Finding Love


I woke up maybe 5 hours after i had gotten woken up by my brothers. I jumped out the bed and checked the time and it said 8:00am. I got out the bed and walked over to the bathroom in my room and turned on the shower. I started to undress and hopped in the shower there is always something about a hot shower when you wake up in the morning it's the fucking best. I quickly washed up and just stood under the shower water for awhile to let it sooth my back and then I started washing my hair.

I stepped out the shower and grabbed my towel went over the sink and brushed my teeth. I walked to my room and connected my phone to the bluetooth speakers and put on pandora. Walking over to my closet I looked for something to put on and settled with a pair of black joggers and a regular white tank top. I went over to the bed and started lotioning up. I got dressed and and slipped my shoes on.

I picked up my phone to call my best friend. She answered on the 4th ring I yelled in the phone. "BITCH DONT TAKE THAT LONG TO ANSWER MY FUCKING CALL" she started laughing "Girl shut up I was sleep are you on your way" I replied back "Yeah go unlock the door" And with that I hung up the phone. I grabbed my keys and walked out my room I went in the kitchen and grabbed me a plastic cup and filled it up with ice. I turned around and Ra-ra was on her way out the door I followed behind him and started on my walk to my best friends house. I pulled out my phone and called my boyfriend TJ he answered the phone sounding so sleepishh. Babbyyyyyyyyyyyy wake up I sung out he replied "Bae you act like you not on your way over here and like you not gonna wake me up when you get here " I started laughing until I heard a loud beep I turned around and a tinted car was beeping I turned back around and TJ was like "Bae who is that" I replied back im not sure but it aint for me though.

The car beeped again and I turned around to it and rolled my eyes and flipped my middle finger up to the car. The passenger side window rolled down and it was Ra-ra. He yelled out to me and asked me where was I going and if I needed a ride. I ran up to the car and he unlocked the door and I jumped in and put on my seatbelt. I called Tj's name and told him ill be there in a minute and hung up the phone.

Ra-ra said "where you headed to boo" I told him the address and we were on our way. Ra-ra got a call on her phone and she asked me to answer it and to put it on speaker. I grabbed her phone and answered it followed by putting it on speaker. Across the screen read 'MY HEARTBEAT' with hearts after it the person on the other line said "Sarah baby where you at" . I chuckled a bit and it dawned on me that this was in fact a girl.

Ra-ra replied and said "bae on my way there now you getting dressed" The girl replied back and said "no baby im in the bed right now playing with my wet tight pussy" I looked over at Ra-ra and started smiling and she told me to hang up and I did just that and quick.

We arrived at my best friends house and I opened the door and stepped out Ra-ra grabbed my arm and said let me get your number boo. I hesitated and thought about it for like 3 milliseconds and i gave it to her and closed the door behind me and walked up the steps and opened the door.