My Impossible Life


Last night I texted you and you were so sweet. You know just the right thing to say to make my heart melt. I confessed that I liked you the moment I saw you. You said that you did too. You told me you were falling for me and I said I was falling for you. I totally fell head over heels for you. Your smile, Your hugs, You... I loved it all. I wish you were here by me. When you call or text, my heart would skip a beat. I love you and you love me... what else can I say? I feel like we are the only two people left on earth when we talk.
I smile at night while I'm slowly falling asleep. It's because I'm thinking of you. keep my yearbook open and when I can't sleep I look at your picture. I smile and fall asleep, dreaming about you and me togeather.
You make me smile and I love your sense of humor. I anxiously wait for you to come see me.
I can never stop thinking about you. It's undiscribable. This feeling... some call it love but I know it's more. There's no words to discribe it.