Status: Re-Write

Secrets and Temptations

Chapter 6

Zack's POV

“We'll go get more snacks.” Matt said after the Harry Potter movie.

“Have fun.” I said as him, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny got up to go to the kitchen.

“You too, dumb ass.” He barked as he slapped me upside the head. I winced, but followed the whole lot of them. When we got upstairs, Matt and Jimmy turned on me while Brian and short shit really did go looking for snacks. “What are you doing?”

“I was forced to get snacks?” I answered with a question since this was their idea. I didn't know this was a bad thing… since they literally told me to come up too.

“No, he meant with Sin.” Jimmy said before telling Johnny to get more brownies.

“Nothing.” I am officially confused; Sin and I are just friends.

“Better be nothing.” Brian glared at me. I gave him an expression saying 'really dude? Really?'

“If it's nothing, then why did you give her your shorts and hoodie? And why were you texting her during the movie?” Jimmy continued with the interrogation.

“Dude, you got her number and you didn't give it to us? … Wait, is that who you were secretly texting at the studio?” Johnny questioned while busting me for breaking Matt's 'no cellphones while recording' rule… fucker.

“I gave her clothes because she was outside at five in the morning with a short night dress on and she got vomit on the hoodie she was wearing. And I got her number by chance and you see how shy she is, so I didn't want to hand her number out without her permission. I texted her during recording because I knew she wanted to apologize for how she reacted to the gift we gave her. And I texted her during the movie because I was bored and I wanted to tell her that if she apologized to Gena about the plastic surgery comment, everything would be cool between them.” I defended myself and Jimmy snorted. “What?”

“Sorry, that's just a lot of excuses. Also, Gena won't forgive Sin even if Sin felt like apologizing. He stated and I shook my head.

“He's right, Zack.” Great, Brian was joining in. “Michelle already told me that Gena hates Sin; she's just slightly playing nice to avoid a fight with you.”

“Sin and I are just friends! There are no romantic feelings what-so-ever. There's about as much romantic feelings between us as there are with any of you guys; none.” I was getting annoyed now. I'm with Gena and I love her, so what right do they have to accuse me of something that's not true?

“If I wasn't married, I would try. Sin is really attractive and there's just something… fascinating about her.” Brian said and the others agreed.

“Hell, Lee and I talked about a threesome with her.” I cringed at Jimmy's confession.

“To have an open girl.” Brian shook his head with a grin. “But dude, Gena was glaring at you both through the whole movie. Do you realize how annoying it is to have Michelle bitching during the whole movie because of someone’s drama? Like damn, I just wanted to superglue her mouth shut.” I shook my head.

“Gena's not some crazy bitch who goes into a psychotic jealous rage.” I argued as Brian placed food in my arms so he could go get more… they really were planning on grabbing all the sweets.

“Bro, we can't have single female friends because of her… and Lacy and Michelle...” Jimmy gave an apologetic look to Johnny who seemed offended, where as Brian sighed and nodded his head. “All we're saying is, don't do anything stupid.”

“Plus, she seems pretty cozy with that Danny guy, so doing something stupid could just make her hate you.” Johnny said before Sin came up the stairs. “Hey.” Johnny tried to move his arms, but they were full.

“Whoa buddy, don't drop the food.” Cosmos grinned as her and Leana came up behind, but Cosmos was holding a bunch of clothes.

“Changing?” Jimmy asked and Cosmos nodded.

“Yeap, we're going to be playing dare games and making it a night.” She explained before Micah came up with clothes in his hands too and Danny came up beside Sin. “But, those girls down there are really… um… annoying.” Cosmos said and Sin nodded.

“How are they annoying?” I asked as I watched Sin closing herself up, but still taking a water bottle from Matt.

“Just whispering and pointing to Sin. We'd be talking about things back in New York or random shit and the blonde one that doesn't have a twin-”

“Gena.” I interrupted with my wife's name.

“Yeah, Gena- whatever- keeps saying shit and it makes me want to high-five her in the face with my fist.” Sin's friend admitted and I kind of took on a defensive stance.

“Like what?” I asked and Sin just tugged on Cosmos' shirt and whispering something about leaving.

“She's just being Gena.” Lee said before walking with the rest of them to upstairs.

Sin's POV

After the movie ended, Danny woke me up while the other boys went to go grab some more food. Leana and Cosmos were on the bed with Micah and summoning us up. With a slight whimper, I untangled myself from Danny and stretched my limbs out. I felt my legs involuntarily shake and heard Gena and her friends laughing. I instinctively forced my limbs to stop before crawling on the bed and sat with my friends.

“You fell asleep.” Cosmos laughed and I groaned.

“Dude, how many times have we seen this movie? I think I can be pardoned for falling asleep once.” I smiled as she cuddled into Micah's side; it was cute.

“True. But, did you seriously get any sleep last night?” She asked with a worried expression.

“Not really. I went to bed at ten and woke up around three.” I said while Danny sat next to me. I leaned against him and relished in his warmth and natural scent. He smelt and felt like home.

“Jeez, how long has this pattern been keeping up?” Danny asked while wrapping me in his arm.

“Um…. A month.” I grinned before yawning. I was getting really tired, but I didn't want to miss a second of my friends being here… especially since I did already take a nap.

“So, what's going on with that Zack guy?” Cosmos whispered and Lee almost spat out her drink.

“Gross.” I made a face at Lee who apologized. I waved it off as really nothing. “Nothing, we're friends.” I shrugged.

“You don't still believe that thing, do you?” Danny asked while Micah and Cosmos got night clothes to get into. I know Danny was talking about the belief that I would never really find love and happiness. I did still believe it, but I didn't get the chance to answer before Gena and her crones walked over.

“Can I help you home invaders?” I asked sweetly.

“Listen here you little tramp, Zack is mine. He's been mine for years and this ring-” She pointed to her wedding band. “means he will always be mine.” She said before Leana got up to defend me.

“Gena, stop. Sin and Zack are just friends. She's not trying to take him away and he's not trying to leave you.” Leana said before I could say anything.

“Please, a little fat groupie would fuck anyone with money. I know how you sluts work.” She glared daggers at me and I actually felt myself on the verge of tears.

“Well it's a good thing she's not a slut.” Cosmos said as she got in Gena's face. “Also, you need to get your ugly attitude and face out of my sight before I cut you. Come on, let's go change.” She threatened the blonde before grabbing my arm and dragging me up from the bed.

I followed silently as I wrapped my arms around my waist. Growing up, both my parents have made me feel horrible about my weight since I wasn't the thinnest kid around. My mom would always compare me to a whale (though beautiful creatures, they weren't what I wanted to be compared to), while my dad would just make me feel horrible about myself in general. And the 'slut' comment really didn't help because both my parents have told me that I would amount to nothing more than a prostitute. Not only did I feel bad about my weight, but I've always had a complex about sex and how to not be a whore.

“You're perfect the way you are.” Cos said before we opened the door.

“Thanks.” I smiled, but I could tell she didn't believe me one bit. We opened the door to see the guys taking more than half my kitchen down. Johnny was the first to notice us.

“Hey.” He tried to move his arms, but they were full, so he settled for nodding his head.

“Whoa buddy, don't drop the food.” Cosmos grinned while Lee tapped me on the shoulder. I looked into her eyes to see that she wanted to see if I was okay. I nodded and she smiled.

“Changing?” Jimmy asked while nodding to Cos' clothes.

“Yeap, we're going to be playing dare games and making it a night.” Glad to know the plans. “But, those girls down there are really… um… annoying.” I had to nod in agreement.

“How are they annoying?” Zack asked as I got a bottle of water from Matt's arms.

“Just whispering and pointing to Sin. We'd be talking about things back in New York or random shit and the blonde one that doesn't have a twin-”

“Gena.” Zack interrupted.

“Yeah, Gena- whatever- keeps saying shit and it makes me want to high-five her in the face with my fist.” I could see him getting his body ready for a fight.

“Like what?” He asked, but I tugged on her shirt, so she turned to me.

“Let's go change.” I whispered while Leana jumped in to defuse the tension.

“She's just being Gena.” Lee said before following us upstairs.


“Danny! Put me down!” I screamed as he held me over his head in the basement.

After we all got dressed, Cosmos declared we were all going to play games down in the basement and if anyone had issues with it, they could get the hell out; I love how my best friend took over my house. We haven't played anything yet, but Danny thought he'd be cute and pick me up from behind and raise me over his head with my face towards the ceiling. It was quite unnerving since I was moderately okay with heights, but still terrified of not having my feet planted somewhere.

“No.” He laughed as I dug my nails further into his wrists. If Danny was more of Johnny's height, I'd be slightly more okay with this, but the fucker is six feet tall and he was literally holding me above his head so I was over six feet off the ground… I'm not amused or pleased.

“Danny.” I gasped as my body finally kicked into a fear response.

“Dude, maybe you should put her down.” Brian said when I stopped kicking my legs.

My body froze in complete terror. I couldn't move my limbs and couldn't even move my fingers. The air was getting stuck in my throat and couldn't be swallowed in or exhaled out at all. My lungs ached for oxygen and my heart was pounding really hard against my sternum. My body began shaking and I felt the tears running down my temples and into my hairline.

“Dude, put her down.” I heard Zacky say before one of Danny's arms were grabbed and jerked. I let out a scream and Danny brought me down so my feet touched the ground. I didn't even sway before falling to my knees and fighting to get some air into my lungs. “Are you okay?” Zacky had me in a half hug and began petting my arm.

“N-no.” I stuttered before Lee and Cosmos pushed him out of the way and wrapped me in a hug.

“I'm sorry Sin, I didn't mean to trigger a panic attack.” Danny said as he knelt in front of me. I looked up at him through my hair and felt bad at his pouting face. No matter what, I didn't like when people pouted… unless I didn't like the person. “Hug?” He opened his arms and I fell into his embrace.
“GROSS!” He yelled after I licked his cheek.

“Pay back! Mwahaha!” I screamed as I ran and hid behind Brian and Matt before we heard the upstairs door slamming open upstairs. I could hear my mom and Jack yelling upstairs. “I guess it's time for the rest of y'all to go home.” I said as I tried to usher the boys and Leana up the stairs and out the backdoor. I was even more ecstatic that Gena and her crones left.

“Is everything okay?” Brian asked and I hummed in response.

“Peachy.” I smiled as I felt my heart racing with their footsteps coming closer. “Y'all have to go, please.” I begged as I shoved them out of the door. “I'm sorry, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.”

“Did you have those people over again?” Jack asked as he opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.

“Is there a problem if they were over?” You could hear the tremor in my voice.

“You need to stop inviting people over without telling us.” He growled and my mother walked out the door. This was it, the moment where it's confirmed he was drinking and she didn't care. “DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!” He slammed the water down, causing me to jump and look towards the basement door in fear. “You have more people here?” He seethed and I nodded.

“M-my friends from back home… I didn't know they were coming...” I stammered out as I backed away from him slowly.

“STOP WITH THE EXCUSES!” He screamed before throwing the water bottle at my head. I managed to turn enough so that it just made a loud crackling sound after colliding with my cheek. It stung, but if he stopped here, I wouldn't get a mark. “You are always inviting people into my home, and then I get a call from my son saying you and your friends attacked him for no reason; WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” He bellowed before I felt his fist colliding with my face.

“What's wrong with you?” I heard Danny yell as Cosmos wrapped her arms around me.

“You should have stayed downstairs.” I winced at the taste of my blood. I always forget that Jack used to be an amateur boxer before he settled for a desk job… that is until he makes me a punching bag.

“Danny was worried since we know how he can get.” She whispered over the yelling between the two men. “Let's get you cleaned up.” She whispered while helping me up.

I leaned some of my weight on her as we walked up to my room. She knew that I always had a first aid kit hidden under my bed in one of the drawers for one of these outbursts. We passed the living room where my mother was just sitting there watching TV and Cosmos just glared at her instead of opening her mouth. I was grateful to her for that.

“You're bleeding.” Dan smirked as we passed him on the stairs.

“You're a fucking asshole.” Cosmos growled and shoved him into the wall before we continued onto my room. “You can't have a normal life, can you?” She jested when she turned on my light.

“Come now, you'd find me boring if I was normal.” I laughed as I walked to my bed. “Realistically, this was tamed; just a busted lip is a nice change.”

“Yeah, that's why you were leaning on me.” She mocked as she got the kit out and I grunted.

“Anxiety caused me to lean on you; not the punch.” I winced at the disinfectant worming its way into my cut. “You guys being here made it tamer… thank you.” I smiled before Danny and Micah came busting in and slamming my door closed.

“He's an asshole.” Danny seethed as Micah took a seat at my desk. “I'm so sorry.”

“It's okay. I'm sorry about this. Maybe it will be better in a bit.” I smiled and he frowned. “What?”

“I called my aunt, she's on her way to pick us up; we'll be staying with her so you don't get into anymore trouble.” Danny admitted and I swallowed back my protests and nodded.

“We can hang out tomorrow, after my shift.” I beamed and they nodded with sad smiles.

“Will you be okay?” Cosmos asked and I nodded.

“It's no biggie.” I lied before everyone taking seats so we could just talk and chill before his aunt got here.
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