Belonging to Lust

Chapter 189: What A Treat!

As soon as their lodge’s front door shut behind them after a fantastic evening at the Hoppers, Zaiyia spun on her heels to face the towering giant that was her lover with her hands on her hips. “Can I have my phone back now?”

Heath engaged the lock on the door then turned around to lean against it with his arms crossed over his powerful chest. He knew she wouldn’t forget that he’d snatched her phone off of her earlier and stashed it in his pocket so Alan wouldn’t disrupt the rest of their evening. In fact, he’d been expecting a confrontation over it the moment they left his sister’s place. “That depends.”

Zaiyia’s brown eyes narrowed on his face, preparing herself for battle. She could tell by how rigid he was that he was going to make this arduous for her to secure her phone back. If she didn’t play her cards right, she wouldn’t see her phone until tomorrow…maybe. “What’s that supposed to mean? Depends on what?”

“Depends on whether or not you bullshit me, or tell me the truth.” Heath simplified it for her. “Why the hell if Alan blowing up your phone tonight? What does that asshole want?”

Matching his irritation with her own, Zaiyia threw up her hands in frustration at the reminder of Alan and the predicament he caused their peaceful dinner to be. “DUDE! I was wondering the same fucking thing when he kept calling me!. Motherfucker NEVER called my number before and now all of a sudden he’s ringing me up like some psycho stalker or something!”

Pushing back from the door, Heath uncrossed his arms as he took a step towards her and growled. “Is that what’s really going on here?”

“What?” Zaiyia countered with an expression of puzzlement before it dawned on her. “Oh, you mean the stalking part?”

“Exactly that! Is Alan stalking you now?” Heath demanded to know as he further closed the distance between them with green eyes so intense he’d surely read her mind and snare any deceit she’d try to concoct him in order to save that football jerk. “Well, is he!?”

Frowning at the thought, Zaiyia shook her head no. “I…I don’t believe that’s the case here.”

Crossing his massive arms over his chest again, Heath stared down at her with jealousy darting back and forth on his face. “Then why the fuck is he calling you out of the blue if not to get with you?”

Zaiyia could easily see past his controlled exterior to the jealousy that was taking root within. And she found it utterly cute! But calling him out on it wasn’t the avenue she was about to take right now. Instead, she was gonna pretend she never saw it and curb her smile before letting him in on the real dirt going on with Alan's dilemma. “Do you really wanna know what his calls are all about?”

“Yes!” Heath affirmed, narrowing his green eyes even further at Zaiyia when a smile snuck past her and stretched her full lips to reveal her pearly whites. What the hell did she find so damn funny about a lovesick idiot stalking her?

“Okay, but…you might wanna sit yourself down for this one.” Zaiyia cautioned him, giggling to herself as she replayed the phone call in her mind.

“Zaiyia, would you just spit it out already!” Heath ordered her, his voice rising and his hold on his temper dwindling with each passing second. Before long, he was gonna retrieve her phone to force her to watch him break it in half if she didn’t tell him what was going on between her and Alan.

“Okay okay okay!” Zaiyia yielded, holding up her hands in a sign of submission. “Alan wants me to help hook him and Alice back together again.”

Taken aback, Heath gave her a weird look only for her to nod in return. Letting her words sink in past his jealousy and fury, he was shocked by their meaning. “Alan wants to get back with Alice?”

Zaiyia nodded, smiling in hilarity at what karma dished out to Alan for what he did to Alice. “Yup.”

“You mean, THE Alice White?” Heath backtracked, wanting to be sure.

“The very same.” Zaiyia confirmed with another nod.

Moving past her to the living room, Heath went ahead and took that seat she extended to him before. His brows were furrowed with bewilderment. Nothing made sense anymore. “I don’t get it. Why does he want you to hook them back together? He dumped her for a reason, didn’t he?”

Joining him in the living room, Zaiyia went to take the seat beside him when his hand shot out to catch her by her hips and drew her down to settle her on his lap instead. Snuggling up against his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist, Zaiyia proceeded on with what she was about to say. “I had thought the same thing too. But from that phone call and what I’ve been able to gather about his life at present, it’s been a total shit show without her in it.”

Leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head, Heath softly asked. “And who’s fault is that?”

Laughing, Zaiyia lightly smacked Heath on the chest for not being sympathetic. Lifting her head, she tilted it back to look up at him with a grin. “His.”

Finding her smile addicting, Heath chuckled down at her before interrogating her some more. “Okay so…what are you gonna do then? Help him?”

“I don’t know. The last time I spoke with Alice about Alan she told me she wanted to move on from him and let him go so...” Zaiyia recalled to him, a frown on her face. “I don’t have a clue on what I should do.”

It was true, those words did come out of Alice’s mouth. She didn’t want to weep over her relationship with Alan anymore. Starting over was her main goal…at least that’s how Alice made it seem. Her body language was on a whole other page though. It told her that Alice still had feelings for Alan that wouldn’t be so easily dismissed just because she wanted to switch gears all of a sudden and free herself.

Zaiyia didn't know what she should do. Listen to the words coming out of Alice’s mouth or let the girl’s body language guide her in the right direction instead?

Seeing that Zaiyia was really troubled over this, Heath made a suggestion he hoped would help. “Why don’t you tell the other ladies and see what they think about it? I’m sure they’ll be able to help you do the right thing if you find yourself ready to rip your pretty braids out over it.”

“I ain’t ripping my braids out for no motherfucker, I’ll tell you that right now!” Zaiyia feigned a gasp, smacking him once again with a smile. “But you’re right. I should probably bring it up with them. Someone’s bound to know what I should do cause I sure as hell don’t.”

“Alright well…I’m gonna head to bed. It’s been a day.” Heath let her know as he gently set her beside him so he could get up from the couch.

Hopping off the couch behind him, Zaiyia followed him to ask. “Are you tired?”

“Exhausted.” Heath answered as he headed up the stairs, his face showing off those tired lines.

Pouting to herself that he’d be too tired to fool around, Zaiyia trailed after him. She watched him strip from his clothes before copying his action. She felt his eyes on her as she peeled off garment after garment until she was as naked as the day she was born. Feeling thrilled that he might be able to be aroused again, she bit back a smile as she turned to face him. Where he was once standing flaccid on the other side of the bed from her, he was now standing as hard as a rock. “Are you still tired?”

“You know damn well I’m not, girl!” Heath scolded her, seeing what she was playing by arousing his body back into a ravenous lust when it barely had the strength to walk him back to their lodge from his sister’s place. Whipping the sheets off the bed, he crawled under them and then snapped out an order for her to follow. “Well? What are you doing standing around for? Get over here!”

Zaiyia blithely obeyed with a bounce to her step. Slithering under the sheets with him, she was quickly swept up into his strong hard arms and pulled under his large frame with a squeal that was smothered by his lips crashing down on hers. With a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held his body close to hers as it lowered enough for her to feel how badly she affected him by just being naked. She didn’t have to lay a finger on him to have him sexually at her beck and call it seemed. What a treat!