Belonging to Lust

Chapter 204: Willing To Fight

When school finally came to a close that Thursday, Zaiyia returned home to whip Heath up some of her delicious dinner. The lord of the house was running late at work, but he promised her he’d make a stop to pick her up some delectable dessert to make up for his tardiness. Zaiyia honestly didn’t feel like he needed to do that for her considering she wasn’t upset at all that he wouldn’t arrive at his usual time. BUT at the same time it’s not like she needed to tell Heath that, not when she was about to get herself some scrumptious dessert as a reward! If you ask her, it was a win-win!

Due to Heath's delay, Zaiyia didn’t feel a need to rush in preparing dinner, rather, she took her time. She was enjoying the peaceful silence dividing the food onto their individual plates when someone loudly pounded on the front door. Frowning at who would rudely whack their fist against Heath’s front door like that, Zaiyia began to suspect it might be the man himself having misplaced his house keys somewhere. At first, she started for the front door only to pause in the center of the living room when she recalled that she hadn’t heard his truck come up onto the driveway, and that his timing of his arrival was completely off. He said he'd be late tonight. If that was him, then he was arriving on time.

Becoming highly suspicious now of who was on the other side of the front door, Zaiyia drifted towards the left to peek out at the driveway from behind the shut curtains. It was empty, confirming that whoever decided to drop by was not Heath. Straightening back up, she went to the door to peer through the peephole instead and she couldn’t believe who she saw right before he started pounding his first on the door again with all his might.

It was Alan!

“ZAIYIA!” Alan roared from the other side, his eyes glaring through the peephole, hoping Zaiyia was staring right back at him. The thought gave him the bravery to call her out some more. “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE! QUIT HIDING AND GET ON OUT HERE!”

Incapable of comprehending the audacity this fool somehow induced within himself, Zaiyia was filled with fury as she unlocked the door and yanked it open to face the moronic jerk. She didn’t bother to keep her voice down as she screamed at him in the peaceful night in her quiet cul-de-sac. “YOU BEST BACK THE FUCK UP OFF MY MOTHERFUCKING DOOR AND CHECK YOURSELF REAL QUICK, OR IMMA KNOCK YOUR BITCH ASS OFF THIS HERE PORCH IN THE NEXT MINUTE!”

Despite the sneer Alan shot her way at her thundering threat, he stepped back a step to open his arms to the invitation. The memory of his balls being kneed by her earlier this week didn’t seem at all a possible recurrence at the moment. “OH, YEAH!? WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, HUH? KNEE ME IN THE BALLS AGAIN!?”

“You better believe I motherfucking will if that’s why you came all the way here for?” Zaiyia swore to him, rolling her neck with a bad attitude he always seemed to stir from her.

“Jesus Christ, you’re fucking UBELIEVABLE right now!” Alan yelled at Zaiyia, his fingers diving into his hair to pull at the straight strands in equal frustration. He so badly wanted to hit her in the face right now, and from the look on her face, she wanted to do the same. But he wasn’t here to get into a physical brawl with her! No, he was here to call her out for being a deceptive person that no one could count on! “ALL I wanted to do was fucking talk to YOU that day, that’s it! Not to get hit in the balls for no fucking reason in front of all my friends!”

“I TOLD YOU THAT WASN’T THE TIME OR THE MOTHERFUCKING PLACE TO TALK!” Zaiyia screeched at him, her hands abandoning their hold on the door to close into fists at her side. Remaining on the threshold, she went off on him, not caring what fragile white family in the cul-de-sac heard her. “YOU WOULD’VE FUCKING UNDERSTOOD THAT HAD YOU TAKEN YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR OWN ASS TO SEE PAST YOUR OWN NARCISSISM!”

“OH, I’M THE NARCISSISTIC ONE?! YOU WEREN’T THE ONE THAT WAS STRUNG ALONG WITH THE PROMISES OF SOMEONE BEING THERE FOR YOU AND HAVING THEM NEVER FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT!” Alan roared at her, his hands curling into fists at his side too. He desperately wanted to hit something, and was trying his best not to let it out on the home’s exterior just to be able to breathe calmly and think straight again.

“HEY! I HAD A TON OF FUCKING BULLSHIT ON MY OWN PLATE THAT I HAD TO DEAL WITH!” Zaiyia expounded a bit on her own private predicaments concerning not only Alice White, but also her own demons. She was a 16 year old high schooler! Not a couple’s counselor! “SO EXCUSE ME IF THEY WERE A LITTLE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE EXISTENCE!”

All of sudden, it clicked in Alan’s mind that Zaiyia had to be talking about his exe, Alice. Who else could she be referring to?

There was no other possible person on the planet that was going through what he and Alice were going through right now in their relationship, he was positive of it. “Y-You mean Alice, don’t you?”

“Boy, please.” Zaiyia groaned wearily, rolling her eyes so hard they should’ve gotten lost in the back of her skull somewhere. Why the hell was this guy always thinking everything had to do with Alice White?

Taking Zaiyia’s reaction as confirmation, Alan became pissed that she was now refusing to give him an answer. She was keeping vital information about his ex that he had a right to know! “GODDAMNIT, ZAIYIA! I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH ALICE SO YOU BETTER STOP FUCKING AROUND AND TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON!”

“FUCK YOU, MAN!” Zaiyia cursed him, finding his entitlement to the knowledge pertaining to Alice to be disgusting. The girl was a person, not some object one claimed as their property! Especially after the way Alan did Alice dirty, he had no right to claim her like his football jersey. “IMMA NEED YOU TO GIVE ME THE MONTH, DAY, AND YEAR YOU EARNED THE RIGHT TO ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH ALICE?! WAS IT AFTER YOU DUMPED HER LIKE DOG SHIT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD CAUSE YOU WANTED TO FUCK ME? OR WAS IT AFTER YOU REALIZED YOU MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE?”

Alan just about had it with Zaiyia and her mind-reading witchery! Not able to stop himself, he stepped forward with the intention of putting his hands on her, something he’d never done before nor ever saw himself doing. “YOU FUCKING BITC-”

“What the fuck is your punk ass doing on my porch yelling at my girl?” Heath’s voice cut in. He’d just driven up to his commonly tranquil neighborhood to find his baby having a screaming match with that useless kid, Alan. The scene was like something out of those Real Housewives TV shows Zaiyia sometimes watched. Wearing a pair of particularly dirty jeans, his dark work boots, and an old stained white shirt that clung to the sweat from his torso and molded his muscles in delicious definition underneath his unzipped reflector vest, Heath was hoping to come home to a steaming hot delectable dinner with an equally delectable lover after hopping into the showers. Unfortunately, it looked like his night was gonna be choked up with a whole lot of irrelevant drama that could get the cops called if he doesn’t neutralize the situation.

Zaiyia’s brown eyes shot past Alan’s shoulder to see Heath had finally arrived from work with a plastic bag of some mysterious dessert. She floundered on what she should say to him. It also didn’t help how sexy he looked with his shirt clinging to his body, she could feel her eyes become dreamy as they leisurely perused over him from the top of his head to his old work boots. The yummy sight of him was all that she needed to completely forget about Alan and whatever the hell they were arguing about.

Having to spin around to confront the deep masculine voice behind him, Alan faced Mr. Sullivan. Greatly intimidated by the giant man of muscle, he stepped back from Zaiyia to a respectable distance as he stumbled over his own words. “N-Nothing, sir! Just…talking about school stuff and…stuff.”

“You’re a fucking liar, boy. But whatever.” Heath told him as he strode across the lawn and ascended up the steps of his porch, past Alan. “Now, get the fuck off of my property.”

“Y-Yes, sir!” Alan agreed at first, so deeply intimidated he felt like he wanted to throw up. Lowering his head in submission, he made to turn and leave the property just as Mr. Sullivan ordered him to do so. But then he saw the image of Alice in his head and knew he couldn’t give in so easily. To give in would be to give up on her, and he couldn’t do that. Zaiyia was his ticket, and that meant he couldn’t desert her either. Turning back around, he faced Heath’s back and stood his ground. “I’m sorry, M-Mr. Sullivan, but I have to say no. I’m not leaving!”

Alan’s refusal halted Heath from his next step when it reached his ear, pausing his large form in front of a very pale Zaiyia’s who’s jaw dropped in response to Alan finally finding his balls, but to the wrong person.

Looking at Zaiyia, Alan kept his gaze on her so she’d see just how much he was willing to fight to get Alice back. “Zaiyia and I need to have a talk…a-and I’m not going anywhere until we do!”