Le Coeur Veut Ce Que Le Cœur Veut


Beau and Pearl were laughing as they stepped off the plane back in Pittsburgh a few days later. Although it had been a short trip home, it had really recharged her and she was looking forward to the rest of the season and the work that would be coming her way.

She and Simon had been texting one another, sending pictures of their hometowns and silly selfies, and had spoken on Christmas for a few minutes between when his family finished lunch and just before Pearl's family sat down to eat.

Pearl knew Simon's flight got in about twenty minutes before her and Beau's flight, and then they had to wait another twenty minutes for Robert's plane to arrive. They had driven together to the airport, leaving Robert's SUV parked there. As she laughed with Beau, she was also scanning the crowd for Simon and when she spotted him coming towards them, she smiled.

He took Pearl's carry on when he reached them and Beau held his out to him too. Simon shoved at him.

"She's a girl; if you had any manners you would have already been carrying it for her."

"It's Pearl; she can handle herself."

"Vous êtes un idiot," he replied as he started away.

"It's called chivalry, Sunshine," Pearl said, patting his shoulder.

"You're really gonna let him just take your bag though?"

She shrugged. "We might not get along but Simon has always been a gentleman towards me. He holds the elevator for me if I'm rushing to make it, he opens doors, and this isn't the first time he's taken my bag. That's how I know there must be something redeemable about him. I mean, you and Robert are friends with him. There must be a good guy under all that haughty French somewhere."

Beau laughed and Simon glanced back at them. "Hurry up; I'm starving," he said. Beau and Pearl shared another laugh before quickening their pace and following him into one of the airport restaurants while they waited on Robert.

Beau and Simon took chairs opposite each other, and Pearl took the chair to Beau's left, Simon's right, inching it just a little closer to Simon than center. Their waitress was by a few moments later and as Pearl expected, she was flirtatious with the two men, particularly Beau; he was usually the first one that got noticed. She felt something graze her wrist and looked down to see Simon's fingers barely touching her and she shot a sideways look in his direction. He only smiled and with Beau engaged in flirting with the waitress, he squeezed her fingers with his before pulling his hand away.

After ordering drinks and then food for themselves and Robert (Pearl ordered for him; she ate enough out with them when they were on the road to know exactly what to get him), Beau excused himself to use the bathroom. Simon watched him go until he disappeared and leaned over and kissed Pearl.

"Simon!" She whispered loudly, looking around. "You can't do that!"

"Sunshine didn't see anything," he countered.

"You're impossible."

"You knew what you were getting into."


He leaned in again and kissed her cheek. "Can I see you tonight?"

She folded her arms across her chest. "Yes," she answered begrudgingly with a smile. "My place."

"Your place," he repeated. "The two of us, all alone. Sounds cozy."

"The only place you can kiss me without risking a slap to the face."

"That too," he shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Do we get to make out on the couch?"

"If you make dinner."

"Can I bring pizza and beer?"

"Are you allowed to eat pizza and beer?"

"Of course. Have you seen my body?"

"Jackass," she muttered as he smirked.

"What are you two bickering about now? Because it wouldn't be Pittsburgh without you two biting each other's heads off," Beau said as he took his seat.

"Why did you leave the two of us alone then?" Simon shot back.

"Pearl says you're gentlemanly; I thought that meant I could leave you two alone for two minutes without tearing each other apart."

"I'd need more than two minutes for that," he smirked.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Jackass." He smiled wolfishly in return and Pearl turned her body towards Beau. "When does Robert land?"

Beau checked his phone. "He texted when I was in the bathroom; they had just landed. He should be here any minute."

"Thank god."

Beau laughed. "I knew Borts was your favorite."

"He's not my favorite; I'm just closest to him."

"Same thing."

"Jealous," she retorted. "He's like a brother."

"You know that's why no one tries to hit on you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Borts. He threatened the locker room."

"What?!" She yelped.

"Oh yeah. Said he'd end anyone that even thought about you in an unsisterly way."

"No he didn't."

"Swear to god."

She flipped around to look at Simon. "Did he really say that?"

"Oui," he answered.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Kill who? What did Desi do now?" Robert asked as he came up behind Pearl. He kissed the top of her head before walking around to drop into the empty chair across from her.

"Why is it automatically my fault?" Simon asked.

"Because you two hate each other and Pearl routinely tells me about how you suck and that she's gonna kill you and you tell me that Pearl is a snob and why does she always have to hang out with us."

Simon opened his mouth to reply but Pearl talked over him. "Well for once Robert Bortuzzo, it's not Simon that I'm going to kill. It's you."

"Me? What'd I do?" Robert pouted.

"You threatened the locker room!"

He reached over and biffed Beau in the back of the head. "Why did you tell her?"

"It just came out," he shrugged. "I don't know what the big deal is."

"I've always wondered why Olli avoids eye contact with me. Now I know; you scared the shit out of him," Pearl said.

"He was checking out your ass! I was looking out for you."

"From Olli? Really?"

"Ok, maybe I overreacted with Olli."

"You're an asshole."

"I was looking out for you, Pearl," he repeated earnestly.

"By threatening your teammates."

"It seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm sorry I threatened my teammates on your behalf. My bad."

"You're lucky I like you," Pearl answered as their waitress, along with a second one to "help" with their four plates returned with their food. Pearl rolled her eyes as they set plates down for the guys with coquettish smiles. Their waitress touched Beau's shoulder, asking if they needed anything else. As Robert ordered a drink, her friend stood close to Simon, touched his arm and asked if he needed anything. Pearl shot daggers at her, a look Simon caught, which made him smirk.

"I'm good," Simon answered before winking at Pearl. She looked away from him quickly.

"What do you mean you're good?" Robert asked as he watched the two go. "That waitress was your type."

"Maybe my type changed."

"In the what? Four days since I saw you last?"

"I met someone."

"Who?" Beau demanded.

"When?" Robert added.

"Don't worry about who. And recently, in the last week."

"I want to meet her," Beau said as he dragged a French fry through ketchup.

"I wouldn't let her meet them," Pearl spoke up. "She might leave you for one of them."

"Not a chance," Simon replied. "Vous ne trouverez jamais mieux."

"It's not right when we don't know what you said," Beau said.

"Dommage," he shrugged before biting into his turkey burger.

They talked about their trips home after that and Robert picked up the bill after they were finished. They collected their things and headed out to his SUV. Robert jumped into the driver's seat after throwing his bags in the back and Beau took the passenger seat.

"Guess you're stuck with me in the back seat," Simon said as he shut the trunk.

"You better behave yourself."

"Scouts honor," he smiled innocently.

(He let his hand brush against her thigh three times during the drive. She gave him death glares every time.)

Later that night, Simon knocked at Pearl's door with a grocery bag of beer in hand. She opened the door with a smile and pulled Simon inside, pushing the door closed behind him.

"What? The ninety year old lady next door is a spy for Mario?" He teased.

"No. Well, I don't think so at least. I wanted to kiss you, idiot."

"Yeah, I'm okay with that," he grinned, pulling her against him. "But can we order pizza first?"

She shoved him away with a laugh and walked towards her kitchen. He followed, looking around her place. "This is nice, Pearl. It's exactly like you."

"Thank you. What kind of pizza do you like?"

"Doesn't matter to me. Just order what you like." She kissed his cheek as she passed him to get her phone, and as she called in the order, he got comfortable on the couch.

Pearl joined him a moment later and Simon pulled her into his side, holding her for a silent minute. "We should have started sneaking around earlier."

"We're just starting to sneak around."

"I know, but just think if we had started this when we first met. We could be four months into this instead of four days."

"We should wait and see if we can even tolerate each other."

"We'll be fine," he told her, kissing her sweetly.

"What did you say at lunch, when I said you shouldn't let your girlfriend meet Beau and Robert in case she liked them better? You had a smirk on your face when you said."

"Vous ne trouverez jamais mieux. You will never find better."

"I don't know; Robert is a sweetheart. I probably would date him if circumstances were different. He's definitely my type."

Simon pulled her tighter against him. "He'd be a terrible match for you. Awful."

Pearl giggled. "Jealous," She teased him.

"Of Borts? Non." He leaned down and kissed her. "Should I be worried about Beau too?"

"Definitely not. I'd kill Sunshine if I dated him."

"Good to know," he smiled, hugging her. "I brought something for you; a Christmas present."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Why?"

"We barely spoke before Christmas and we just decided to sneak around and date each other, despite that it could cost me my job and despite that Borts has threatened bodily harm to you and your other teammates. Why would you buy me anything?"

"Because I can, that's why." He pulled a small gift wrapped box from the bag the beer had been in and handed it to her. "Just open it."

She tore the ribbon away and slid her finger under the tape before pulling the paper away. She balled it up and threw it at him; he caught it easily and tossed it over his shoulder. She pulled the lid from the box and looked up at Simon with a smile. She leaned in to kiss him.

"Thank you; it's beautiful."

"Like you."

"Smooth talker."

"That's how I'm gonna trick you into falling in love with me."

"I thought that was supposed to be your French."

"That too. Let me put it on you." She nodded and passed the box to him. She took the watch she wore off and let Simon fasten the new one around her wrist. A slender white leather band with a gold dial, the watch had gold butterflies engraved on the lighter gold face.

"I knew you always wore a watch; I hope that one didn't have too much sentimental value."

"No; I bought it because I thought it was pretty. This one is prettier though. I feel bad that I don't have anything for you."

"You're present enough. But we could make out if you feel really bad. Besides, I just wanted you to think about me every time you checked the time."

She looked down at it, finding that he had already set the correct time for her. "You have twenty minutes until the pizza gets here."
♠ ♠ ♠
If you had a long weekend, I hope you enjoyed it. If you had just a weekend, I hope you enjoyed that too.