Status: dont be surprised if i ditch this story, i dont have a solid plot for it yet

In a Feeling Like This

July 21, 2013

We were sat beside each other, shoulder to shoulder, alternating between a bag of Lays and my pretty, rectangular bowl. She was a gift I had received for my birthday a year ago from an ex-boyfriend, I had returned everything he gave me except for Sayidda because I just couldn't get over how gorgeous she always looks in my hands and the way she hits so smoothly. I was so stoked when he gave me her and after much consideration, I decided the name Sayidda would suit her perfectly. Based on an old book I have all about pirates, Sayidda al-Hurra was my favorite because she was described as a strong, bold, and smart Pirate Queen. As a child she was my role model and all I ever wanted to be, patrolling the seas seemed like the coolest thing to do, smelling the salty air and feeling so free. I thought it suited my bowl perfectly because of the maroon red, regal purple and turquoise squiggles she has at the sides, those three colors made me think of the kind of jewelry pirates might steal.
I stared long at my beautiful glass piece until a voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "Are you gonna hit that? Because I gladly will." Before I could even think about it or respond, Walt snatched it out my hand. I heard the sizzle of the lighter catch onto the freshly packed herb and turned to look at the warm body occupying space beside mine.
Light goosebumps speckled the entirety of his hairy arms, shirt unbuttoned to where a couple of curly chest hairs were visible, long neck, pouty lips and bloodshot eyes that were already staring straight into me. All of my friends at school think that Walt's a total babe and don't believe me when I tell them that we're just best friends. They seem to think that there's more to us because we're constantly seen together and at each other's houses, but I could never see us as anything more, we have too much of a family relationship, Walt is practically my brother. We have too many embarrassing baby pictures of us together dressed in identical gender-less clothing, they're as collectible as Pokemon cards.
He quietly gave back Sayidda and shoved an empty hand into the Lays bag while facing my open window. The silence seemed to stretch on forever when suddenly I heard, "This sunset's so pretty." Walt was speaking with his mouth full of barbecue flavored chips, covering his stubbly chin in crumbs. The vibrant hues of pink, peach, lavender and navy blue littered the sky and started to disappear as the sun kept setting and sky turned to black. If I was, an actually good, painter then my greatest goal would be to capture this beautiful moment onto a canvas.
I loved to paint, and draw, and sculpt, anything related to trying to make art, really. But I always counted it as a hobby and doubted all of my work, feeling like it was never really finished, not quite ready to be seen by anyone and missing some sort of golden touch.
It wasn't long before my eyes started to close in on themselves, felt my whole being start to get enveloped by the pretty colors and the marijuana smoke surrounding me. Words were never really my thing, it was as though I could never fully express myself correctly, especially when my senses were being taken over by a giant cloud of purple haze.
"You're incredibly stoned aren't you?" Walt asked with a slight chuckle, his eyes were squinted and his smile was huge, white teeth contrasting against his dark brown, silky skin. It was at times like this when the only word I could describe my best friend as would be: mesmerizing. I shrugged, hands diving straight towards the chips resting on his lap. "I think I'm gonna sleep over", he said to no one in particular and rubbed his face with one of his giant hands, "I was never the best at driving under the influence". Walt stood up and stretched his long arms over his head, his shirt going up with him, exposing some chiseled abs from all the summer training he was doing for football season in the fall. I handed him the crotchet afghan blanket my dad brought me from his time in the war. He wrapped it around his shoulders, lightly kissed my forehead and leave my room, to presumably the living room.
The spot on my forehead he kissed felt like I had just been burned, it was as though the rest of my body had lost it's sense of touch and that was all I could feel. I sat there in the exact position I had been since the moment my bedroom door opened 3 hours earlier and Walt strolled in cradling a giant nug in his arms. All that was left in the sky now was the deep, dark and endless black that just about swallowed up everything in its surroundings. A couple bright stars would be visible if it weren't for all the lamps adorning my suburban street.
I smoked the rest of the weed that was in Sayidda and let my head hit the pillow. Everything around me was still and I dreamed of pirates, space and pondered whether it truly was infinite or if at some point it just stopped.
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Don't be too cruel, I know I'm not great transitions but I hope whoever read truly enjoyed. Please leave feedback, I know there wasn't that much dialog in this chapter I'll try t include more of that.