Working at Hell Taco


For the Good Deeds Contest

If you have never had a customer service job, or are interested in working fast food, here is a little peek in to that world. Not all days are good. Not all days are bad. Most of the time, if not all the time, they are a bit of both. I think it's about patience, and making it what you want it to be. If all you see, and think is bad, that's what it is. If you stay patient through the bull shit, and keep a good attitude, then you will be able to find, or create your own positivity.

The following events are true, and names have been changed. Some of the food products have also been changed. That's to protect me, and my job. I signed a contract, that said I wouldn't slander the business, or divulge any of the food secrets, including preparations. Yet, I did keep it pretty dang close to home.

My fast food tips:
*Wait out the bull shit

*Keep your cool

*Your attitude affects other people, just like other people affect you

*When dealing with customers play by the book.
No matter what the customer does, or says to you. (They will say, and do a lot.) I've had drunk men say that they loved me, and want me to go home with them. I've had glasses of water thrown, bags of food snatched from me, then thrown on the ground. People that eat their food in front of me, then claim they never got it. Shit happens.

*Be professional, and respectful, with fellow employees, and customers.
If things get serious, and managers check the mics/cameras for an incident, then let the other person look like a fool. Just do what you get paid to do.

*Know when you need a manager

*Strong bonds with co-workers can make everything worth while.
You'll want someone to listen to you, when you talk about how your cat stuck it's tongue in your nose while you slept. Sometimes, that little chuckle about your coworkers daughter saying pop porn instead of pop corn, is exactly what you needed. Fast food sucks, but it also has it's good moments.