Status: Hey guys! I will be posting chapters pretty quick at first since I have about 14 done right now, some will be short, some will be long. Please bear with me!!


Chapter 3: Taking Action

Gwen woke up in the morning shocked, had last night really happened? She looked around her room in a daze; the pill bottle was on her dresser where she left it, her water bottle empty next to it. She stood up and grabbed her head as the room decided to spin around her. Her throat was parched and had the worst taste in it; she looked behind herself, no vomit.

She wondered how she was still alive but she was incredibly glad for it. A huge smile spread across her face as she stretched her body to its full length; a new day! Something she didn’t think she would ever have again. Gwen saw how temporary everything was now; there was a way out. She needed to be strong just a little bit longer while she tried to find it. With that realization, and in a morbidly cliché, yet very literal, way, the world looked brighter than it did yesterday Gwen centered herself with a confident smile and marched toward the bathroom to prepare for the day.

Gwen looked in the mirror and sighed as she started to cover up her bruises with foundation. Luckily she had been wrong the night before, her nose was just a little swollen and sore, but nothing too serious. Now how was she supposed to hide this from the nosy ones at school? She narrowed her eyes as she called one of her friends.

“Hello, is Carry there, it’s important.” She let some frustration show in her voice and bingo, an overly peppy voice screamed out on the other end. “Carry, you’ll never guess what happened; you know how the stairs are all cluttered up? Yeah well, my dad was supposed to clean them, shocker, he didn’t. So of course, I get my clumsy ass all tangled up in some old clothes and fall down the whole flight.” She let that sink in for her friend.

“Oh. My. God! Are you okay? Did you break something, are you bruised? Oh my god what are you going to do about school?” She squealed in a hurry.

Gwen let her friend talk herself out then said, “I didn’t break anything but my nose is crazy sore and swollen, and my eyes look like I just got out of a boxing match.” Gwen sighed sadly adding the finishing touch, “Oh and please don’t tell anyone. Please! It’s so embarrassing!” Of course, Carry promised on her gran-momma’s grave she wouldn’t tell a soul.

Gwen smiled and threw in an abundance of relief in her voice as she thanked her and said her goodbyes. Gwen nearly started laughing, by the beginning of school everyone would know the story that she just told. Carry was perfect; she could never keep a secret, especially when asked not to tell. It was as if she were compelled to never keep a promise, or secret, even more so when she swore on her gran-mommas grave. Gwen wondered at the quality of relationship Carry had with her grandmother.

Gwen decided to walk to school today to enjoy the feel of the air against her skin and the wind flying through her hair. What a feeling, this she could control, and this she could enjoy. Gwen smirked as she started walking faster and finally breaking into a sprint, she loved running. A smile graced her face once again as she stretched her legs to reach farther, increasing her speed. Gwen lowered her head and thought only of moving faster, of lengthening her stride. Before she was ready to stop, she had already reached the school and was forced to slow. Several faces turned in her direction and followed her route past them.

Gwen ducked her head and continued toward the front doors attempting to arrive at her class without attracting further attention. She despised the feeling of being watched. As Gwen reached the top of the stairs someone rammed into her back and she fell against a muscular body that seemed to guide her away from the crowd until they were in an emptier hall. Gwen’s back stiffened as she tried to keep calm and tried to think her way out of this; she couldn’t overpower him and screaming may be overreacting. She needed to try and play along; she’d been through this before.

She heard the bell ring and half-heartedly fought against him but he just gripped her until she stilled. She now knew this wasn’t just an innocent misunderstanding prepared to scream, but something held her back. He didn’t seem to be as dangerous as before; her body relaxed and she settled against his chest as he reached to stroke her hair.

“Are you okay?” The boy asked still holding her to his body. Gwen just nodded slowly; she was starting to get frustrated with herself. Why can’t I control my own body? Why do I trust him?

The boy cut off her thoughts, “That was very rude how he just ran into you; good thing I was there to catch you. Don’t want to get anymore bruises, right? My name is Eric, what is yours?” His voice was low in tone and slow with a hypnotizing quality. It made her relax further against the vibrations in his chest.

“Gwendolyn.” She said in a soft, gentle voice. She felt his body clench at her tone. What the hell, he’s turned on! Was I drugged? I’m gonna kick this guy’s ass as soon as I can move on my own again! Try as she might Gwen could not push away from him or clench her fist.

“Well at least you’re okay, Gwen.” He said her name as if it meant something to him. She finally managed to tense her body; she was starting to regain control at last. “Well I have to go to class. Can I walk you home today?” He asked so hopefully, even scared; Gwen was confused. This was just a pathetic pick-up? She wanted to tell him to get lost and to not act like such a fucking creep next time but she didn’t have the heart to turn him down. He was no doubt just some nerd looking for a safe friend to hang out with.

Funny, he doesn’t feel like a nerd.

“Fine, but if you try anything creepy-as-fuck like this again, I’ll make sure you never so much as walk ever again.” She said starting to get full control of her unruly body and mind. She pushed away from him finally, but kept her hands on his chest as she looked down and tried to clear her mind further. “Meet me at the back of the school near the busses. Don’t be late.”

She felt him laugh against her palms before he was gone. She stumbled forward and looked around but couldn’t see anyone, had it all been in her head? She went to her science class and tried to explain to her teacher why she was five minutes late. She went to the back of class to her assigned seat and dropped into it, planting her head against the table.

“Everything ok Miss Stark?” Her teacher asked, already sounding bored with his duties of being a faculty member. When she ignored him he glanced in her direction, his brows pulled together in frustration, “Miss Stark?” Ooh he sounded frustrated. Gwen giggled slightly as she lifted her head and grinned at him.

“I’m fine, Teach, just had to make sure you were still awake is all.” Gwen threw a wink his way as he and the class stared at her in shock. She never really spoke up in class and no one had ever really seen her smile. She had decided to make a new start, if she was gonna get out of this alive she needed to start playing the game.

Her teacher shook his head and went back to his lesson but kept glancing her away, well one thing was sure, he didn’t look bored anymore. Every time he looked at her Gwen would toss up a sweet-as-sugar smile and wink to throw him off. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, She thought, this actually seems kind of fun! Her friend next to her shoved her arm, giving her a ‘what the hell’ look.

Gwen smiled, “What’s up?” she asked flippantly. “You got a bug or something? You look like you might be a bit, you know,” She leaned in and whispered, “backed up.” Her friends’ eyes widened as he tried to keep his laugh under control but failed miserably as he screamed out his mirth. Gwen just sat next to him smiling smugly, trying her best to look innocent.

“Jason! Gwen! Leave now; I’ll see both in detention today.” Mr. Simmons looked increasingly confused as he watched his two quietest students leave, both barely containing their laughter, and not looking one bit repentant for the class disturbance.

Gwen looked over to Jason and smiled winningly as he looked on in shock, he’d never had detention before. “Since when were you fun?” he asked still trying to control his laughter. Gwen just shrugged her shoulders; she guessed maybe she wasn’t the best at playing the ‘good school girl’ game after all. Jason just shook his head in wonder, “I like you better this way, Gwen.” He walked closer to her as he threw his arm over her shoulder. She rested her head against him as they walked on in silence, if not for the nerd she promised to meet she would have suggested they skip class and go out on the town. She giggled at her own thoughts, out on the town where? They were underage and everyone knew who she was thanks to her father’s popularity at EVERY bar.

She smiled at Jason, “I’m having such a good day today!” She moved out of his embrace and stretched her arms over her head, “I’m gonna be free one day, you know? I’ll be able to say what I want to say and run whenever I want to run. I’ll finally be able to be myself.” Jason looked at her in awe, he had never seen her look so happy. She was always so quiet and full of anger.

“Let’s go to lunch, Gwen.” He said quietly smiling gently at her, he was so happy to see her true self for once. He knew there was a reason he had stayed friends with her prickly ass. Gwen beamed and shook her head, grabbing his hand and jogging down the hall. “W-where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” Was the only answer he got as Gwen started laughing to herself, and leading him out to the track field. “Wanna run with me?” She stopped and turned toward him as her hair flew around her in the sunlight. She smiled a big toothy grin as she watched him process her request. When he smiled and nodded Gwen let out a squeal of joy and ran off without him, “Catch up to me!” She shouted over her shoulder.

They spent the next 30 minutes racing each other, Gwen winning easily each time, with the exception of the time she ran backwards as a handicap. They finally fell on the grass, Jason trying to catch his breath as Gwen breathed easily looking contentedly at the clouds. She sighed happily and looked at her watch; they’d missed their lunch break and a good part of their detention. She laughed out loud, “We’re late for detention; should we go or just skip it all together and head to the library? There’s a book I’ve been wanting to check out.”

Jason shook his head, “I’m gonna head to detention before I get suspended, you should too, I hear your dad isn’t too forgiving.” Gwen froze and looked over to Jason to see how much he knew, he was watching her with subdued eyes that remarkably held no pity, though they did hold a warning.

“How..?” Gwen couldn’t finish the question, but he knew what she meant. Jason looked up at the sky and thought about how he would say this, “My mother is a nurse at the downtown hospital, she works in emergency.” He looked at her, hoping he wouldn’t have to say anything else. But she looked confused, as though the information meant nothing to her. He continued cautiously watching her reaction. “Working in emergency she sometimes works closely with the EMT’s and 911 dispatch.” Jason observed Gwen’s eyes lose their light for a second before she smiled and laughed.

“Not everything is a Soap Opera, Jason.” Gwen watched him with a desperate smile as she tried to convince him otherwise, but his eyes were too determined. She shrugged her shoulders, now she knew why he was nice to her. “Keep it quiet?” Was all she asked as she looked away and back up to the clouds; he can believe whatever he wanted. Jason just leaned over her and gave her a soft hug while nodding against her head. She smiled and pushed him off her, “Secret for a secret. You know something about me; I want to know something about you.”

For some reason Jason went red in the face and looked up to the clouds with a determined set to his chin. Gwen flushed slightly herself, Fuck, does he like me? she reached out to touch his arm, “You don’t have to say anything, it was a joke.” She smiled as he turned his head toward her. She shook her head. It’s ok.

“I’m gay.” Jason finally said as he closed his eyes. Gwen watched his face scrunch up like he was preparing himself for a storm or physical attack. The confession was just so unexpected and the look on his face so priceless that unfortunately Gwen burst out laughing from relief.

Well, he certainly doesn’t have a crush on me! Jason opened eyes and hurt flashed in them before he covered himself with a smile and started sitting up.

Gwen panicked and threw her arms around him and stated, “No! That isn’t what I meant, I thought you were going to confess your undying love to me or something and then your face was just so priceless… I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation I made up in my head, I’m sorry! Please forgive me?” She could feel Jason’s shoulders shaking underneath her and she thought the worst, bracing herself for the explosion of emotion, she shied away from him slightly.

Jason looked up to her, barely containing his mirth by biting his lip. He finally let out a giggle as he choked out, “You know, for a shy girl you sure have one hell of an ego… Undying love!” He shrieked out in glee, “I thought this wasn't a Soap?” Gwen started laughing with him, beet red in the face; she grinned at him and realized what he had told her.

“Wait, you’re gay? That’s your secret? Is this something you don’t want people to know?” Jason’s eye widened at the interrogation and he looked down quickly still flushed in the face. “Does anyone else know?” Gwen asked slowly. Jason shook his head, still not making eye contact.

And the first thing I did was laugh… Some friend I am. She thought glumly, He was so great about being delicate with me but I blundered through it with him.

“You know, I’m not a very delicate person and I have zero tact when it comes to dealing with people. I’m really sorry if I hurt you earlier by laughing, I was just really relieved and your face really was very funny at the time.” Gwen murmured, agitated and looking down at her hands clasped in her lap.

Jason laughed quietly and gently punched her on the head, “It’s the biggest secret I have, and I want people to know about this as much as you want people to know about you. It’s… Equivalent exchange…” He mumbled the last part looking horrified at his reference, but Gwen hooted out in joy and threw her arms around him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this one is a lot longer than the others! I can't believe I basically rewrote the whole chapter and ended up having to cut it off here. I should get chap 4 done soon, it'll be small like the others I think. Please let me know what you think!

*Update* Beautiful Italics and corrections from the amazing Lady Nightmare!!
*UPDATE* Age Change!
*Update* Removed some content that didn't fit into the story anymore.