Status: work in progress


The Forest

The lights had been out for a while in the Slytherin dormitories but Ellietta was not asleep. Even if Pansy and Daphne hadn't been whispering loudly to each other, she would still have been awake. Draco had promised to let her know when he was leaving. She hadn't decided if she was actually going to go with him or not, but she still waited patiently for his signal. Her eyelids drooped but only because sleep would be a welcome reprieve from the nasally sound of Pansy's voice.

"He's just so dreamy," she sighed, "And I'm sure he likes me."

"I don't know about that," Daphne replied, sheets rustling as she adjusted her pillow, "He and Widdersham are sort of attached at the hip, don't you think?"

"I'm working on it," Pansy chuckled and then gasped, "What in the name of Merlin is that?"

Ellie didn't have to wonder for long. A tiny paper bird floated through the open crack in her emerald green curtains. It landed gracefully atop her pillow. It was almost too beautiful to unfold but Ellietta did so anyway. Inside one word was scrawled across the parchment.NOW. Although being out of bed at this hour was surely asking for trouble, she grabbed her wand and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. She couldn't help but smile as she padded past Daphne and Pansy, finding their open-mouthed expressions amusing in that state of excitement that Draco had bestowed upon her.

"Come on," he urged her when she entered the common room, "They'll be heading to the astronomy tower now."

"You don't have to tell me twice," she grinned, taking hold of his hand and dragging him through the door.

The corridor was quiet. There was no sign of Filch, Mrs. Norris, or Peeves. Ellie and Draco tiptoed up stairs, through doorways, and down darkened halls. The closer they got to the astronomy tower the more Draco's heart swelled. Ellie's pink hair turned an electrifying shade of blue.

"Potter and his friends are most definitely getting expelled for this," Draco laughed, "They have a dragon in the school and we are going to catch them with it red-handed!"

"If we don't get caught first," Ellietta added.

She had jinxed it. No sooner had the words left her mouth then Professor McGonagall, in her dressing gown and hair net, turned the corner and narrowed her eyes in disdain.

"What in the name of Merlin are you doing out of bed at this hour?," she shouted and grabbed them both by the ear, "Detention! And twenty points each from Slytherin!"

"You don't understand, Professor, Harry Potter's coming!" Draco protested, "He's got a dragon!"

"What utter rubbish!" Professor McGonagall cried, "How dare you tell such lies! Come on - I shall see Professor Snape about the two of you."

As McGonagall dragged her down the corridor by the ear, Ellietta could have sworn she'd felt someone breeze past her on the left but when she looked she saw that nobody was there. She didn't have time to think about it much as she was whisked to Professor Snape's office quite hurriedly. Snape looked less then thrilled to have been woken at such an hour. His steely gaze drifted between Draco and Ellie, then up to Professor McGonagall.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he hissed.

"I've found these two wandering the corridors," McGonagall shoved them both in Snape's direction, "I've assigned them both detentions. I would have a chat with Mr. Malfoy if I were you, Severus. The boy was spouting nonsense about dragons in the castle, for Merlin's sake."

"I shall deal with them accordingly, Minerva. Will that be all?" he motioned toward the door.

Professor McGonagall scoffed, but turned and left. Draco wrung his hands nervously and Ellie mimicked the action. Professor Snape's left eyebrow rose and fell. He seemed to stare right through them.

"If you cannot come up with a decent lie, you'd do better to keep your mouth shut," his gaze fell on Draco.

"But it wasn't - " the blonde started but was quickly silenced.

"Did I not just say to keep your mouth shut?" Snape asked rhetorically before turning his attention to Ellietta, "Mr. Malfoy stepping out of line comes as no surprise to me but from you, Miss Widdersham, I expected better. I see I may have set my expectations too high."

"I disagree," Ellie replied coolly, "I do have an E in your class thus far, do I not? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that does mean Exceeds Expectations."

"To bed!" Snape boomed, "and let us hope we do not meet again under such circumstances."

Although Draco wanted the opportunity to explain himself and be believed, Ellietta knew it wasn't going to happen. She also didn't want to give Snape enough time to give her another detention for mouthing off so she tugged Draco's hand in the opposite direction of Snape's piercing glare. Reluctantly, he followed. Wordlessly, the duo shuffled back to their common room with their heads hung in shame. Draco muttered the password halfheartedly and the wall slid aside. Ellie dropped his hand and started for the girls' dormitories.

"I'm sorry," he called out from behind her.

"I know," Ellie turned to face him, "It's okay."

"You can be mad at me if you want," he told her, "I got you a detention, I deserve it."

"Maybe you do, maybe you don't," she shrugged, "Either way, I can't."

In the morning the entire castle was buzzing with the news that Harry Potter had lost Gryffindor one hundred and fifty points and the lead for the House Cup. It was a small consolation to Draco that, at the very least, Potter hadn't gotten away unscathed. He and Ellie did not speak of their late night adventure to anyone and nobody seemed to notice the forty points missing from Slytherin. They weren't about to draw it to anyone's attention either. Instead they spent their time in the library, revising for their upcoming exams with Blaise and Theo (Crabbe and Goyle couldn't be bothered to study, not that it would have helped them at all anyway), and not bringing any extra attention to themselves.

They had almost forgotten about the mishap completely when they were delivered two identical letters one morning at breakfast. The detentions Professor McGonagall had given them would be served at eleven o'clock that night and they were to report to Mr. Filch in the entrance hall. Draco groaned loudly while Ellietta suppressed the urge to do the same. Despite their displeasure, they did as they were told and appeared in the entrance hall late that night. Harry and Hermione showed up a moment later with Neville Longbottom on their heels. Ellie wondered how the blundering boy had managed to get mixed up in all of this. Filch grabbed his lantern and began to lead the way outside, so Ellie shook away the thoughts of Neville and took the hand which Draco had extended to her.

"I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" Filch let out a sinister chuckle.

He kept talking, something about ceilings and chains, but Ellie wasn't listening anymore. She was watching the ground so as not to trip. Filch's lantern didn't provide much light and she didn't much feel like making a fool of herself. She wondered where they were going but the question seemed more or less answered as the lighted windows of Hagrid's hut drew nearer and nearer.

"Is that you, Filch?," the giant bellowed, "Hurry up. I want ter get started."

Ellie could see the relief on Harry's face. So could Filch, apparently.

"I suppose you think you'll be enjoying yourself with that oaf? Well, think again, boy - it's into the forest you're going and I'm much mistaken if you'll all come out in one piece," Filch's mouth curved upward into a wicked grin.

Neville let out a miserable moaning sound and Draco stopped walking. Ellie gave his hand a tug, but he did not move.

"The forest?" he questioned, and Ellie knew he was scared, "We can't go in there at night - there's all sorts of things in there - werewolves, I heard."

Neville sounded as though he might vomit and hung from Harry's sleeve like he'd fall over otherwise. Ellie knew that Draco was secretly just as frightened as poor Neville, but he did a better job of hiding it. His voice only quivered slightly when he spoke, but he managed to keep a straight face. He was practically cutting off circulation in Ellietta's hand however, and she did wish he'd loosed his grip.

"That's your lookout, isn't it?" Filch sounded absolutely jubilant, "Should've thought of them werewolves before you got in trouble, shouldn't you?"

Draco's grip tightened.

"You ought to be a bit nicer to the students, don't you think?" Ellietta bit out bravely, "After all, if I decided to jinx you right now it’s not as though you could block it, or disarm me, or do anything at all. Could you, squib?"

Draco's eyes were wide with amazement and admiration. Even the Gryffindors seemed at least a little bit impressed. Filch opened his mouth to reply but Hagrid and Fang reached the group at that very moment. Hagrid looked the same as he always did, the only exceptions were the crossbow he was carrying and the quiver of arrows slung over his shoulders.

"Abou' time," he said, "I bin waitin' fer half an hour already. All right, Harry, Hermione?"

"I shouldn't be too friendly …" Filch trailed off, meeting Ellie's icy stare with a weaker one of his own.

"Bin lecturin' them, eh?" Hagrid guessed, "'Snot your place to do that. Yeh've done yer bit, I'll take over from here."

Filch scoffed and then said, "I'll be back at dawn."

He looked like he had more to say but Ellie, who had not moved her eyes from him, seemed to have scared him into silence. Filch sneered in her direction before starting back toward the castle. After a moment or two all that could be seen of him was the light from his lantern bobbing up the grassy hill. Ellie turned back to Draco, who still had a death-grip on her hand. He gulped nervously.

"I'm not going into that forest," he declared.

"Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts," Hagrid growled, "Yeh've done wrong an' now yeh've got ter pay fer it."

Draco was going to say more, but Ellietta squeezed his hand and he turned to look at her. She shook her head so slightly it was barely noticeable. She wanted him to stop. She was right, he should, it wouldn't get him anywhere and he knew it. He'd gotten himself into detention and he was going to have deal with it. Besides, he didn't want Ellie to think he was a sniveling little baby. She probably already knew he was though, considering she could feel his fear. Suddenly, Draco wondered how she had been able to stand up to Filch like that. Shouldn't she have been just as frightened as he was?

"Right then," Hagrid continued, "now, listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight an' I don' want no one takin' risks. Follow me over here a moment."

He led them to the very edge of The Forbidden Forest and held his lamp high, so they could see the winding path that disappeared into the thick trees. Along the path, Ellie noticed, was some sort of silver substance that reflected the light from Hagrid's lamp.

"Look here," Hagrid commanded, "See that silvery stuff? That's unicorn blood. There's a unicorn in there bin hurt bad by summat. We're gonna try an' find the poor thing. We might have ter put it out of it's misery."

"And what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?" Draco sounded more panicked than he had all night and not even Ellie giving his hand a squeeze seemed to help.

"There's nothin' in that forest that'll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang," Hagrid reassured him, "An' keep ter the path. Right, now, we're gonna split inter two parties an' follow the trail in diff'rent directions."

"I want Fang!" Draco hollered before anyone could say anything.

"All right, but I warn yeh, he's a coward," Hagrid shrugged, "So me, Harry an' Hermione'll go one way an' Draco, Ellietta, Neville an' Fang'll go the other. Now. If any of us finds the unicorn, we'll send up green sparks, right? Get yer wands out an' practice now - that's it - an' if anyone gets in trouble, send up red sparks, an' we'll all come an' find yeh - so, be careful - let's go."

Hermione, Harry, and Hagrid disappeared down the path to the left, while Draco, Ellie, Neville, and Fang took the one to right. For a minute or two it was silent, save for the scuffling of their shoes on the dirt path. Then Neville spoke up, much to Draco and Ellie's surprise.

"Are you related to Professor Snape, by chance?" he asked Ellietta, "The way you glared at Filch earlier, you looked just like Snape when he glares at me for messing up my potions."

"No relation," Ellie replied, "Thank Merlin."

"How did you do that?" Draco asked, ignoring Neville.

"Do what?" Ellie asked.

"Mouth off to Filch," Draco exclaimed, "Shouldn't you have been as scared as I was?"

"You're still scared," Ellie giggled, "I've been practicing blocking you out though."

"Why? I thought you liked knowing what I'm feeling?" Draco wondered why he felt so upset that she wanted to block him out.

"I can still sense it. I think I'll always know what you're feeling. If I concentrate hard enough though, then I can just know it without actually feeling it," she explained, "It's nothing to be upset about. It just comes in handy in situations like that, when you're terrified and I don't want to be."

Draco nodded but didn't say anything else. Neville looked dreadfully confused. He'd have to stay that way because neither Ellie nor Draco was about to explain. The foursome fell into an eerie silence. Fang and Neville were at the front, carefully following the smudges and streaks of shimmering unicorn blood, while the two Slytherins stayed a step or two behind. Draco grinned mischievously as they passed a tall oak tree he swore they'd gone by already at least twice.

"Watch this," he whispered just loud enough for Ellietta to hear.

Without warning Draco lunged forward and threw his arms around Neville. Neville shrieked and cast red sparks from his wand before Draco could tell him it was only a joke. Ellie chuckled under her breath while poor Neville spluttered uncontrollably. He seemed unable to catch his breath and his eyes were round in shock.

"It's okay," she told him gently, "Draco was just trying to be funny."

"Not funny," Neville panted, glaring at Draco who was unable to control his laughter, "Not funny at all."

Suddenly there was a loud crunching sound coming from the dense trees and before they knew it, Hagrid was lumbering toward them. His face was twisted in angry frown as he assessed the situation before him.

"Wha' in the name of Merlin is goin' on here?" He roared.

"I sent up the sparks," Neville admitted sheepishly, "Malfoy scared me."

"Gallopin' gargoyles!" Hagrid exclaimed, eyes narrowing at Draco, "Wha' were you thinkin'? Nevermin', 'spose you weren't thinkin' at all. Jus' be quiet an' follow me."

They followed Hagrid through the vegetation for a few minutes before popping out in a small clearing where Harry and Hermione were waiting expectantly. Hagrid caught them up on what had happened and Harry shot Draco a dirty look.

"Right, we're changin' groups - Neville, you stay with me an' Hermione, Harry, you go with Ellietta, Fang an' this idiot," Hagrid announced, and then whispered just to Harry, "I'm sorry but he'll have a harder time frightenin' you an' we've gotta get this done."

So they split up again. Harry, Draco, Ellie and Fang trudged through the forest for what seemed like forever, the overgrowth becoming thicker with each step they took. The path seemed to disappear beneath their feet, but the unicorn blood became thicker and more plentiful. Draco wanted to say something, an insult to Harry, no doubt. Ellie made the same slight nod she had before and Draco stayed quiet. Harry seemed to have picked up on the exchange and stared at them both quizzically. He wanted to ask Malfoy why he let Ellie walk all over him, but he didn't and they all kept walking. Through tangled branches they could see a clearing just up ahead.

"Look," Harry whispered, holding his arm out to stop Ellie who was about to continue in front of him.

A bright white mass glimmered on the ground. As they got closer, Ellie realized what it was. The unicorn was dead. It was the most tragically beautiful thing that she had ever seen. It's pearly white legs were splayed at unnatural angles and it's opalescent mane was dotted with it's silvery blood. Harry started towards the lifeless creature and then abruptly stopped. A bush a few feet away shook and then a cloaked figure slithered from it like a snake. It made it's way to the unicorn and lowered it's lips to the dripping wound. A disturbing suckling noise could be heard.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Draco let out an ear piercing scream, grabbed Ellie's hand just as her hair began to turn an inky black, and ran.

He was taller than she, and took such long strides that he was practically dragging her behind himself. Neither cared, nor did they stop running until they were safely inside the Slytherin common room, panting heavily in the darkness.

"Wh-what was that?" Ellie whispered once she'd finally caught her breath.

"I don't know and I don't think I want to," he rasped in reply.

"You were so scared," the ghost of a smile danced on her lips.

"You were too," Draco shot back playfully.

"Because you were," Ellie took a step toward him, toward the handsome grin that made her insides warm and fuzzy.

"I wasn't that scared," he tried to sound confident but he knew there was no fooling his best friend, "At least, not as scared as I would have been if you weren't there."

"I didn't know you knew how to be sweet," Ellie feigned surprise.

"I have my moments," Draco's voice was soft and his eyes fell to the ground.

"You do," she agreed, and some sort of magnetism she couldn't explain drew her even closer to him.

There was barely any space between them at all anymore. Draco's eyes flickered upward and his breath caught in his throat. She was staring at him with an expression he couldn't decipher. He'd never wished more than he did in this moment, that he could read her the way she could read him. Her plump pink lips were just millimeters from his own and he wanted, needed, to kiss her. Would she kiss him back? Would she run away and never talk to him again? However amazing it might be, Draco wasn't sure one kiss was worth the risk of ruining what may well have been the best thing that had ever happened to him. He bit his lip nervously and his eyes fluttered shut.

"It's okay," she whispered, her breath tickling his ear.

He felt her lips, soft and warm against his own. Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. Draco opened his eyes to see a blush creeping onto Ellie's cheeks and her hair turning a deep shade of purple. She smiled, then turned on her heel and ran to the girls' dormitory leaving him standing alone in the dim green firelight wondering what on earth had just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shout outs to killerqueen-x, newkindofsister, and I.Munna.Eat.Chu! for the lovely comments. I love hearing that you guys are enjoying this, it makes me want to write more!

Just so you are all aware, this story will probably updated once a week. When I first started it I was updating more frequently but that's because my job was kind of a joke and I basically just sat at my desk all day and wrote this story. My new new job is less joke-like and more time consuming, but I still write when I have time.

I just wanted to rant about the content of this chapter for a minute because this is one of the more just-like-the-book chapters and I never like those ones too much. I felt like had to stick with book on this though because I don't really want to change Harry's story at all, I am just trying to incorporate Ellie's into it. I wanted to show that Draco's attitude was rubbing off on her a little, and also that she has some sort of power over him (to a certain extent anyway) as far as what he says/does. That will be more apparent and important later on but I wanted to show it in it's beginning stages right now. And they kissed finally! 11 chapters in, I figured it was time even if it was just a tiny little peck. I wrote it as more passionate kiss at first but then I decided that it was a bit much for 11 years olds so a rewrote it as a quick peck.

If you actually read this entire A/N, I commend you. Here's some terrified Draco for you (just pretend Ellie's next to him haha):
