Sequel: Going to Hell

Devil's Backbone

Chapter Fifeteen

Running through the forest the branches crumbling and breaking beneath my feet with every step. The trees becoming a blur all around me. I tripped on a log then was on my back then a hell hound was on top of me staring down at me.

“Hello Juliet.” I told her grinning.

I pushed her off of me then I saw my father standing across from me.

“Hello Kurio did you miss me while I was gone?” He asked.

“No, I was busy.” I replied then folding my arms across my chest.

“Well, that’s a shame.” He said.

“You know dean is in purgatory.” He finished.

“That’s not true!” I exclaimed.

“Yes darling it is.” He told me.

Then, I felt the world crumble beneath me and then I felt the field get leveled. Then I heard shouting.

“Aria no!” Sam shouted.

I put a forcefield around me and my father.

“Why did you put him in purgatory!” I shouted.

“I didn’t he killed Dick Roman!” My father shouted back.

I slung him across the field hitting a tree then felt the forcefield leave and Sam grab me dragging me away.

Aria calmed me down so I wasn’t seeing red anymore.

A few days later I left with the ‘baby’ Dean’s car. Never to be seen again I was going to live in a house that’s gorgeous I wanted out of this life. I started crying while I was going down the road.

I brought my first house days later it had four bedroom five bath and I put Dean’s clothes in a walk in closet. I put his shoes up and was crying while doing it. Sam called every once in a while. I had to adjust living alone and not having string arms wrapped around me at night. I wanted him back and maybe just maybe he will come back. I hope so……