Unlikely Heroes

Chapter Fourteen

Mikaela sat cross legged on one of the lunch tables, having her phone hover in midair for better light as she quickly stitched her ripped sleeve. She was trying really hard not to freak out. She was mystified by her own behavior; she didn't know what had come over her when Cal kissed her. She had wanted to just shove him away. But she hadn't. And now she found herself in this most bizarre and awkward of situations, having to sew up the sleeve of her dress with a sewing kit that Cal of all people carried around, about to go to the movies with him and his grandmother. Part of her wondered if this was a dream. Maybe she'd fallen asleep studying too hard.

"Aren't your parents going to worry about you being out so late?" Cal suddenly asked. Mikaela went completely still for a moment, the needled poised above the next stitch in her sleeve.

"No," she said after a moment. "They're not going to worry."

"Where'd you learn to sew anyway? You don't seem like the home ec type."

"I tore my dress playing outside when I was six. The old lady who lived next door noticed so she offered to fix it and I wanted to learn how. So she taught me."

It was mostly true. The dress had actually been torn because it snagged on a nail as her father knocked her down the basement stairs. She had come away mostly unscathed, and had managed to wriggle her tiny six year old self through the small basement window and escape. Mikaela realized her hands were shaking faintly and she winced as she stabbed herself in the shoulder with the needle.

"I think that's about as good as it's going to get," she said, appraising her handiwork. She handed Cal his sewing kit back, deciding against even asking why he had one to begin with. She figured Cal Bennett was just weird. She hopped off the lunch table and handed him his jacket back. He hesitated.

"Just wear it for now. It's getting cold."

"I still have your other jacket at home," Mikaela said. She had hung it up in her closet and forgotten all about it. "I'll give it back to you next time we practice."

"That eager to be rid of all trace of me?" Cal rolled his eyes.

"I just thought you'd want it back," Mikaela said defensively.

"I said for you to keep it."


Cal opened his mouth to reply, and then seemed to realize he didn't have an answer. He shrugged. "Just keep it. I have other jackets. And put that one on, I can already tell you're starting to shiver. Princess Mikaela is not getting sick on my watch."

"I'm nobody's princess," she said, exasperated.

"Just put the jacket on so we can get going. I need to get my car back from the hamster."

Mikaela followed him as he walked back to the hole in the fence, reluctantly slipping the jacket back on. She hurried to keep up with Cal's long legged stride as he headed to the street and hailed a cab.

"Couldn't we just take a cab to the theater?" Mikaela asked.

"We could. But Leon promised I'd have my car back this morning and I'm really beginning to worry about her well being."

Mikaela rolled her eyes. They rolled up to a house and Mikaela could see Cal's car parked proudly out front.

"Thank you, my good man. Keep the change." Cal paid the driver and ushered Mikaela out of the cab. He loped up to the front door and knocked. Mikaela hung back slightly, trying to hide herself in the shadows. A woman answered the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Vitali," Cal said cheerfully. "Is Leon home? He borrowed something from me and I kind of need it back."

"Leon!" the woman called. "Cal is here to see you!"

"I'm not home!" a voice shouted back.

"Leon, I need my car back," Cal said.

"I said I'm not home!"

"Leon I can see you." Cal rolled his eyes and Mikaela bit her lip to keep from giggling.

"Leon give Cal his car back this instant," Mrs. Vitali admonished. "We raised you better than that!"

"Well I wasn't gonna keep it forever, I just-"

"Are you arguing with me, Leon? Give Calvin his car. He's such a nice boy for letting you borrow it."

"Yes, ma'am," Leon sighed.

"Mrs. Vitali you truly have the patience of a saint to put up with that boy," Cal said with an easy grin.

"Such a sweet boy you are, Calvin." She patted him on the cheek. Leon shuffled up to the door, reluctantly handing over Cal's keys and Mikaela stayed off to the side, half hiding behind the corner of the house and hoping he didn't notice her.

"What do you need it so bad right now for anyway?" he grumbled.

"I have somewhere to be. There better not be any scratches or dents on her Leon, or I'll-"

"I was careful!" Leon said. Cal bid them goodbye and hustled Mikaela to his car. He walked around it twice to make sure there was no damage while Mikaela tapped her foot impatiently.

"You know you didn't have to hide," he remarked as he opened the passenger side door.

"I don't need word getting around about what happened."

Cal shot her a cool glance as he started the engine. "Don't want the royal court knowing you slept with a peasant?"

Mikaela shook her head, feeling a faint flash of guilt for sounding so mean. "That's not what I meant. I just...I don't want to hear what my friends would have to say about it. About me. Look just forget it you wouldn't understand."

She crossed her arms and stared out the window. In truth she just didn't want another reason for her friends to make jokes about what a slut she was. She tried to pretend it didn't bother her, and sometimes it really didn't. But if they heard she'd hooked up with Cal word would spread like wildfire and she'd face at least a solid month of no one shutting up about it. She was still worried that he'd be like every other guy she'd ever fooled around with; and a few she hadn't; and go running off to brag about how he'd fucked Mikaela Chase.

"I already told you I'm not going to tell anyone," Cal said, as if sensing what she was thinking about. "Your reputation is safe."

Mikaela let out a humorless laugh before she could stop herself. "Well that's a relief."

They pulled into a parking garage and Cal searched carefully for a spot far away from other cars so his doors didn't get scratched when they opened them. Mikaela realized with a sort of sick irony that Cal treated his car with more affection and respect than most guys treated Mikaela with. The realization made her want to crawl under a rock and stay there. She didn't let her distress show as she climbed out of the car and followed Cal into the movie theater.

"So you and your grandma are close?" she asked. Cal nodded, scanning the crowd of people in the lobby.

"Yeah, she's great. There she is. Come on." Cal set off the through the crowd and Mikaela followed, feeling suddenly immensely nervous. She didn't really meet guys' family members. His grandma probably wouldn't even like her. She knew Cal had been fooling around and that's why he was late. She'd probably think Mikaela was trashy and an awful person.

"There you are. Why are you walking so slow? Grandma, this is Mikaela. Mikaela, grandma."

Mikaela's heart was in her throat. "Nice to meet you, Mrs..."

"Oh no dear, just call me Annie. Goodness, aren't you a gorgeous little thing. No wonder Cal was late."

It wasn't the reaction Mikaela was expecting. She felt her face grow hot and snuck a brief glance at Cal, who looked slightly embarrassed. He coughed.

"Yes, well. We'd best get inside before the movie starts, hm? Come on Gram."

"Don't you try and shush me, Calvin. I was talking to this nice girl." Annie shoved the giant tub of popcorn into his arms and took Mikaela's elbow, leading her toward the theater while a scowling Cal followed. Since they were attending such a late showing the theater was mostly empty and Annie carried on a cheerful conversation with Mikaela while they waited for it to start, talking over Cal, who Annie had insisted sit in the middle. He just ate popcorn and kept shaking his head. Mikaela started to relax, finding that she liked Annie. They quieted as the lights dimmed and Cal nudged Mikaela, offering her popcorn. She stared at it in confusion for a moment before finally taking a small handful. This night was just getting progressively stranger.

When the movie was over Annie resumed her conversation with Mikaela about attractive actors. They both agreed that Chris Evans was totally dreamy while Cal groaned and covered his ears.

"I really don't wanna hear about this," he muttered as Annie fanned herself. She winked at Mikaela, who giggled. Cal helped Annie into the car and then glanced over and realized Mikaela was hanging back.

"What's the matter?" he asked after he had closed the door.

"I can just take the bus home or something," Mikaela mumbled. "You were supposed to spend time with your grandma and I already kind of ruined it."

"Mikaela I'm not gonna have you take the bus home. Superhero or not you shouldn't wander around downtown alone. Besides my car is right here. Much closer than a bus stop."

"Cal listen, I don't expect you to...I mean you don't have to pretend to like me or be nice or whatever just because we...you know."

She couldn't read the look on his face. "First of all, my grandma would literally skin me alive if I made you take a bus home. Second of all, she likes you. She's not gonna mind you hanging around a little bit longer."

"But I-"

"For once in your life, don't argue with me," Cal interrupted. "Just get in the car, Your Highness."

Mikaela wanted to protest further but Annie was watching them through the window and Mikaela finally relented. With a sigh she walked to the car and climbed into the backseat.

"Is everything all right?" Annie asked her. Mikaela nodded.

"Yeah. I was just telling Cal I was sorry for intruding on your evening."

"Don't be ridiculous. It was so nice to meet you." Annie smiled warmly and Mikaela returned it shyly.

"It was nice to meet you too," she said sincerely. She caught Cal eyeing her in the rear view mirror and quickly turned her face away to look out the window.