Silent Shadows


I was still feeling guilty as fuck a week later, even though everyone had been telling me it wasn’t my fault. I just couldn’t get that image of him changing back out of my head. Somehow it was different that he had been a wolf. I guess when he was a human, it gave him a face, someone that had a family and a life. A life that I had taken.

I was sitting out in the sun, watching the weekly group sparring. I was exempted from this one because my leg was slowing me down still. I walked with a slight limp, and I’d have a lot of gnarly scars when it finally healed up properly. But I still had the use of it, and my life, thanks to Zinnia, who was sitting in the living room doing something I couldn’t see because of the glare on the windows. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed how still everyone had gone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Someone’s coming. Werewolves.” Brian sniffed the air again. “It’s okay. It’s just George, Jordan and Dylan.”

“They’re friends.” Johnny assured me. I just nodded and pulled my knees up to my chest.
It felt like there was this big black hole inside of me, sucking up everything happy. Not even Danny could help. I was pretty sure if we could get past first base I’d feel a little better, just because I’d be distracted.

Three guys appeared at the other end of the clearing. They looked normal enough, but the way they walked screamed werewolf.

“Hey.” Matt said, waving them over. One of them had a head of thick brown curls and an obviously Hispanic face. Another was heavily tattooed and wearing a captain’s hat. The last had a square face and bright blue eyes I could see from the other side of the clearing.

“Sup my homies?!” The curly haired one high fived Jorel. “How’s it hangin’?”

“Hey Dylan.” Jorel laughed. “Kid, come over here.” I stood up and half limped over to them. The stiffness in my leg was pissing me off.

“This is George, Dylan and Jordan.” Arin pointed them out to me. George was the guy in the captain’s hat, Jordan was blue eyed and Dylan was the Hispanic guy. “This is Ronnie, our newest pack member.”

Dylan looked me up and down with obvious interest in his eyes. I didn’t think it was that big a deal. I’d gotten checked out before and the best thing to do was ignore it. I just was not expecting for Danny to growl and bare his teeth at Dylan like that.

“Danny, what the fuck?” I stood in front of him, hands on my hips. He was crouching, getting ready to spring almost. His eyes were changing already.

Jimmy grabbed me by the neck of my shirt and swung me out of the way and into Zacky’s arms, who carried me inside the house.

“What’s going on?” I demanded.

“Dylan checked you out and Danny’s asserting his territory.” Zacky shrugged. “Typical male posturing. It’s safer if you’re inside and not out there where you might get hurt.”

“Why does everyone assume that I’m made of glass? And that Danny would ever hurt me?” I rolled my eyes.

“Did you ever think that maybe we know better than you?” Zinnia slammed her book shut. “If you want to get hurt again, by all means, go outside. We all know that male werewolves are dangerous for a human, and you are a human for the most part right now. So just trust us.”

“Zack, can you give us a minute?” I might as well, since she’s in front of me. He nodded and went down the hall to his room. “Zin, I am so, so incredibly sorry. I lost my temper and I was so angry I just-” I shook my head. “I’m sorry isn’t good enough.”

“It’s the Goddess’ will.” She said in a very Zen voice. I thought it was bullshit, but I didn’t say it.

“I’m not even going to ask if I’m forgiven.” I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I felt a little better now that I’d apologized.

“You are.” Zinnia said softly, so quietly I wouldn’t have heard it if it weren’t for my supernaturally good hearing. “You’re welcome to come back to the room if you’d like.”

“I’d rather stay with Danny.” Danny and I had been having some wonderful, long conversations when we were lying in bed together. I’d learned a lot about him and I loved him more for it. She gave me a knowing look and we sank into a comfortable silence, just as the guys came in, minus Danny.

“I sent him to cool off.” Matt said, seeing the questioning look on my face.

“Sorry about that.” Dylan said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t know.”

“It’s no big deal.” I smiled and headed to the couch. My leg was starting to ache pretty badly.

“What happened to your leg?” George asked.

“Got mangled by a werewolf.” I rolled up my pant leg and showed them the criss-crossed scars the wolf’s teeth had left. There was a collective sharp inhale.

“One of Raymond’s boys did that.” Jimmy said, nodding at my leg.

“His ass get marked for it?” Jordan asked. I looked down in my lap.

“Ronnie was getting dragged away and she stabbed the wolf.” Arin said softly. The realization flashed across their eyes.

“I’m gonna go lie down, my leg hurts.” I excused myself to my room and lay face down on the bed. I’d seen so much death recently. I was sick of it. I must have fallen asleep at some point, because Danny climbing onto the bed woke me up.

“Hey.” I said, smiling sleepily.

“Hey.” He looked upset.

“What’s wrong?”

“I went all macho territorial on you. I’m sorry.”

“Danny, you’re a guy. You run on testosterone. I get it.” I held my arms out for him. He lay down next to me and I snuggled into his side.

Later that night I was getting ready for bed after my shower, wishing I could have just stayed under the cold water spray. July was not my favorite month by a long shot. Even with the fan running, the room was still hot and sticky, not helped by two werewolves who ran hot sharing a bed.

As I settled into bed, Danny spooned me and I felt something against my back that I normally only felt in the morning.

“You got a little friend back there Danny boy?” I giggled.

“It’s your fault. I can see your birds.” Most people would think he meant my chest, not my tattoos. The tank top I was wearing revealed the two sparrows on my back.

“Am I gonna have to wear t-shirts around you for the rest of my life?” I turned over in his arms to face him.

“Just until September.” He kissed me gently. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some, ah, business to attend to.”

“Go take care of your boner, horn dog.” I laughed, pushing him playfully.

“Again.” He nipped my neck. “Your fault that you’re so gorgeous.” He vanished into the bathroom and returned a little while later, a bit flushed.

“I hope you washed your hands.” I raised one eyebrow at him.

“And if I didn’t?” He gave me a wicked grin before diving on me and tickling me.

“This didn’t work out that well the last time.” I gasped out between giggles. He kept doing it and my shirt started to ride up over my stomach.

He froze up. “Damn it.” He rolled to the side. “Stupid order.” Apparently Matt’s definition of “sexual” applies to my shirt riding up too. Damn him.