Finding Love


I awoke to loud music being blasted through my room knowing that my youngest brothers Dre and Ty probaly had a couple of females over.

Im just upset because I hate waking up in the middle of the night. I turn over on my side to check my phone and replied back to my texts and gave my best friend a call back but she didn't answer.

I crawled out the bed and slipped on my pajama shorts followed by my slippers i walked out of my room and the loud blaring of the music gave me a headache.

I walked over to my brothers room and banged on the door twice "TURN THE FUCKING MUSIC DOWN" i yelled over the top of my lungs. My brother Dre swung the door open and i smelled a mixture of hot ass and good weed. "Why the fuck you yelling Mani" he said. "Because I was sleeping and its to fucking late for that loud ass music and it fucking stinks in here" i whispered. Dre yelled back to Ty saying to turn the music down and after 20 long seconds he finally did it.

Some girl came to the door and was trying to pull Dre back inside the room i rolled my eyes and walked away. My brother yelled out "Take them little ass shorts off" I walked to the kitchen and grabbed me a cup and filled it up with ice. I started to walk down the stairs to see what my other brothers were up to. When I reached the bottom of the steps i turned but walked into a hard body and hurried up and held my cup with two hands.

When I looked up to throw hands at my brother I realized it wasn't him but a boy with dreads and a hat so instead I rolled my eyes and told them they almost made me drop my ice. The person replied back "Damn boo my bad i didn't even see your little ass". My eyes got all googly eyed and I started staring at him because this boy had the most cutest accent like he was from another country. I quickly looked away and said "Boy aint nobody little". The boy started laughing and said you got it boo but my bad" He walked away and I had to take a look at what he was wearing I quickly laughed at myself and made my way to my brothers room.

When I opened the door my brothers were sitting on the bed and in the other chair sat my brothers friend John playing madden. I walked over to my oldest brother Trey and sat beside him. "What you doing up Mani?" I replied back "They got some fucking girls up there with the music blasting and woke me up you know I was cranky as fuck and let them have it". My brother started laughing and said "let my young niggas get some pussy". I rolled my eyes and started watching them play the game.

The boy that bumped into me came back in the room and stared at me but then sat down. I started smiling and started eating my ice. John yelled out loud and threw the controller. "Yall niggas be fucking cheating mane" the new boy started laughing and John said "Fuck you laughing at girl?". My eyes went to the boy and I yelled out loud "GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLL , you are gay as shit John" . Everyone looked back at me and started laughing John said " If she gotta pussy she a girl" I looked at the boy and tried to see if it was a girl but I was still stuck in my head believing that he just had a pretty ass face but I looked away when he turned around.

I tuned in on the conversation they were having but my ice started melting so I told my brothers and everyone goodnight and was on my way walking out the room. The he/she put out there arm and made me drop my cup. All I heard was clean that shit the fuck up and I started laughing. I picked up my cup and headed toward the steps until I heard somebody walking behind me. I turned around and noticed that the he/she was walking with me up the steps.

I reached the top of the steps and walked into the kitchen followed by the he/she. To break the silence the he/she called out my name and I turned around confused. "Boy how you know my name and its ARMANI not MANI" . The he/she started laughing and said "My bad boo where yall keep the paper towels". I pointed to the top cabinet and walked over to wash my cup. I started up a conversation and asked "So whats your name" . The he/she looked at me and said "My name Ra-ra Armani , thats cute I stated back". Ra-ra smiled and walked out the kitchen and down the steps. I put up my cup and walked to my room and tried to enjoy the rest of my sleep.