Sick of the Sunsets


Cities do the strange things to people. They offer a way to escape and then a way to loose yourself in. But what the strange and magnetic beauty of that situation is, is the fact that you will always be able to find yourself again.

Hannah had been lost.

In California she didn't know how she was, or who the people around her were any more. The sunny, bright and controlled façade of California rarely slips. Everything was carefully monitored and people made sure to put across the impression that they were so totally different from what they really were.

But Hannah had come to Boston.

She wanted to get lost and then find herself again.

It was not difficult.

She found herself perfectly well and alive in a small warehouse in some distance alleyway, with four other boys with instruments, who were also accompanied by a girl with vibrant red hair who introduced herself as Alexa the long suffering girlfriend of Martin the Moody Giant.

It was a relaxed atmosphere as the boys began tuning their instruments and as the Moody Giant shuffled his way though a stack of tattered and well used sheets of paper. Alexa began to explain that the boys had been writing a ton of songs recently and were hoping to put them on an album.

With the first note of the guitars and bass and the first words dropping from the mouth of the Moody Giant, Hannah had fallen in love with Boys Like Girls, and once she had announced this fact to the Moody Giant himself, after they had played three songs before wanting the alter the last one, the Moody Giant became the Happy and Flattered Giant.

With that Hannah's stay in Boston had been happily accepted and Martin showed no further objections to Hannah occupying the kitchen and eating all the Lucky Charms, so long as Paul had no objections to sleeping on the couch. Which of course, he didn't.

The days that followed became a blissful set of harmony and understanding between Hannah and Paul, Martin Bryan, John and Alexa. All six spent as much time together as possible, editing songs, laughing and hanging out.

Hannah as an individual fitted in with the close knit group of friends like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle; whilst not the loudest of the group, this being well and truly Paul, she brought a different level of understanding and listening. Alexa was soon opening up to her like no other person she ever had. The Happy and Flattered Giant became the protective older brother type and Bryan and John took to joking and laughing with her.

However it was Paul who just couldn't take his eyes off her. There was something else about her, which drew him to her and left him wanting to know more. She was chaste with her personal life and still had not given him a straight answer, which Paul had been itching to hear.

So he took matters into his own hands.

He approached Hannah after one band practice in the rented out and slightly dilapidated warehouse.

She was sat cross legged on the floor next to Alexa, wearing a brightly printed maxi dress to fit the mood of the summer day that still had Boston in its sweltering and humid grip. The girls were pouring avidly over a copy of People magazine and laughing at the gossip. The smile from their laughter was still on Hannah's face as she looked up to Paul, who due to her position on the floor, seemed to tower over her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight," Paul said forming his words rather awkwardly, thinking that no words were really good enough to convey his emotions.

Alexa's face lit up next to Hannah and she smiled widely, having detected Paul's affection to Hannah long before anybody else had, thanks to her womanly intuition.

Hannah still kept the same smile on her face as she nodded in affirmation.

"I would really like that," she said smiling up at Paul with happy and bright eyes.

With that Paul's day was made complete and he walked off answering the beckoning call of the Happy and Flattered Giant who demanded of Paul to play the guitar riff again that they had come up with. However Paul's thought were not with the song or the guitar but rather they were occupied with the plans for a perfect date for a perfect girl.
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I like this story, it makes me smile.
Comments are much appreciated.