Falling Stars

Raz Mackenzie Dawson is Rian's British 18 year old younger sister. After being kicked out of her family for reasons unknown to Rian, she ends up living with him in America. The support groups don't help her, neither do the prescriptions of 2 different antidepressants and 1 kind of sleeping pill. But Jack Barakat seems to ease her mind. Will sparks fly between the two star crossed lovers or will fate get in the way?

Jack Barakat/OFC fic.

May contain touchy subjects.
  1. They Tore me Apart Like a Hurricane
    Raz meets Rian for the first time.
  2. I'm a Walking Travesty
    Raz meets the band and goes to support group.
  3. Put Up or Shut Up
    Raz hates her reflection.
  4. Took a Fated Trip
    Alex finds out about Raz.
  5. Looking Up, I See a Falling Star
    Raz meets her mother and stepfather.
  6. Probably Gonna Rip Me Open
    Rian receives an ultimatum