A Boy Named Evan

This Is My Excuse For A Life

Rosie's P.O.V:

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived happily ever after with her prince charming by her side...bullshit! Rosie's my name and I hate it. My life is certainly not a fairy tale. I don’t live happily ever after in fact, I barely live at all. Life sucks. And where the hell is my “prince charming”? No guy ever stops to talk to me or to even look me in the eyes. They all think I’m too weird. I look like the walking dead. I’m always dressed in black shoe-string tops, short punkish skirts, fishnets and black converse shoes. My dark brown eyes are constantly framed with heavy eyeliner and my lips are always coated with blood-red lipstick. My fingernails are black (of course) which match my long, straight black hair. Now you can see why everyone thinks I’m weird. Everyone except Evan, my secret heart-throb. Evan is like me, weird. He wears black t-shirts, tight black skinny-leg jeans, black converse shoes and sometimes has a red tie hanging loosely around his neck. He’s a bad boy with such an innocent face. His eyes are bright blue and, like mine, are framed with loads of eyeliner. He also wears black nail polish and has semi-long straight hair with a fringe pushed to one side. He is a punk, like me, and he’s not afraid to stand up for himself and voice his opinion. For example, last lesson, Evan didn’t have his homework done because he was busy. The teacher, Mrs Remming, gave him a lunchtime detention but Evan protested and called her every name that he could think of. So now he has an after school detention, the same time that I have mine! I got one for walking out of my English class because it was too boring. I mean, that’s a good enough excuse, right? Apparently not. I can’t wait until after school today! I will finally have the chance to talk to Evan – the teachers that are meant to supervise the detentions never usually turn up. Oh shit, he’s coming! What do I do!? What do I say!?
“Hey” Evan said as he pulled up a seat next to me in the school cafeteria. “What’s up?”
“Nothin’ much”, I replied, staring at my feet, trying to hide my bright red face.
“I heard that you also have a detention today. I’ll finally have someone to talk to.” Gosh, look at those eyes…
“Oh, yeah. Can’t wait. I mean, not that I want to go to detention or anything.” Damn eyes. Damn, gorgeous blue eyes…
“Yeah, sure you don’t want to go” he said sarcastically. “I mean, I’m just so easy to resist.” Evan had an amused and seductive look on his face. I went even redder. How did he know that I liked him? Was it that obvious?
“No - I mean – I didn’t mean to say that.” I stuttered.
“Sure you didn’t!” Evan added, still in a sarcastic and amused tone. “Oh, shit! I’m late for my music lesson! Sorry, gotta go. Keep dreaming of me!” he left before I could protest.

Evan’s P.O.V:

God I love her eyes! I can’t wait until after school, I’ll impress her by playing the guitar for her and she’ll fall helplessly in love with me – not that she hasn’t already by the sounds of things. Wait, what am I saying? Who could possibly fall in love with me? Oh shit, music lesson – right! Gotta hurry!