My Impossible Life

The Start

My life was never the same. I was just some new girl who happened to fall for you and yet you made my life impossible. I was such a good person so maybe that’s why I fell for a person like you but then again, maybe not. This is our story… or more correctly my story.
I first saw you in gym class but started liking you after you became friends with a girl I was soon to become friends with. When I became friends with her I got to know you. I started to like you and look forward to gym every day. Your brown shaggy hair and your deep brown eyes, you were alluring. It wasn’t just looks though, it was your personality. You started to get to know me too.
When you would say hello, I would melt. When you hugged me, I never wanted you to let go. Unfortunately you did.
It started one day when a guy who knew you came up to me and told me you had been arrested. I didn’t believe it. Or rather I didn’t want to. I called the girl who was now my friend. She said it was probably a lie. I felt better until the next day.
When I saw you in the morning, I came up to you. “I’m going to kill your friend. He scared me and said you had been arrested.” You said it was true and showed me the proof. You showed me that house arrest band that was around your ankle. I was shocked. The next day (or maybe couple of days) you did not come to school. I was terrified.
Rumors spread that you had been expelled from school. But that was later proven false. The girl got your number from another girl in her art class. I talked to you and was so happy to hear from you again but was some what sad that you couldn't remember me. I later called you but didn’t know what to say so I hung up. I did that many times each time hoping I had courage to say something. Finally I told my friend to text you and tell you to call me. You told her to tell me to call you. I did. We talked and later my friend gave you my mibba address and you saw pictures and remembered me.
Later you spoke to my friend and told her to ask me out for you. I said yes! If only you knew how much I remembered you!