Finding Love


On our way to somewhere it felt as though we were driving for hours. We pulled up and parked in the parking lot of what looked like a furniture store. I gave Ra-ra a weird look and she turned the car off and got out. I sat in the car not knowing what exactly to do and she walked over to my side and opened the door. "Well look at you prince charming" I said laughing and getting out the car. We walked inside the furniture store and I ran over to the beds.

Ra-Ra's POV

I watched as Armani ran to the other side of the store like a little kid. And I walked over to the back of the store too talk to my cousin. John was standing in the back of the store caking with one of the employees. I called out his name and he walked too me and dapped me up.

We walked over to his desk and we sat down, "aye I see you caking with shawty who that" I said he started smirking and told me that it was some new broad that got hired last week. I heard Armani calling my name from a far distance and I stepped from the back too catch up with her. She asked me for the keys to the car because she wanted to grab her cell phone. We walked back to the back so that I could grab the keys off of John's desk. I knew John would be surprised to see her with me so when he gave me a smirk I couldn't help but too laugh.

Armani walked over to John and gave him a hug and gave me a funny look and I started bursting out laughing she snatched the keys off the desk and was headed out the offices. "YOOOOOOOOO what you doing with Mani nigga" John yelled out. I threw my phone at him and said "nah it’s nothing foreal".

John went on to type up the paper work I payed him and was on my way too choose the furniture for my apartment. I walked to the front to meet up with Armani and I let her know that she was here too help me pick furniture for my apartment. I literally sat down while she went shopping for at least 3 hours it drained me just watching her walking back and forth around the store. I went to give John the extra money and we were out the door.

Armani’s POV

I connected my phone to the car charger because I was texting TJ the entire time showing him pictures of the furniture and he made my phone die. My phone started vibrating and I grabbed it and started bursting out laughing to find out that TJ was blowing my phone up and checking my location.

Ra grabbed my phone and put it in her lap. I reached too grab it back but then had a second thought about it because she was driving. “Give me my phone little boy” I whined. She started laughing and said “nah boo talk to me I’m trynna get too know you”. “But boo we can talk when we go inside and eat you had us on our feet all day I chuckled”. She pulled into the parking lot of Joes Crab shack and gave me a glare and tossed my phone back to me. We both got out of the car and headed inside and were seated in the next 10 minutes.