Unlikely Heroes

Chapter Twenty-Four

Mikaela couldn't get the image of Cal and Sadie kissing out of her head, as hard as she tried. She'd never been seriously invested with any of the guys she had flings with. They'd have a few nights or weeks of hook ups and that was the end of it. She'd see them making out with other girls at parties or in the parking lot and it never fazed her. But seeing Sadie's arms around Cal had actually hurt. She had fled the parking lot as fast as she could the moment Sadie's lips met his. He had tried texting her when she didn't show up at the elementary school, but she never answered. The next day came and she ignored him at school, never once meeting his gaze. Sadie wouldn't shut up about him accepting her invitation to the stupid beach party and how she was sure they would be an official couple by the end of the night.

Mikaela still didn't go meet Cal after school, and still ignored his texts. She took a different route home when her classes were over, so he couldn't try and catch her as she left. Friday night came, her father left for another business trip, and Mikaela curled up on her couch in an oversized flannel shirt and a messy bun. She just stared numbly at the TV screen, trying not to be miserable and failing miserably at it. Mikaela knew she shouldn't care. She didn't even really have a right to be upset; it's not like she had a claim on Cal. But she did care. She cared so much it scared her a little. She was so lost in her brooding thoughts that she almost didn't hear the knock on her door. She frowned and lowered the volume on the TV. There was another knock.

"Mikaela, please open the door." Cal's voice made her heart squeeze painfully in her chest.

"Go away," she snapped, even though all she wanted to do was fling herself into his arms.

"Please, Mikaela. I need to talk to you. Let me explain."

She stalked to the door and flung it open, startling Cal. She glared at him, because being angry was better than being sad.

"You don't owe me any explanation," she said icily. "You're free to do whatever you want. If you're bored and ready to move on then you don't need to spare my feelings. I get it; guys always get tired of the school slut eventually." She tried to slam the door as she walked away but Cal blocked it, stepping inside.

"I do not think of you that way," he said, jaw clenched.

"Oh really?" Mikaela asked sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest. "Then just what do you think?"

"I think you're stubborn and hot headed," Cal snapped back. "And I also think you're beautiful, and amazing."

Mikaela was so startled her arms fell down to her sides. She just stared at him, trying to absorb what he'd just said and feeling a strange mix of elation and panic. As much as she hated being alone, she'd grown used to it.

"I know we didn't get along at first," Cal continued, in a quieter voice. "But I like being around you. I didn't kiss Sadie the other day, I swear. I have no interest in kissing Sadie. I certainly wouldn't pick her over you."

"But maybe you should," Mikaela found herself whispering. Cal looked bewildered; even a little hurt.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. Mikaela stared at the floor.

"I'm not long term material, Cal. I'm a train wreck. Eventually you'll realize it and you'll just be disappointed and regret wasting so much time on me, so maybe it's better that you and Sadie get together now, so that day never has to come."

There were several moments of complete silence. Then Cal stepped forward and tilted her chin up.

"I don't know how you want to define us," he said. "But I do know that I've missed you these last few days. If there's anything I regret when it comes to you, it's that I didn't bother to get to know you sooner."

Mikaela stared, unsure of what to say. Cal ran a hand through his hair, looking about as miserable as she had felt for the last three days.

"If you hate my guts now though, I'll respect that and leave you alone," he said. "I just needed to tell you that I don't want Sadie."

He moved to take a step toward the door but Mikaela caught his hand, pulling him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him down to press her lips against his. He seemed surprised for a moment, then he wrapped one arm around her waist while his other hand tangled in her hair. She clung to him, completely breathless when she finally pulled away.

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" Cal asked hopefully. Mikaela rolled her eyes, then hugged him, burying her face in his chest. He eventually pried himself free, resting his forehead against hers.

"I have a surprise for you," he murmured. Mikaela frowned slightly as he disappeared back outside. She gasped when he came back, quietly coaxing Moxie in with him. Her tail started to wag a little when she saw Mikaela, who immediately knelt down to scratch her ears.

"Are you even allowed to take the animals out of the shelter?" she asked.

"I adopted her, so, yeah."

Mikaela's head snapped up. "What?"

"Well I mean, she's yours. But since your dad won't let you keep pets, at night she'll stay at my place. During the day she'll have her own little nook at the shelter so you can visit her."

"You...you adopted her? For me?"

Cal nodded. "She needs a good owner and she seems to like you."

Mikaela just stared at him for a full minute. Then her face broke into a bright smile and she tugged him down onto the floor next to her, pinning him on his back and climbing on top of him so she could plant kisses all over his face. He laughed as Moxie trotted over and started trying to join in by licking his face.

"I'm living the dream," Cal said. "I should start writing my letter to Penthouse right now."

"Shut up," Mikaela laughed. Then she bit her lip. "How am I ever supposed to thank you?" she asked, wrapping an arm around Moxie.

"Just stop avoiding me," Cal replied. "I was suffering Mikaela withdrawals. I could have died."

"Shut up," she said again, ears turning pink. "I missed you too," she added softly. Cal sat up and studied her.

"Then don't cut me off like that again. I'm an idiot, I can't properly function and get anything done without your supervision."

Mikaela smiled slightly, kissing his cheek. "Do you want to stay tonight?"

He helped Mikaela to her feet. "Do you even need to ask? What are the princess's plans for tonight?" He grinned.

"I was about to go in the kitchen and make macaroni and cheese."

"Whoa, I think you might be a little too wild for me."

Mikaela swatted him. "I was home alone. Cooking without pants on is my usual agenda."

Cal brightened. "I can appreciate pants-less cooking," he said. Mikaela stared at him with a raised eyebrow as he shed his jacket and jeans.

"What are you doing, Calvin?"

"If you're not wearing pants, I'm not wearing pants." He nodded and Mikaela sighed.

"How is it possible that I missed your stupid antics so much?" she muttered. Cal and Moxie both eagerly followed her into the kitchen. Neither of them would leave her alone while she tried to cook; Moxie kept tripping her as she sniffed the air with interest and Cal kept eating the cheese she was trying to melt.

"If you two don't behave I'll ban you both," she scolded. Cal pouted and the expression on Moxie's face was so similar that Mikaela had to fight to maintain her stern glare. Their good behavior lasted for all of two minutes, and then Cal wrapped his arms around her and began spinning her around the kitchen like it was a ballroom. She finally succeeded in making dinner and made a tiny plate for Moxie and a giant one for Cal. He leaned against the counter to start eating while Mikaela fixed her own plate. He looked around the kitchen and his eyes paused on the refrigerator; where her dad kept a calendar from work that he used to keep track of his business trips.

"Your dad works for RedPalm?" Cal asked.

"Yeah. He does something in marketing so he's gone for meetings and stuff a lot."

"It doesn't bother you, him being gone all the time?"

"No." Mikaela didn't offer any more than that and Cal didn't ask. He produced from his car a bag full of assorted junk, and tried to talk Mikaela into tasting the creation he'd made.

"It's candy nachos," he said proudly. Mikaela eyed the plate feeling queasy. It consisted of Nutella, marshmallow puff, gummy bears, M&M's, and, of course, whipped cream. He sprinkled some cinnamon and sugar on a bowl of tortilla chips and dug in with gusto.

"Come on, Highness. Try some."

"I...don't think so, Cal. That looks even worse than your pancakes."

"It's delicious. Just try some I made it special for you." He gave her his sad puppy eyes and she grimaced. She took one chip and scooped some Nutella onto it, eyeing it like a science experiment before nibbling it.

"Oh come on, take an actual bite you big chicken."

Mikaela scowled. She scooped up some of the whipped cream and smeared it on Cal's face. She giggled as he stared at her disapprovingly.

"That's a waste of good whipped cream," he chided.

"Okay, I'll help you clean up." She leaned forward and licked the whipped cream off his cheek, laughing at the expression on his face. He pulled her closer and she snuggled against him. Moxie was bold enough now to jump on the couch and curl up by their feet. A strange, warm feeling spread through Mikaela and she realized that for the first time in her memory, she felt like she belonged somewhere.