I didn't feel alone anymore.

"They locked my grandma up too. She died in Eichen House."

"I'm sorry," I whispered honestly. As far as I knew, my grandmother was still alive, but she'd been so doped up on drugs the past few years that she hardly knew what reality was anymore. My parents didn't want me to see her.

"It's okay. I know how you're feeling. I went through it; the confusion, the inability to control it. I still go through it honestly. I don't think it really goes away for us." And the depressing part was that I knew she was right. We rode in silence the rest of the way, and Scott was already there when Lydia pulled into the driveway of the lake house. Stiles was standing a few feet behind him, typing away furiously on his phone.

"Do we have everything we need?" Lydia asked, walking straight for the front door. I followed behind her, giving Scott a small wave as I passed him.

"This is it." Stiles tossed down a bag I didn't realize he was holding. It jingled and clanged when it hit the floor, chains and handcuffs falling out.

"Is that going to hold him?" The chains looked pretty old, and I couldn't shake the feeling that they were going to break. I had to be hopeful though.

"They should." He didn't sound positive, and I got a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't protest though. They'd already been through this. I hadn't.

"Are you guys sure Liam is even going to show up?" What if he bailed last minute and completely attacked his family? They lived next door. What if one my parents decided to come home in the middle of the night, and he attacked one of them? The thought made me sick to my stomach.

"Yes. Kira is bringing him." I let out a small sigh of relief. At least they knew he was coming, but it was going to be hard to get him chained to anything. He wasn't going to agree to that. I saw lights in the front window, and I knew Kira had just pulled up. My anxiety slowly set in, and I sat down on one of the chairs in the room. The static started, and I closed my eyes, willing the noise to go away. I really didn't want to have an episode right now, especially not in front of Liam. As far as I knew, he wasn't in the loop about anything that was going on with me, and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Alana." I could hear Stiles talking to me, but his voice was muffled. I could vaguely hear Liam getting louder, but everything sounded like I was under water. I pressed a hand to my forehead, hoping it would help, but the static got louder. I covered my ears, putting as much pressure as I could, but I felt like my head was going to explode, and then I screamed.


When I finally came to, I was on a bed, presumably in one of the rooms upstairs, and Stiles was on my right, his leg bouncing nervously as he bit at his nails. I pushed myself into a sitting position, rubbing at my eyes.

"I did it again," I sighed, knowing this was getting old. How many times was it going to happen? I hadn't heard Lydia scream once since I've known her, but I'd screamed three times this week. Could I not catch a break?


"Liam probably thinks I'm a freak," I groaned, throwing myself back against the pillows.

"You're worried about what Liam thinks?" Stiles asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Kinda. He's already an asshole as it is. I can't wait to hear what jokes he's going to come up with. Best neighbor of the year," I grumbled sarcastically, pushing my hair from my face. I sat up again, knowing we couldn't stay here forever. I heard music downstairs, which was strange.

"He was actually really worried about you." It was surprising to hear, but I didn't bother to respond. I walked to the door, swinging it open. I was hit with a loud burst of music, and I immediately closed the door, my ears ringing.

"What the hell is going on down there? I didn't actually think there was going to be a party." I suddenly regretted my outfit choice, but it wasn't like I could go home to change.

"Liam made the mistake of telling his friend where he was going. The whole school is downstairs." I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Mason to invite everyone to a party that wasn't actually supposed to happen.

"Well, we might as well go downstairs and enjoy the festivities." It would be my first high school party, and I hated to admit that I was nervous.

"Wait, are you okay?" I nodded my head, but there was a name floating in the back of my mind.

Demarco Montana

I didn't know the person, but I didn't know majority of the people whose names I'd heard or the people that turned up dead. I tried to shake the thought off, hoping it wasn't anything serious. We still hadn't figured out what or who Mute was, but somehow, this felt different.

"Do you know who Demarco Montana is?" I asked, hoping that he did. Maybe we'd be able to save whoever this person was.

"No, I don't" I walked outside and down the stairs, taking them two at a time. I needed to find Scott or Lydia. One of them might know who he was. Scott was nowhere to be found in the mass of bodies, and Lydia was missing as well.

"Where's Scott?" I said when Stiles appeared by my side.

"He had to go after Liam." My eyes widened, and my heartbeat spiked. If Scott had to go after him, it meant that Liam had broken the chains. He was loose, and only God knew where he was. This wasn't good.

"Where's Lydia?" He shrugged, and I left him standing there, walking through the kitchen. I saw Lydia talking to the blond guy from my history class. A horrible feeling settled over me as she snatched a bottle of wine from him. He was bad news, and I needed to tell her. She turned to walk out of the kitchen but was stopped by someone delivering what looked like a keg. I pushed my way through the few people and tugged on her arm, "Lydia, I need to talk to you," I said, nervously glancing blondie. He was glaring at me, and I desperately wanted to get away from him.

"I'm not paying for this," she said to the guy, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room and back up the stairs, "What's going on?"

"Do you know someone named Demarco Montana?" I asked, hoping that she did.

"No, why?"

"He's going to die tonight." I was never one to predict death, but I could feel this one, and I didn't like it. Whoever this person was, he was going to be dead before the night was over, and I knew I was going to be the one to find his body.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused, but I thought what I said was pretty obvious.

"Demarco Montana is going to die tonight," I repeated myself, praying that she understood me this time.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." She pulled me away from the noise and into a room I assumed was an office. It was stark white, and I was afraid to touch anything, almost sure that it was going to get dirty. She shut the door, and all noise immediately ceased. Her eyes widened, and she reached to open the door again, the noise returning. She closed it, surrounding us with silence again, "Lydia." She shushed me, walking toward the far wall of the room. Clearly, she was hearing something that I didn't, but then I did. A whirring sound, like a record player. I couldn't see the source, but Lydia was staring at the wall like there was something behind it. She walked over to her laptop that was sitting on the desk, opening it. A long code appeared, confusing me further.

"Who did you say was going to die?"

"Demarco Montana." I repeated his name for the fourth time. I could still hear the whirring, and it was starting to hurt my eardrums.


Lydia was staring at the code, trying to figure it out, but none of it made any sense. I saw a small box at the bottom asking for the cypher key.


I heard the name again and figured it had to mean something, but I didn't know anyone named Allison, and I didn't know if it was going to work. It was worth a shot though.

"Lydia, try Allison." Her fingers moved slow as she typed the name, but as soon as she pressed enter, the code changed into a list of names, each with a number by it. I wasn't any less confused than I had been a second before, but it was obvious that Lydia knew what was going on, "What is that?" I asked, seeing Scott and Lydia's name both on the list with the number 20 and 25 by them.

"It's a deadpool."