‹ Prequel: Only
Sequel: Make You Feel My Love

Borrow My Heart


No more me.
No more I.
Only we.
We're gonna be.

Paul hurried down the hospital corridor until he reached the nurses station, only slightly breathless towards the end of March. They had planned to induce labor the following morning, when there were no games for three days. Things were not apparently going to go according to their plan.

Which is how he found himself late on a Wednesday night in athletic shorts, tennis shoes, hair wet from possibly the fastest shower he'd ever taken, and somehow, the spandex undershirt he wore under his gear. He was sure in his haste to get to the hospital he had grabbed it instead of something clean. He hadn't even noticed it was what he had put on until reaching the hospital as it was.

"Tessa Martin," he said. "She came in thirty minutes ago."

One of the nurses came around to him. "This way," she replied, leading him down the hall.

"Is she okay?" He asked anxiously.

"She's fine. Her water broke, she's dilating and she's doing great. Everything Is progressing normally."

They reached the door to her room and the nurse opened the door for her, ushering him inside. "Thank you," Paul told her graciously before walking into the room. "Tessie," he breathed out, moving to her bedside.

She sat up. "I told them to tell you after the game."

"I told Pascal to tell him," Carol-Lyne spoke up. "Hockey can take a backseat to your first child."

"Thank you," Paul said to her. "For being with her."

"Of course. Call me after she's born and I'll make sure everyone else on the team knows. And give me your house key so I can make sure everything is ready at your house."

"You don't have to do that Carol-Lyne," Tessa protested.

"I know I don't but I am. That's what friends do."

"My keys are in my purse."

"Thank you," she smiled, leaning down to hug Tessa. "I'll see you three soon."

Paul took the spot at Tessa's bedside that Carol-Lyne had occupied. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

She reached for his hand and squeezed it. "I'm fine, I swear."

"So your water broke."

"In the middle of suite. Carol-Lyne left her kids with Anne and drove straight here."

"But told Duper to tell me. He was waiting when we came off at the end of the period and pulled me aside."

"There was only like four minutes left in the period when it happened. And this could take awhile; you should've finished the game."

"The birth of our first child is wildly more important than twenty more minutes of hockey. This is exactly where I want to be, with you. And besides, coach told me to go. Everyone did. All the guys send their best."

"So you rushed to get here?" She teased, pinching the fabric of his shirt between her fingers. "Not that I mind but you might end up giving the nurses heart palpitations."

"That'll happen when Sid shows up. Probably I should call Beau though and see if can bring me something. He still has a key."

Tessa smiled. "Beau Bennett was the best practice for having a baby."

Paul chuckled. "Yes he was."

At the trade deadline, Beau had seemed a little lost when Robert, his roommate and best friend on the team, was traded. Knowing a little about the feeling with James' unexpected trade in the summer, and Tessa worrying about how sad he must be, Paul invited Beau to dinner one night and then he just didn't leave for a week, swiping one of their spare keys to let himself come and go. Pearl intervened and took him home and was keeping his life in line now. It had been okay the first few days but Paul had been pretty happy when Tessa told Pearl and she showed up to claim him.

Paul pulled out his phone and sent a text to Beau, asking him if he could swing by the house and bring him some clothes. He knew it'd be a little while before he saw it but he knew he'd show up. He set it aside and turned his attention back to Tessa.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Are you?"

"I'm terrified but I can't wait to share it with you."

"Me too. But seriously, you kind of smell."

He leaned in closer. "How bad?"

"Paul!" She laughed. "So gross."

"Call Pearl and make her hurry Beau along after the game."

"Good idea. Will you get my phone?"

Paul got her phone from her purse and passed it to her. She pulled Pearl up in her contacts and Paul listened to her side of the short conversation until she hung up.

"Pearl said she'd drive Beau. And she said to tell you that they didn't say why you left the game, just that you won't be back tonight."

"I don't think any of the people who cover the team won't put two and two together once a release goes out about baby Lillian."

Tessa frowned. "You mean Emma."

"Your water broke and we still can't agree on a name for her."

"We will, when it's the right one."


At three in the morning, Tessa leaned back in bed, her eyes half closed with their daughter in her arms.

"She's perfect," Paul marveled.

"She's us," Tessa smiled, meeting his eye. "I had no idea someone could capture my heart so effortlessly and so completely."

"I know exactly what you mean." He kissed Tessa's cheek and then the baby's forehead. He looked up at Tessa. "What about Ava?"

She contemplated it a moment before looking to him. "Ava Nicole Martin."

Paul nodded. "I like it."

"Me too. What do you think Ava?" She cooed at the little girl. The baby shifted and sighed before settling back in her arms. "I think she likes it," Tessa said.

"Hey, Ava," Paul smiled. "I know I told your mom she could borrow my heart but I think she's gonna have to give you half now too."

"I love you, Paul."

"I love you too, always. Me, you and Ava."
