Status: Hey guys! I will be posting chapters pretty quick at first since I have about 14 done right now, some will be short, some will be long. Please bear with me!!


Prologue: Mistake

“Well, we have to find her, there’s no other choice.” A tall tan young man snapped as he looked into the eyes of the boy in front of him. “You’re supposed to be enthralling her, not playing teenager!”

The boy’s face flushed, “Of course, Logan. I’m not just playing teenager, I’m trying to gain her trust!” he hissed through his teeth, barely containing his anger in the face of his superior. He was a youth of 19, and still had a long way to go before he would be able to keep his demeanor calm when confronted. “Honestly though, Logan, she isn’t exactly worried about school or boys for that matter.” The boy paused letting the words he left unsaid sink into his superiors head; he knew he was pushing it. Angering Logan was never a smart career or life choice, his anger was known to make heads roll.

Logan glared at the youth, his jaw clenched with barely controlled anger. He knew exactly what Eric was trying to say, and the accusation behind it. “Eric, might I remind you that this is your mission to complete, the fact that she was so terribly misplaced no longer excuses her absence.” He stepped closer to the boy in an attempt to intimidate and draw obedience from his subordinate, “We cannot allow her to remain separate from us any longer. You have one year to bring her to us willingly before we are forced to take action.” The threat in his words made his voice harsher than intended, but from the look of trepidation in the boys’ eyes it appeared to have worked at least a little bit.

“Of course, I’ll have her on our side in no time.” Eric said subdued from the threat on her life, should he fail it would not be just her life at stake. Failure was not something that was accepted from Logan, or from the higher-ups. Eric jutted his chin out in desperate defiance as he watched his superior, waiting to be dismissed.

Logan stared long and hard at the boy he had been given command over; this was not the Brave he had been promised. He expected loyalty and obedience in all things from his subordinates. Youthful defiance got Braves killed. He had hoped Zain would have placed his faith in a more promising pupil. Finally, “Get out of here, kid…” Logan sighed, suddenly exhausted from the exchange and wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep. The young Brave nodded his head and ducked out of the abandoned building that often served as an ideal meeting place for Logan and his group.

As Eric walked down the street lost in thought, a whore slid over in front of him and smiled in a way in which to arouse. Eric smiled back distractedly not at all tempted by her; he was after all a Brave, not a human, he would only ever be attracted to his own kind. Eric swiftly side stepped the whore and went along down the road, he didn’t have time for such lusts, he had a mission; his first. He shivered with excitement, after this he would finally be a Warrior Brave, not his end goal but definitely not without its perks.

He frowned as he continued thinking about his current mission, this girl Gwendolyn Grace Stark was certainly doing everything in her power to ignore him. She only ever glanced at him once, and that was only because she had sensed they were the same species. Which of course was a good sign, but even with that help he still couldn’t enthrall her, which was certainly not helping him become a Warrior.

He sighed, he would just have to try and corner her, and desperate as he was that was all he could think of to finally gain her attention. Bad attention is still attention and anything was better than the “non-existence” plane in which she had placed him so far.
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Ok, so the next chapter is gonna go out today, it'll explain more about whats going on since this is just one side of things. You get to meet the hard-headed heroine next!! Let me know what you guys think!

*UPDATE* I fixed the couple bits of grammar that was caught by a reader. Thank you Lady Nikki Nightmare for your input and help!!

*UPDATE* Changed ages!!