Status: I hope you enjoy!!

Prince of Blood


I don't know why I thought that following Austin would be able to clear up this mess. I mean, what did I expect to find? Whatever I expected, it was most certainly not what I found. I walked to the school, keeping a low profile. When I got there I went straight for the football field. The team was practicing, but I didn't see Austin. The way he effortlessly kicked ass out there was usually pretty easy to spot.

I jogged down to the field. Nick, one of Austin's friends, was by the edge of the field. His dark brown hair was saturated with sweat and his face was pinkish as he guzzled down water.

"Nick!" I called.
"Oh, hey Callaway." Nick said breathlessly.
I rolled my eyes; Why do guys always call people by their last name?

"Have you seen Austin anywhere?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah. He said he had to get something from his locker." Nick told me.
"Okay. Thanks!" I said as I began to jog back up to the school.
I tried the front door. Locked.

I knew that the gym doors were open because of the sports' practices. I rounded the corner to the gym door, when I caught sight of Austin in the middle of an intense make-out session with Cassi Sanders.

Ew, ew, ew, and ew again.

But I didn't leave. I watched. Even if it meant making myself physically ill. Cassi had her back against the wall. She had her fingers intertwined in his hair and he had his arms around her waist. They were breathing really loud. Austin's lips moved down to Cassi's neck. At first, I thought he was giving her a hickey.

Cassi moaned in pleasure as she buried her face into Austin's hair. After about ten minutes, Austin pulled away from her neck. When he moved I could clearly see two little holes in Cassi's neck.
Blood was trickling out of them. Austin took a step away from Cassi. I could clearly see the blood on his lips. He smiled, and I could see fangs. Fangs that were sooo not there before.

"Forget," He whispered seductively.
Cassi looked mesmerized as she murmured, "Yes. Whatever you say." in a dream like voice.
Austin draped Cassi's auburn hair over her shoulder to cover the bite mark. "Good. Now go." he purred. She walked away smiling to herself.

I realized that I was hyperventilating. I closed my eyes and slumped against the wall, hidden behind the corner. 'Oh My God! Oh My God!' I thought over and over again. Because I had come to a conclusion that the Kardigan's were vampires. How could I have ever been so stupid? I mean, it was all right in front of me! The fact that they never ate, their paleness, their otherworldly beauty, their silver eyes, their overall perfectness with the underling current of danger... It was so obvious! Well... If you have a wild imagination and one too many Tequila shots. Because, no matter how well the pieces fit together, I could not make myself believe it.

Slowly, I opened my eyes.

Austin's face was right in front of mine causing me to flinch back against the wall. He scared the living crap out of me. His wide silver eyes were staring into mine, searching for something.
He looked entirely focused, but I could sense some panic underneath it all. The blood was wiped from his lips and the fangs were gone. Or at least not visible. But that didn't make me less startled.

"How much did you see?" He demanded abruptly.
Well, it is nice to see you too, I thought as I stared at him.
"Enough," I said arrogantly. Well, I couldn't let him think that I was intimidated by him.
"And? What do you think?" He asked tonelessly.

"I think that you are a vampire." I said.
He didn't laugh in my face or call me crazy like I was hoping he would do.
"This is the part where you explain everything and tell me that it is all in my imagination." I prompted.
He didn't say anything.

"So, it is true?" I whispered, almost too shocked to speak.
"Yes,: He said emotionless.
"Oh my god!" I babbled, panicking. "Austin, does this-" He cut me off.
"First, that is not my first name. Second-" This time it was my turn to cut him off.

"Wait. Not your real name? Then what is your real name?"
He sighed, "My real name is Austeralgo, and Kate's real name is Hekate. We shortened them to blend in better."

I felt sic. Everything that I thought I knew just flew right out of the window and into space. I hadn't even known what my best friends real name was! I couldn't stop myself from asking the rudest question that popped into my head.
"What kind of names are those?"

"Greek," He said. "All immortals have Greek names so it is easier for us to identify each other."
There were two things about what he said that stood out. First off, he said "all" meaning there were more of them. And he also said "immortals" not vampires. Meaning that there were more 'mythical' beings out there besides Vampires.

"Are you okay? He asked. "Are you going to have a nervous breakdown or something?"
"No," I lied.
"Well, good. Cause you and me are going to go for a little drive to see some people that can help sort out this whole mess." He said.
"Are we going to your house?" I asked softly.

"My house? Hell no. They would kill me. No, we are going to see some friends of mine." Austin said.
"Okay, but you better not be planning to be bringing me as some kind of side-dish." I warned.
"We are not like that," He muttered, looking at the wall over my shoulder instead of looking me in the eye.
"Well, then what are you like?" I asked gently.

"When it comes to vampires, what you see is not what you get." He murmured.
"Good," I said. "Cause so far the only things I've seen are blood and fangs. And I definitely don't want those... Speaking of which. Did you always have fangs?"

He laughed a little, then smiles, showing all his teeth. Nope. No fangs.
Then he said, "They are retractable." And then his two canine teeth grew. Pointed and jagged. Looking just like plastic vampire fangs. Only sharper, whiter, shinier, and deadlier.

"Oh," I said, startled.
He laughed, but the strain didn't leave his face.
"Okay... But what about all the other things? Like, aren't vampires supposed to be... I don't know, immortal? You have been aging since I met you. And I thought that vampires couldn't have kids. And you have parents so... And shouldn't Cassi be a vampire now? You bit her. And how are you out in the sun right now?" I asked, babbling on and on.

He laughed. It made things seem more normal. Except that his fangs were still in place.
"Well, most myths about vampires are somewhat true." Austin said, "Like the kid thing. You see, there are two different types of vampires-"

He stopped, and tilted his head to the side, listening. I listened too. At first I didn't hear anything, but after a second I could hear the sounds of football players' booming laughter approaching us. Austin's face became very alert.

"We have to go," He said, and his fangs began to retract.
"What?" I teased, "You don't want your buddies to know you the quarterback of the undead?"

He rolled his eyes and began to pull me towards the parking lot.
"Shouldn't you be having post traumatic stress disorder or something?" He said, "Or feinting? That would be helpful..."
"You would be surprised how much I can handle." I mumbled.

"Wll, c'mon let's go. I'll explain the rest in the car." He said.
"Mhm." I mumbled.

I let Austin lead me. My thoughts were swirling and my stress level was rising like a bizzilion times faster than it ever should. My best friend was a vampire. The guy that I had the biggest crush on drank girls' blood while making out with them. And I was being taken to a group of immortals. Very possibly like a bottle of wine. Not to mention I had a huge science test the next day.

I felt sick.