Hollow Body Got a Hold on Me

Chapter Six - Part One

Stormy's POV:

The Dauntless-born and the transfers are together, now.
We are sitting in a dark, damp hallway in silence. It is not a comfortable one.
Four Dauntless-born initiates have gone in, passed that metal door, and have yet to come out.
What are we going to do in there?
The door opens, and Four calls for a girl, named Vile, to enter the room. Seven initiates later, and the Dauntless-born have completely emptied the corridor.
Eric pokes his head out the door, and calls for Daniel.
Then, Rebel.
Then, Chaotic.
Then, Rowan.
I'm the last initiate waiting.
I stand, and pace the small area, unable to sit still any longer. Rowan has been in there for at least half an hour. Finally, the door opens, and Eric gestures for me to come inside.
I enter the room, and see a metal chair in the middle, with computers, and monitors, surrounding it. It looks similar to the setup used for the aptitude test.
Eric motions for me to sit down, before attaching an electrode, first, to my temple, and then his own. The computer starts up, and Eric prepares a needle.
"So, this," he says, waving the needle around. "Is gonna activate the part of your brain that produces fear; your worst fears, to be exact. Your deepest, and darkest fear is always last but, after today, we can single out the ones you have the most trouble with, and practice those separately. There are transmitters in the serum that will allow me to see the images in your head. You ready?"
"Do I have a choice?" I ask with a snort.
"No," he says, as he injects the serum into my neck.


I open my eyes, but I'm no longer sitting in the metal chair.
I turn around slowly, taking in my surroundings.
I'm outside the fence.
I hear growling all around me; growing louder, and louder.
I can't see anything.
I've gone blind, but I still hear the growling. I take two, deep breaths, and I'm back inside the fence.
There is no more growling.

I'm at Erudite.
I'm in my room.
My mother and father are standing just inside the doorway, arguing. 'That's it?' I think. I'm supposed to be afraid of this?
I sit down on my bed, and examine my fingernails, intently.
"I'm talking to you, you little bitch!" my father screams, in my face.
I jump to stand up; I can tell Dad's been drinking, again.
He grabs my arm pulling me back, his face inches from mine.
"I didn't tell you t'move, did I?" he slurs out.
I look down.
No, he didn't tell me I could move.
He slaps me, hard enough that my vision goes blurry; temporarily. Then, I do something I've never done before. I slap him back.

I'm in Dauntless, now.
I'm standing in front of the mirror, in the showers in the initiates’ dorm.
I see my reflection, holding a knife.
I look down at my hand, but I'm not holding a knife.
My reflection smirks at me, and drags the blade down her left wrist; then her right wrist.
She cuts deep.
I look down at my arms, and see blood flowing out from my flesh; the knife is in my hand, now.
I look back up to see my reflection flickering, as she turns around, and walks away.
I drag the blade across my throat.

I'm standing in a field, now.
The sun glints off the knee-high grass, and I laugh.
I am happy here.
All of a sudden, the sky turns from pale blue, to a dark purple, mixed with angry red, and black.
The wind picks up from a cool breeze, to heavy, hot gusts.
Lightning strikes the ground about ten feet in front of me, catching my beautiful grass alight.
The fire surrounds me, now.
I have nowhere to go; I'm trapped by the fire.
I feel a single tear cascade down my face as the flames engulf my body.

There's something in my mouth, and hands are all over my body.
I try to scream, but I can't. There are three people dragging me from my bed.
Come on, wake up.
Wake up.
This isn't a dream; this is real. I don't know what to do. I don't have enough training for this, yet.
Maybe they just want to kill me; I can handle that.
I still struggle against my attackers. I feel cold air hit my exposed legs, and droplets of water hit my flesh.
We are at the Chasm.
"What, are we gonna kill her?" one of my attackers shouts.
"No!" says another. "We're just gonna fuck her up and make her factionless!"
I try to scream, and I'm thrashing around but, it's three against one, and they're at least as trained as I am.
I don't stand a chance.
I'm going to be factionless.
"Just because you've caused me so much stress, and trouble, I'm gonna take a little recreation out on you. Who knows, you might even enjoy it," he says with a snarl, and a dark chuckle.
I'm already half naked; I'm only wearing a t-shirt and panties, so it doesn't take long, even with my incessant struggling, to relieve me of my clothing. I watch as the articles are swept away, under the dark water of the river. I'm freezing.
Well, this is it.
I’m going to get raped, again.
Pistol removes his mask, and pulls the fabric out of my mouth.
"Surprised to see me?" he whispers, licking the side of my face, before punching me on the side of my head. I hear him fiddling with his buckle and zipper, though I can't see anything, anymore.
I've gone blind.
I feel myself fading, only slightly grateful that I won't have to be awake for this, when I hear screaming, and yelling.

I am walking in the shadows, but there is a little light from the street lamps, highlighting my path.
I am cold, as I didn't have time to grab a jacket tonight; I was pushed out the door, after all.
I think I will start a fire in the hearth, when I arrive at my safe haven.
I hear something rustling on my right.
I stop.
I squint my eyes to see down the dark alleyway.
There are three figures hunched down in the shadows.
This is unusual; I might be in the factionless part of town but, I rarely run into any of the factionless.
"Hi there, Sweetheart!" one of them calls out to me, as they stand to their feet.
I pivot around to run away, but there is a another man behind me.
"Excuse me," I say as politely as I am able, the fear thick in my voice. "I was just going home."
"What's the rush, Darlin'?" another one drawls. He has clearly been drinking, by the smell of alcohol emanating from his person.
None of these men are old, but none of them are as young as I am, either; they’re probably in their early to mid twenties.
And they are all big; they tower over me.
I feel trapped.
I am trapped.
"Dustin, you going first tonight?" the man that was behind me said.
"Damn right I am, Eddie!" Dustin sang, coming way too close for comfort.
I try to move away, again, but I am trapped by the four men surrounding me, and one of them, Dustin, is actively advancing towards me.
I duck down, trying to make a run for it under their legs.
It's no use.
The one called Eddie grabs my pony tail, and hauls me back onto my feet, spinning me around. He wraps an arm around my neck, and presses himself into my back, as I squirm.
"Alright fella’s, this one ain't cooperatin'! Romy, Samson, grab a leg! I got 'er arms!"
I feel my stomach drop, and I begin to kick out at the two factionless men reaching for my legs. My foot caught one of the men in the stomach, but my offense didn't go any further than that.
Eddie punched me in the head, and my vision went blurry; I was disoriented.
This was not good.
I barely registered who had which leg, only that one minute I was fighting to break away from their grasp and, the next, I was completely incapable of moving.
I blinked my eyes a few times and then Dustin was in my face.
He was touching my hair, my face and my lips.
He moved his hand down and, in one smooth motion, my shirt was gone. I had only a bra to cover my chest, and the factionless man pulled down one side to cup my left breast.
I felt the goose bumps creep over me as the cold air hit my exposed skin. My throat felt tight and I swallowed thickly.
I knew what was going to happen.
These men or, at least Dustin, was going to rape me and either kill me, or kidnap me.
I screamed at the realization, a sob following shortly after.
Dustin just chuckled darkly, pushing up my skirt and ripping the crotch of my panties, telling the others to hold me tight.
Without any more of a warning, Dustin was inside of me.
My eyes went wide and I screamed, again.
But these factionless men didn't care; they found humor in my pain and useless struggle.
Dustin was squeezing my breasts painfully as he continued to thrust inside of me. I don't know if it was the shock of what was happening, or the pain from his brutal attack, but I passed out.

I slowly opened my eyes, and as I did so, I noticed a few things.
First, I was no longer under attack.
Second, Dustin was dead.
Third, there was a boy from Erudite fighting the other three men like an animal.
I thought to myself, that he must have been the one who killed Dustin.
He was putting up a good fight, but I could tell that he was not trained to fight, and these factionless men were, at least, experienced.
I don't want to leave the Erudite boy to get injured but, logically, if I stay here, those men will finish what they started with me.
I take advantage of the distraction, and slip away; still mostly naked.
There is blood dripping down my thighs, from between my legs, under my blue skirt. I don't want to go to my secret place tonight; I want to go home.
Home is safer, but, I don't have a choice; I need clothes.
I hear a scream, then another, and still yet another cry of pain.
The heart-wrenching sounds of anguish, and agonizing pain, tear from the lips of the Erudite boy that saved my life.

I sit up quickly, panting for breath.
I'm hyperventilating, now.
That wasn't a nightmare; it was much worse. I had to relive my darkest memory; my deepest secret.
I calm my breathing down, and notice the tears on my face. Then, I notice something else.
Eric is staring at me, with what could only be shock, and disbelief.
He's disgusted with me.
I'm weak.
I'm ugly.
I'm worthless.