Status: Won't be updated ever again. No matter how much you want it.

Final Delivery


I woke up the next with a small smile on my face. Last night was bliss. I sat up in bed, sighing happily. “He tucked me into bed,” I said giddily. I looked over to my bag and saw a small piece of yellow paper on top. I climbed out of bed and walked over to it. It was from Gerard.

We still have to sing together. I’m waiting to hear your take on Welcome to the Black Parade.
Sweet dreams princess. Xo.xo G,
’ it read. I smiled. I so needed to tell Greg. Hurrying about my apartment, I got ready for work.


I walked into work and saw Greg pushing two racks full of clothes. I guess there was a photo shoot today. “Hey Greg,” I said pushing one of the racks.

“Moring Dahl,” he said to me. “So how was last night? I need details. Where did you go? Did you two kiss? Tell me it was some place nice and not cheap. I know he has money,” he rambled.

I grinned. “Last night was amazing, Greg. We went out for burgers. We got the same meal without even knowing! We walked through the park together. We held even hands,” I said.

“Did you guys kiss?” Greg asked, stopping in front of a waiting band. I stopped as well, not seeing who the band was.

“No,” I said, looking down afterwards.

“You were supposed to kiss,” Greg said, placing his hands on his hips.

“At least we held hands,” I said.

“Uh, sorry to bother you two, but where’s our photographer? We’ve been waiting here for almost an hour now just sitting,” a voice said on my right.

I turned my head to where the voice was coming from and saw Patrick Stump. He stood with his hands behind his back in jeans, a white shirt, and red hoodie. He was sporting a brown pageboy cap as well with matching shoes.

“Do you know which photographer you were getting? If not I’m willing to do the shoot,” I said.

“No, no one told us who we were getting,” Patrick said.

“Well, I guess I’m going to be your photographer for today. The name is Dahlia, Dahlia Darton,” I said extending a hand to shake.

Patrick took it. “Patrick Stump,” he said.

“Oh, I know. Where’s the rest of Fall Out Boy?” I asked, scratching my head.

“Right over here,” Patrick said, motioning to follow him. I did and saw the rest of Fall Out Boy sitting in chairs. Pete appeared to be agitated with the fact that no one was paying attention to him and the band. Andy and Joe were quietly conversing with each other.

“Guys, our photographer is here,” Patrick said to the group. They all looked towards me with tired looks. Well, Andy and Joe did. Pete simply glared towards me. I guess Patrick saw because he then told Pete to be nice.

“Alright, I’ll set up my camera while Greg gets you your outfits and things. Greg! I need you pronto,” I said. Greg came over quickly.

“Yes Dahl? What do you need?”

“Dress them in suits or anything fancy. Don’t molest Pete or grope Patrick. Got it?” I asked in a hushed tone. I didn’t want to scare the men of Fall Out Boy.

Greg nodded. “I’ll do it as long as I can stare at Pete’s ass.”

“Touch with your eyes and look with your hands,” I spoke.

“I never understood that but okay.” Greg walked away, taking the band with him.

I began to set up my camera and get the photo shoot space ready. It appeared that our background was a plain red brick wall. I could work with that. Once I was finished setting up my phone began to ring. I quickly picked it up, not checking to see who was calling.

“Sleep well, princess?” Gerard’s smooth voice asked. My face lit up with a smile.

“Yeah, so I read your note. I’m ready to sing,” I said, taking a strand of my hair and curling it with my index finger.

“Do you want meet up later on tonight? You can come over to my place. I just have to clean a little bit,” he spoke. His voice was light, and airy. I could tell he was happy.

“That sounds nice,” I said biting my lip. “You just have to let me know where you live and all.” Gosh, why am I acting like such a girl?

“I live down by the Chelsea Piers. If you start at the top of 7th Street, go three lights, and turn left you’ll be on my street. I’m all the way down at the end. You can’t miss the building. It’s yellow. Also there’s a strip club across the street from it.”

“So if I see scantily clad women walking to work I’m in the right spot?”

“Yeah,” he said. He sounded nervous now.

“I’ll be there. What time?”

“Is six good for you? We could have dinner. I’m not a super chef, but I can make pasta.”

“Pasta sounds really good. God only knows how long it has been since I’ve had a home cooked meal.”

“I’ll be waiting then,” Gerard said. I said my goodbye and hung up.

I spun around and fell backwards when I was face to face with Pete Wentz. I looked up at him from the floor. “Yes?” I asked awkwardly.

He smirked. “Date with the boyfriend tonight? How sweet,” he said.

“I d-don’t have a boyf-friend,” I stuttered. I thought Pete only looked terrifying in posters. I didn’t expect him to be this menacing in real life.

His lips formed a sly smile. “Then how about we go out for a drink tonight? We could have a good time and get shit faced.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t drink. I’m not old enough,” I said honestly. I was only eighteen.

Pete frowned. “That’s a shame, but we can still go out tonight.”

“I’m afraid that I have something to do tonight. I’m sorry. Also you may be attractive, but you’re not my type. You scare me too much.”

“I could change that, sweetie,” Pete said huskily.

I stood up. “I’m still going to say no. I already have my eyes set on someone else.”

“So you do have a boyfriend,” he said.

“We’re not together,” I said tilting my head down, “At least not yet.”

“Oh come on sweet cheeks, one night with me and you’ll change your mind.” Pete was pretty persistent.

“No thank you. Now I have pictures to take, so can you please go over and join your band now?”

Pete nodded and walked away from me. I knew that this photo shoot wasn’t going to be easy.

An hour later I had finished taking pictures of Fall Out Boy. Pete had once again asked me to go out with him that night. I was once again politely declined. Patrick then decided to pull him away. I packed my camera into my bag and made sure I had everything I needed. I still had a few more hours of work, but I had other things to do besides take photos. Those hours passed by quickly.

I was finally free from my job at five in the evening. I walked to my car and got inside. Now I only had to make the journey to Gerard’s. I sped off in hopes of getting there a little earlier than six. I loved watching a man cook and I was hoping I would get to watch Gerard.

My mind went off playing different scenarios in my head as I drove through the city. I smiled when I thought of the cliché Lady and the Tramp scene. I stopped at a red light and put on my turn signal. We hadn’t kissed yet and I was hoping that tonight would be the night.

The light turned green and I turned down the street. Now I just had to find a strip club and a yellow building. Not too soon I was at the end of the street parking in front of Gerard’s apartment building. Pulling out my phone, I dialed his number. I got out of my car as it rang.

“Hello?” Gerard’s voice asked.

“Hey, it’s me Dahlia. I’m downstairs,” I said.

“I’ll buzz you in.”

I jogged to the door so I could get in. Much to my delight, I reached the door in time and walked in. “What floor are you on?” I asked seeing the massive amount of stairs.

“I’m on the second floor. I’m the door with the black welcome mat,” he said.

I jogged up the stairs and I could smell the pasta. I calmed myself down and walked to the door. “I’m at the door,” I said into my phone. I then could no longer hear anything from my phone.

“Hello princess,” Gerard said when he opened the door. A spoon was held in his right hand and apron covered his shirt and jeans. “Come on in. The pasta is almost done.”

I walked inside and took in my surroundings. The walls of Gerard’s apartment were a deep red and all of the furniture coordinated. In the far back of the living you could see an art desk with stacks of paper on it. Close to it was a bookcase that had books threatening to fall out. At the bottom were piles of comic books. I heard the door close and I quickly snapped back to reality.

Gerard walked pass me. “Make yourself comfortable. The pasta is close to done. I hope you like tortellini,” he said, waving the spoon absent mindedly. I nodded and followed him to his kitchen.

The walls were a wine color and all of the appliances were stainless steel. My face lit up when I saw a small table near a window. Two plates were neatly set with two glasses. I could see that the silverware was already placed as well as napkins. A small vase with a single rose sat in the center. It was all very romantic.

“You sure do go all out with these kinds of things,” I said, watching him stir.

Gerard slightly jumped. I guess he didn’t know I followed him. “I couldn’t help myself. I’m a bit of a romantic.”

“I can definitely see that,” I said walking over to the table. I took a seat and looked at the rose. It was a vibrant red and in full bloom.

“Pasta’s done,” Gerard spoke, carrying a pot of pasta over. He placed it on the table and then took a seat. He gestured for me to serve myself from the pot. I gladly did so.

“So are you ready to sing your heart out?” He asked when he began to serve himself.

I took a bite of food, chewed, and swallowed. “More ready than I have ever been. I guess you’re going to make me sing Welcome to the Black Parade first?”

“Nah, I’ll let you sing a few songs so you can warm up for it,” Gerard said smiling. We continued to talk and eat. Our conversation was mostly about music tonight. Gerard was telling me about the music scene when he was my age. I felt like such a spring chicken listening to him.

Soon all of the pasta was gone and I was helping Gerard clear the table. He was humming a tune I wasn’t familiar with. I placed the plates in the sink and felt someone stand behind me. I then looked up and saw Gerard’s head on mine.

“You know you didn’t have to help me,” he said. His whole body was pressing into my back warmly. Gerard felt so cuddly at that moment.

“I wanted to. I don’t mind anyway,” I spoke. I turned so that Gerard’s head was still on mine. Gerard had kept his apron on all of this time and I had yet notice. I stretched my arms and undid his apron. It fell to the floor to reveal a semi tight, white shirt. “You know I like this,” I whispered.

“Hmm, do you?” Gerard asked in a low voice. It sounded like he was humming his sentences.

“Yes, I do and I also like this shirt of yours.” I was being quite forward tonight.

Gerard moved his head from on top of mine and touched our foreheads together. “You know what I like?” He asked. Our faces were so close to each other’s. I could feel the heat rising between us.

“What?” I asked, whispering.

I felt warm lips touch mine and strong arms around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck. Our lips moved slowly across each other’s. I could feel Gerard smile into out kiss. He then pulled back leaving me still with my eyes closed. My lips were tingling.

I felt Gerard’s hot breath by my ear. “Kissing,” he whispered. A shiver ran down my spine.
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I'm back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter too!

For those who slash I suggest you read these two stories! They were my contest winners!

First Place

Second Place