Belonging to Lust

Chapter 176: Do Something Now!

Ignoring all the conniption towards her for closing the distance between her and Alice, Zaiyia kept her hands firmly on the trembling girl’s shoulder as she wept in despair. As to be expected due to her fragile state and the number of students on the bleachers rebuffing their claims of peace between them, Alice was beginning to chicken out on her and retreat within herself. Zaiyia couldn’t allow her to do that though. She’d done so well thus far she couldn’t allow her to run scared and leave her, Heath, and the Principal to pick up all the pieces. Keeping her brown eyes locked on Alice’s face, Zaiyia stated firmly, but encouragingly. “No, Alice, you can’t quit on me now! You have to at least try!” Desperate, she took the weak girl’s hands in hers and gave them a supportive squeeze. “You can do this, Alice White. I don’t give a shit what the doubts in your head are telling you right now, but you can fucking do this!”

Unbeknownst to Zaiyia, a student took an opportunity to chuck their water bottle towards her head. Jerking to his left to catch it before it hit its target, Heath captured it with one outstretched hand. Snapping his head to the Principal’s direction, Heath cautioned him sternly. “If these kids keep this shit up, Quinn, in the next five minutes I’m gonna be headed to jail for taking matters into my own hands so DO SOMETHING NOW!”

Nodding in understanding because things had definitely gotten under control and are only about to get worse, Principal Quinn turned around to gesture for the security team as well as the volunteered parents to step forward. Promptly, they formed a wall of bodies between them and the bleachers of rioting students in order to protect them and give them a chance to alleviate the situation.

Seeing that she wasn’t about to get through to Alice in the short amount of time they had, Zaiyia came up with another idea. It probably wouldn’t work but it was better than waiting around for Alice to regain an ounce of bravery to face the entire school. “Look, do you want me to do the talking for you? If so, just let me know now and I’ll fucking do it.”

Alice couldn’t bring herself to form words through her tears and so she nodded hysterically.

Praying this would make it easier for Alice in this drastic situation that needed her commandeering, Zaiyia left Alice’s side to stride to the Principal. “Sir! Give me the mic!”

Too preoccupied with the crowd to question why she needed the microphone, Principal Quinn trusted her enough to hand over the device without a word.

Clearing her throat, Zaiyia shouted down into the microphone to her school of bullies. “It’s true what the Principal said! Alice and I have put our differences aside and became friends! We’re not enemies anymore, people!”

“LIAR!” Someone declared from the sea of students on the bleachers.

“I swear to god I’m not lying!” Zaiyia protested, resisting the urge to stomp her foot like a petulant child because they refused to believe anything anyone else had to say other than Alice!

From the lower seats on the bleacher, Monique could not take this dramatics any-damn-more. Leaping up to her feet, she faced the crowd and tilted her head back to scream up at the students above and around her. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM WITH ALL YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!? GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND LISTEN TO THE GIRL! SHE’S NOT FUCKING LYING!”

Before anyone could dare to come for their little sister next, Aishah and Assata bounded up too and shouted from the top of their lungs. “ZAIYIA IS TELLING THE TRUTH!”

Surging up from her own seat as well and in clear view of where her dad, one of the volunteers, could see her, Chasity hollered. “I STAND WITH ZAIYIA HALLIFAX! LET ALL THIS HATE END!”

Alice watched in astonishment as Zaiyia’s friend stood up to vouch for her while putting themselves at critical risk for their own safety. They were IN the bleachers with all the bullies unlike Zaiyia who was behind a wall of security. They were unprotected! Not wishing for the people that turned towards the four young girls to physically or verbally attack them, Alice bumbled forward to wrench the microphone from Zaiyia’s hands. Oblivious of what she was doing, she howled down into the microphone. “IT’S TRUE! It’s true, everybody, it’s true!” Reaching out for Zaiyia’s hand, she linked their fingers together and held them up over their heads for everyone in the gymnasium to see. “Zaiyia Hallifax IS my friend!”

For the first time, the bleachers collectively let out a gasp like in the movies and then went radio silent right afterwards. All wide eyes were locked on Alice, awaiting for her to speak like she was some Goddess from above and they were her awaiting servants.

At first, Zaiyia was gaping at Alice, who seemed to be flabbergasted that she did what she just did. When her blue eyes looked to her for guidance, Zaiyia grinned at her and waved her onward. “Go on, girl. You got this.”

Feeling a rocket of fearlessness bursting through her by the proud look in Zaiyia’s eyes, Alice gave her a smile and a confident nod. Turning back to the bleachers of students she once called her friends, she stepped forward. “Zaiyia is my friend, you guys. I know it sounds made up, but it’s the truth.”

Shaking her head with shame at how this all got started, Alice expounded further. “Look, I’m sorry everyone. I made a HUGE mistake blaming Zaiyia for what I was going through at the time and I dragged you all along with me. She never deserved anything that’s ever been said to her or done to her out of hatred, NOT a single one! For the past few weeks we had managed to come together and forge a genuine friendship together.”

Glancing to her side at Zaiyia, Alice smiled at her and said. “And you know what? It’s been one of the best friendships I’ve ever had in my life!” Reaping a smile back, Alice turned her head back to the silent crowd listening to her every word. “It makes me feel bad for you all though. It’s an amazing friendship that you’re all missing out on because you’d rather be bullying this fascinating young woman instead of befriending her.”

But then again, Alice could see the reason behind their bullying, and it all linked back to one person. Alice White herself. She was the one that started this ball rolling and now it was her time to stop it. “So if you want to hate someone else for all of this then leave Zaiyia alone and hate me instead. This was all my fault after all. You just can’t continue to condemn my friend, Zaiyia, after today because she is supposed to be my so-called enemy. We’re friends now just like you and I.”

There were lingering doubts on the faces of the students on the bleachers. Alice could see them. They still wanted to defy this new shift of peace in their school and continue to spite Zaiyia’s existence. Determined to make sure no one left that gymnasium the same despicable person, Alice spoke to their hearts next. “Look at all of you. You’re all wonderful people that I’ve been blessed to know all my life in this town. You have been there for me at my lowest and so I’ve tried my best to be there for every single one of you in return. I love you all so much, not one of you can deny that.”

Feeling the tears rush to the surface, Alice wiped her eyes and pleaded with them. “But I can’t stand by any longer and watch you vilify Zaiyia Hallifax or harass her because of a misconception that was out of her hands! After today, if you decide to continue to bully her, then you can stop calling yourself my friend permanently. It’s time for us all to grow up and admit the wrong we’ve done! I’m taking the initiative of ending this bullying towards Zaiyia Hallifax TODAY and I want you all to follow my lead!”

Turning around to face Zaiyia with their hands still clasped together, Alice spoke to her through the microphone so everyone in the school would hear her loud and clear. “Zaiyia, there isn’t enough time in the world, or enough words really to express how sorry I am for all the pain you’ve endured in our school. But like our Principal Quinn has said before, this bullying ends today. In front of everyone, I want to be your friend, Zaiyia. A true friend. I want to experience shopping at the mall with you, sleepovers, hanging out after school, calling each other on the phones, and even going out to parties together.”

Biting back a laugh at how this almost looked like a marriage proposal about to happen, Zaiyia grinned at Alice and took the microphone from her hands. “Well, it’s your lucky day, Alice White cause you just made best friend status for all that, honey!”

Majority of the students on the bleacher let out laughs at Zaiyia's response when minutes ago all they had were heinous insults spitting from their lips. It was a miraculous sight to behold after what felt like decades of dark spiteful energy suffocating the halls of their school. No one was throwing things at Zaiyia in hopes of causing her harm. No one was shouting out ‘slut’ or ‘whore’ at her. Hell, the atmosphere seemed lighter all around them like a never-ending gloomy stormcloud finally unveiled the warm beam of sunlight it had been blocking. If Zaiyia didn’t believe in magic before then this sudden transformation that transpired within a blink of an eye made her believe it now. The faces on the bleachers weren’t glaring at her when she turned to skim over them. They were simply staring, most of them smiling with relief and all of them appearing like the world’s biggest weight just got lifted off their shoulders.