‹ Prequel: Velvet Touch
Sequel: Dance D'Amour

Gothic Girl

1. So Macabre and Alone

By the time he’d made it to England, Aleksi was famished. Traveling was always more complicated now that he was a vampire. Sure, if it was a short flight he had no problems getting on board the plane like every other passenger, though he definitely needed to make sure he’d eaten well before hand, lest he have another fiasco like Rome. He didn’t like thinking about that, the panic by the time the plane had landed; he’d had to use his very weak mind control powers on way too many to get out of that one.

A flight from Chile to England was fifteen hours long. Just a tad too long to keep people from noticing your skin start to sizzle in the sunlight, or the weird pale guy in the dark clothing going to the restroom a lot, little known to them it was just to feed so they would all stay safe, it was strange and raised eyebrows.

No, instead Aleksi had to learn to get some of the luggage guys hypnotized to hide him, in his coffin, with all the luggage on the plane, and as he wasn’t always the greatest at tying up loose ends, he just always hoped no one else would stumble back there and notice him. He didn’t have that many vampire friends, or acquaintances for that matter, but he did always have someone trustworthy to meet him at the airports he chose to get him off the plane discretely. This trip was no different. He’d made it to England perfectly at the beginning of the evening, which gave him plenty of time to have his casket delivered to the little apartment he had rented for the month. Once he had that all settled he set off to finally sate the ever nagging hunger in his soul.

It had been a while since he had been in this country, but he still remembered a few good alternative clubs that he would blend into. He chose the one that was closest to him, because if he had to wait much longer to eat he would be biting the next thing that walked past him. He managed to hold back until he got inside the club. He ordered a drink for show and sat in a back corner booth and surveyed the scene. It wasn’t very late just yet, so there were only a few youngsters out. The groups of girls who weren’t sure about the scene, but they had just started college and a friend told them it would be fun to dress up for the night and experience something different. The young couples who had watched too many movies and now, were here with all mall bought black clothing and too much black make-up on, trying desperately to fit in. No, these types didn’t quite interest Aleksi. He always found a way to feel guilty taking their lives, though he never thought vampires would be able to feel guilt, they were just so desperate that he wished the best for them.

He scanned the crowd once more, not wanting to have to settle for one of the weekend goth girls, when he finally spotted a girl sitting on her own in a little booth at the farthest end of the club away from him. She was very slender, and had curled herself up on the seat with a book in her hands and a drink on the table before her. Her fishnet clad arms and messy teased black hair reminded him of Siouxie Sioux, and he was intrigued. He watched her as she delicately raised her drink to her mouth, never looking up from her book before putting it back down. Something about the way she moved made him want to know more. He also couldn’t help thinking he had seen her somewhere before.

Forgetting himself in the moment, he raised his whiskey and cola to his lips and took a sip before instantly regretting it and spitting it back in the glass. The last time he made the mistake of ingesting anything besides blood, he was violently ill, and he did not want a replay of that night. Nervously glancing around to be sure no one noticed what he’d done he sat the glass back down on the table in front of him. She would be the one for tonight, he just knew it. He needed to watch her a bit longer though, she wasn’t the type likely to be easy to lure from here; he needed to know.

He watched her, through sunglass covered eyes, as one of the college boys dressed the part to pick up women, approached her. He was curious to know what her reaction would be and relaxed back in his booth for the show. He watched her elegant features shift as she was interrupted from a book she was clearly enjoying. The mild annoyance cleared her face as her manners took over and he could hear her faintly as she asked the young man how she could help him. The man replied with a cheap pick-up line that seemed only to amuse and somewhat irritate the girl as she gave a tight-lipped grin and told him to rightly “go fuck himself”. This caused a grin to plaster itself to Aleksi’s face. His smile faltered as the man, disappointed by rejection, grabbed the girls drink and threw it in her face. The girl was only shocked by the wet surprise for a moment before becoming furious as she noticed her book was now drenched as well. Knowing better than to pick a fight she just gathered her belongings and left to clean up in the restroom. Aleksi knew his next move. Upset for her, Aleksi followed the scorned young man as he walked out to the alley for a cigarette.

“You really shouldn’t be so rude to the ladies, it’s probably why you don’t have the greatest luck with them.” Aleksi opened.

“Yeah, and who the fuck are you, mate? I seen you in there, you were alone all evening. Just go back and mind your business.” The young poser was clearly pissed.

“Yeah, well, I’ve decided you are my business.” Aleksi told him, before grabbing him by the neck and pulling him to a dark spot behind a dumpster. “Only complete assholes throw drinks on girls who turn them down. That was unnecessary.” He quipped before tilting the young man’s head to the side and biting down on his neck. The man struggled for a moment, but as he realized there was no use, he also had lost a lot of blood. His movement slowed to a stop as Aleksi finished him off, and he was suddenly feeling so much better. He was still hungry though, and he needed to find that girl again. Ignoring the body of the boy he’d just fed off of, he wiped his mouth and went back into the club. He saw her leather and fishnet adorned body walk out the front door of the club just as he’d gotten back in, and he needed to hurry not to lose her. He sneaked back out the back door and quickly ran around the front, managing to catch her backside as she rounded the corner, likely walking home. Smiling Aleksi knew he was going to be able to have her in her own place.

He followed her for about two miles before she finally reached a building that she headed for. He watched her quickly go up the steps and enter the building, and caught the door before it latched behind her. He quietly followed her up to the apartment door she stopped to unlock and then slipped in after her, and kept in the shadows, without her even knowing he was in her home.

For a few moments he explored her apartment, making sure to be unseen if she came near. Her walls were covered in photographs of herself posing with the grave markers of her dead heros. The camera and tripod sitting nearby told him she took them herself. A brief look at the names and the titles of the books on her shelf made her much more interesting to him than a snack. He now desperately wanted nothing more than to get out of her home before being noticed, and to perhaps get to know her. He waited until he heard her slip into her bathroom and start the shower before sneaking out the window.

He would remember where she lived, and stop by often. He once waited for her to leave her home to get a better look at what made her what she was; her music collection alone was enough to still his heart-you know, had it been beating. He accidentally took a peek in on her another time and noticed her slicing into her flesh, which gave him the most conflicting urges to both feed on her and protect her at once. He also tailed her on her outings and got to know what kind of approaches she had a knack for turning down, and which she was comfortable keeping open for conversation. He just needed to find the right time to actually put his plan into motion, for now though, there were plenty of others to just feed on.
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More soon. Apologies if I am not doing a good job at keeping these as one-shots. I'm definitely trying, not sure how I am doing...Thanks for reading though and let me know what you think!