
Intro/The beginning

My alarm clock goes off at the usual 6am wake up call for Avon Dale’s High School in Auburn hills, Michigan. I slam my hand down on the snooze button & then I wait in my bed for a couple lazy minutes. I wake up the earliest in my house because I just like to feel more awake and ready before school. I walk by my brothers’ room & hear him snoring and some gibberish, like he does all the time.
I eat a quick breakfast and head out in my Dad’s hand–me- down jeep. My dad passed away a couple years ago from a Cancer that just wouldn’t let him be—and so that was definitely a hard time for my family and I. He always supported me in everything I did and what I was passionate about. He was definitely one of my heroes, and still is.

But let’s move on from the sad stuff and onto the school subject. I don’t live far from my school and my friends and I usually like to meet up outside the front of the school before our classes start. I wouldn’t say I have a lot of friends, only two really close ones, and there’s other people I think as my close acquaintances or possible enemies.

One of my best friends is Ariana; we’ve been friends for about five years now. That girl would do anything for me, and I’d return the favor just as easily. She’s a tough cookie & can be a tomboy when she wants to. I tease her a lot about it, but then she jokes that I’m more girly than she is & we just laugh it off. I’ve recently been feeling uncomfortable after we make those certain jokes towards each other, which usually never happens, cause it’s just playful banter; nothing to worry about…right?
My other best friend is Logan; I’ve known him since the 4th grade, and we’ve always been close like brothers. He aims for high grades in school and always stays on his best behavior. It’s mostly because his parents want him to be that way, so you gotta feel kinda bad for the kid trying to live up to their standards all the time…but he can do it, and has been. Whenever we’re together, trouble isn’t far, and we can usually talk about anything with each other.