Beggin' DeVito's Story


"what else do you wanna know?"

She probed, the singer looked down in to his half empty glass,

"I dunno I wasn't expecting to even get this far"

He laughed nervously,

"Calm it Frankie I don't know what you've heard about me but I'm not like Tommy's "Usual" you can talk to me"

"Joe just said you were a bit of a hard ass ya know brassy?"

She laughed even louder pulling a smile from the other man, she placed a hand on his her wedding ring glinting once more, he looked down at their hands then back at her face confused,

"He's doing great Frankie, I promise"


she closed her cinch belt just below her bust and smoothed her pencil dress out, she faffed in front of the mirror oblivious to Joey smirking at her from the door way,

"Ya look fine those colours, they bring out ya skin tone"

she turned and looked at him nervously

"It's not too much?"

"Not at all he'll be happy to see you looking so pretty"

she applied a quick slick of lipstick and sighed,

"Lets go"

The drive seemed to last a life time Joey attempting to make small talk about the pregnancy and their wedding day, she was sure he had heard it all from Tommy if they were still in close contact, she shuffled her feet around nervously,

"You okay?"

she nodded her stomach still tying itself in to painful knots.

A sudden clang on the bars to the cell woke him with a shock, he looked around disgusted,

"DeVito! Visitors"

He sighed and rolled his eyes before jumping from his bunk and being lead out of the cell, he pushed his hair back as the noise of the visitors room grew louder as they got closer, he didn't care for visitors he'd rather just wait his sentence out, he had struggled to adapt to this one though, before hand he would have been settled in within a couple of days this time it took him a few weeks, he felt homesick not only for Jersey but for his marital home, they had only had a few short hours together before he was carted off, and there was only so much of a front he could put up.

His eyes scanned the crowd as he entered the room,


A familiar voice caught his attention, Joe Pesci, he rushed over to him hoping he had been to Renee, praying that he would let him know if she were being truthful in her letters or not,

"how is she? is she okay? Joey tell me something!!" He shook the smaller man by his shoulders as he smiled up at him Tommy felt an anger rise in him "Don't fuck with me Joe I need to know!"

"Ask her ya self"

She stepped forward through the crowd, his body wouldn't move, his brain rushing at one thousand miles an hour, he threw his arms around her holding her close to him, he kissed her forehead and her lips, running his hands through her hair, he was shaking tears blurring his vision, her face already wet from her own, he glanced down at her blossoming bump and placed both hands on it,

"For real?"

"Mmmhmm" she nodded unable to find the words to form a sentence.

"Oh god sweetheart!!" He put his hands on his head a smile from ear to ear, they sat down together around the small table between them, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, three months since he had seen her last and even then she was a mess of tears, "I can't believe you're actually here"

"I'm 4 months gone"

"So what you got 6 months left?"

"Five if all goes to plan"

"I've got four months left in here, I can make it, sweetheart I'll be there for the birth! we can go shopping I promise you as soon as I'm out of this shit hole, I'm taking you and the little one out I'm talking shopping food the works!"

she giggled

"Tommy don't get too ahead of yourself!"

She sat and smiled at him watching him over flow with happiness it was like he had been revived in front of her eyes, there was colour in his cheeks and a sparkle in his eyes, she gently held is hand and positioned it on her stomach, he fell silent watching as his eyes widened,

"Shes kicking!"


"Yeah daddys little princess and the queen mama!"

A buzzer sounded and his heart sank, she stood out of the chair with Tommy's help and held him tight,

"I love you stay strong"

"I love you too sweetheart"

a small kiss was exchanged before he walked away, now blending in with the rest of the prisoners she had lost him for another, four months.


"He'll be here to pick me up soon you wanna stay?"

"Nah I better be going don't want to cause trouble, Renee just don't tell him you've seen me"

they stood from the table shared a quick hug and went their separate ways, Frankie was relieved, his best friend was okay, and had named his son after him, Frankie was so close to paying off the debt he was willing to work himself in to the grave to have Tommy back home Jersey just wasn't the same without him and with Bob and Nick shaking up and having children he had never felt more alone.