Status: Hey guys! I will be posting chapters pretty quick at first since I have about 14 done right now, some will be short, some will be long. Please bear with me!!


Chapter 2: Ties That Bind

Eric sat straight up in his bed. It was too late, the link was fading! He searched for his connection to Logan.

I can feel her dying, the human did something!!
...Fine ...Meet me at her house ASAP.

He shot off his bed and threw his shirt off, his nerves made it nearly impossible to make it far enough to reach his window before the change took over. He soared above his neighborhood; ordinarily he would take a moment to stretch his wings and enjoy the feeling of being free, but his thoughts were too wrapped up with Gwen. He never thought things would escalate this quickly, he hoped the human was still there, he needed to get his frustrations out somehow and he doubted anyone would fault him for losing his temper.

He reached her house and noted with disappointment that only the mothers’ car was still there, he waited on the roof for everyone else. Barely keeping himself together, his bond with Gwen fading as his panic increased.

Eric watched impatiently as a stray pit bull turned into a young man with shaggy black hair and silver eyes, an orange and white tabby turned into a young woman with red hair and green eyes, and the silver wolf turned into Logan. Eric swooped down past Logan’s head shifting from owl to man as he landed by Gwen’s window. It was open as usual and they could hear her breathing shakily, but still breathing. They could all smell the tears and blood but could also hear her heart beating strongly, if not a bit unsteady.

“See? Nothing. Nothing is wrong with her again.” The woman said narrowing her eyes at Eric dangerously. He winced as he smelled again for himself. Normal. But there was something...strange. Everyone was shaking their heads in sympathy.

“I’m sorry Eric, but you are too emotional in this...” Logan said looking in his eyes not understanding how Eric could have been wrong again, it just wasn’t like him. Logan was going to have to take him off this mission; he clearly wasn’t able to stay detached and impartial. This would ruin the boys’ chances of ever becoming a Warrior let alone Fearless.

Eric was looking thoughtful and not listening to them, still smelling the air. He leaned closer to the window and sniffed into the room, and then he got it. Pills! “It’s pills! She’s taken pills, and she’s overdosed!” Eric said relieved that he had been able to place the danger before it was too late. Logan mimicked Eric and his eyes widened.

“Listen! Her heart is slowing down! We have to move fast!” With that Sharon quickly phased into a cat and jumped through the window to change back and open it more fully for the rest to jump through. Once they were in the house Sharon gathered some medical herbs from her bag and quickly went about grinding them down with her pestle before adding some oils and putting the mixture in Gwen’s mouth. Mike kept watch in the corner of her room by the door making sure no one in the house woke. Logan listened to her heart while pondering Eric; his bond was unusually strong to be able to pick up something so subtle before it was too late.

Eric just stood at the foot of her bed looking at her tear stained, bruised face wondering how much longer they could allow this. “The human beat her, look at her!” He said already starting to snarl.

“Quiet, Eric! You’ll wake the whole house with all that racket.” Mike hissed quietly, noting the bruises while he placed his ear against the door.

Eric looked back at her and despite her bruises she looked like all the women of her family had looked like, brown hair that slid off her shoulders and large upward tilted eyes that looked tired and swollen due the bruising. He knew her eyes were brown also but had never been close enough to see the special quality in them. Her skin was pale and sickly instead of the warm, rich color it was supposed to be. Her eyes instead of eternally young and shinning; were old looking, framed with lines and large bags under them that he knew had nothing to do with her injuries. There was simply no life left in them, they were empty and sad, devoid of happiness and hope. Her nose was small and straight like her ancestors (if not a little swollen), and her cheek bones were high as expected, however her chin was strong and defiant instead of soft and yielding. As he was looking at her he thought of how much he hated the human that called itself her father, Eric wanted to end him in the most painful way possible. His reverie and study of her was so intent that he didn’t hear Logan saying his name until Sharon shoved him and mumbled “Love bird.”

“Eric, you were right and it would appear you are hers, so bring her back to us, it’s very important that we have her back safely.” Logan looked at Gwen wistfully, “I wanted her, but that...may not be possible.” Logan fixed him with a dominant and intimidating glare, “So take care of her, if you don’t I will see to it that you are personally disposed of.” His voice lowering as his glare darkened and he stepped closer to tower over the youth. Eric looked back at Gwen and swallowed hard. This was just supposed to be an assignment, an open door to the next rung in the ladder; he certainly did not expect this to be a life changing moment of finding his mate, he wasn’t ready for that kind of enslavement. Maybe he could–?

“If you fail this assignment and anything where to happen to her, the punishment will be the same.” Logan said reading his mind. He turned and stalked toward the window. “She is fine now, good job Eric, and good luck.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I condensed 2 chapters into 1 since the 2nd chapter was seriously only a paragraph long. I'll be working on the 3rd today too, so hopefully I'll be able to get that one out too. Let me know what you guys think! Thank you!!!

*Update* Fixed the spacing on this one too :-)
*Update* Ok, so for some reason I had accidentally pasted the original in here instead of the one I fixed up, this is the actual chapter. Sorry, guys!!!!!
*And again! Playing with italics and fixing a couple things pointed out to me :-)
*UPDATE* Changed appearances and fixed specifications.