Status: Hey guys! I will be posting chapters pretty quick at first since I have about 14 done right now, some will be short, some will be long. Please bear with me!!


Chapter 6: Round and Round

“How did you know to pick me up?” Gwen queried, watching the scenery pass by in disinterest; all her attention was focused solely on her mother as they drove away from the school and the infuriating Eric.

“Oh, your school called me and said you missed your buss.” Ruth responded casually, “So I came and got you, didn’t they tell you they called me while you were in the office?” Her mother glanced back at her curiously.

“Yeah of course, I guess I forgot.” Gwen lied with a shaky laugh, who in the hell called her mother? She watched her mother shrug and look away.

Did Eric have something to do with this? Gwen pondered, her brow furrowed in thought, No, he couldn’t have I was with him. Maybe he did it before I saw him? Gwen shook her head slightly. No that can’t be right either; he wanted me to go to his house. Gwen sighed heavily, she was now confused on top of already being frustrated.

“Why are you so thoughtful, Hun? Thinking about the young man you waved to?” Her mom asked this time keeping her eyes on the road.

“Oh, that was Eric, he’s a weirdo looser; a non-person.” Gwen grumbled, her anger simmering. “That‘s why I was late for the bus today. He asked to walk me home but never showed, so I went to the office to call you.” Gwen said trying to cover up.

“So how did you run into the young man then? I thought he didn’t show.” Ruth asked with a gentle smile. She gave her daughter a quick glance before returning her gaze to the road.

Gwen flinched; she hated lying to her mother. “Well, I was walking down the way to meet you and to let off some steam. That’s when the jerk decided to try and catch me, The Idiot thought tackling me would be romantic or something.” Laughter filled the car as she made eye contact with her mom, she could feel her eyes brightening as warmth spread through her chest.

“Wow, he actually tackled you… Hold on a moment, is that how you got those bruises on your face?” Ruth probed, throwing penetrating glare at Gwen’s face. Gwen wanted to tell her the truth but she couldn’t hurt her mother like that, so she quietly nodded and sank lower into her seat.

“Don’t worry,” Gwen insisted, she refused to let her mother worry over something like this. “I punched him for it, I’m sure you saw the bruise.”

“Oh honey!” Her mother said laughing loudly. “You shouldn’t just hit people! How is anyone going to see how wonderful you are if you keep running around hitting everyone?” Before Gwen could respond, her mother set a new decree. “Gwen! You need to be more polite! For instance, talk to that young man and ask him out, he seems like he can handle himself, and I’m quite sure he’s learned his lesson about tackling.” Her mother giggled to herself while nodding her head, satisfied. Gwen knew there was no fighting her on this, she would just have to lie and say she would do it, unless... “Oh and in case there is any funny business, I want you to invite him to dinner tomorrow.”

Gwen looked at her mom with her mouth unhinged from shock, What? Is she serious? Has she gone completely mental?

“Mom, are you okay?” Gwen asked slowly, thinking that maybe her mother was having some sort of heat stroke.

Her mother rolled her eyes, “I’m fine honey, I’m just sick of you not having a boyfriend, your father and I are worried about you!” Gwen flinched slightly, “You should have had at least one by now, for crying out loud, your father was engaged by your age! All you need is a good kick in the right direction and I intend to help you with that.” Ruth beamed at her daughter as she turned into the driveway.

Her mother shut the car off and started to exit when Gwen blurted. “I don’t want to date anyone mom! Guys aren’t worth my time!” Gwen hoped to stop her mother in her tracks.

Maybe if she thinks I’m a lesbian, she’ll leave me alone, or better yet, disown me, then I can get away from dad. She watched her mother intently waiting for the reaction; her mother had stopped immediately and slowly turned toward her.

“Sweetheart, you’re not telling the truth. Don’t ever pretend to be someone that you’re not, Gwen.” Ruth gave her daughter a penetrating stare, the shook her head with a smile, “Honestly, the things you say!” She laughed and walked away, leaving Gwen slack mouthed for the second time; her mother was more tolerant than she thought.

It would have worked better on dad, Gwen admitted to herself. She sighed, how would she get herself out of this one, maybe she would ask Eric and go for what her mom had planned. She almost laughed, imagining Eric eating dinner with her in her house, was almost too funny. No, she couldn’t possibly invite him over. He’d probably tackle dad to the ground, saying that he saw a bird looking at him the wrong way and he was trying to protect him. Gwen giggled to herself imagining that, In that case maybe I should invite him over! She brightened a she thought, No! I got it; I’ll ask Jason to come over! That will work, mom doesn’t know him and I know he’ll go for it. Gwen smiled smugly as she followed her mother into the house; she just got herself out of a very embarrassing encounter.

She started to plan how she would do all her chores today; she was already running late. Gwen shook her head, Don’t think, just do, a motto that had always served her well in the past. Gwen put on her headphones and turned her music up so loud, thought was no longer possible. Before she knew it, the kitchen and dining room were complete and the living room spotless.

Finished with her chores, Gwen removed her headphones and started on her homework. She had every subject today, so it end up taking an ungodly amount of time tonight, and sure enough after shedding a few frustrated tears over her math homework it was already 8:50pm. Gwen rolled her head from side to side trying to relieve the tension while she placed all of her work back in her bag. She threw her arms up and flung her body back and stretched her body out on the couch. Gwen smiled when her back popped all the way down her spine; she gave herself a moment to twist her body slightly so she would sink further into the comfort she found. She contemplated falling asleep and skipping her last chore of the day but guilt ate at her and ruined her contentment.

Gwen sat up with a grimace and she picked up the phone to start with the daily chore of making sure her father came home that night. She called his cell 4 times before he finally answered, she could barely hear him over the activity in the bar.

“Dad, could you come home now? We’re kinda hungry, you know.” Gwen said impatient at having to do this every day. She wasn’t particularly in the mood for Randy’s, but she didn’t get a choice these days, and after last night she’d be lucky if she got anything from him ever again.

I wonder how he’s doing, I really did lose it on him last night. Gwen frowned at herself, No, the asshole deserved it. I will not feel bad for him!

“Whyhsould igit you wanithen tonite? Huh? Whamakes you so special?” Her father said, Gwen rolled her eyes, well it’s as expected.

“I don’t care if you get me anything; just get mom some food okay? I can feed myself.” Gwen sighed getting annoyed with her father, this might not be as short a conversation as she would like.

“Your motherkin makherself somthin too, I’m notcomin home tonight. So fuckov and starve foral I care!” He hung up.

Gwen stood frozen, listening to the dial tone; she hadn’t expected him to disregard her mother as well. She could feel the heat of anger starting to burn through her mind again; she centered herself and dialed the bar this time.

“Randy’s.” Was the gruff reply after 6 rings. She could hear better now, cellphones picked up too much chatter sometimes.

“Hey, Nick! Can you send him home now? It’s really late and mom and I are getting worried about him.” Gwen said in the subdued voice that always worked so well.

“Gwen! Yeah, honey, I’ll send him home. Hey, what do you and your mom want tonight?” Nick said his voice warming up now that he knew it was her.

“Ummm… I’ll have the chef salad and mom wants the club with fries. Has he eaten yet?” Gwen asked hesitantly, she hated when she had to pretend to care about him.

“Aww, you’re such a good woman, Gwen… Your dad doesn’t deserve you as a daughter. Hey, why don’t ya marry me and move out of there, huh?” Nick joked, but Gwen knew he was only pretending to joke. He’s had this weird thing for her since she was a sophomore, and if she was honest he was incredibly handsome, nice, and mature. But she could never make herself attracted to him; though, sometimes, she did play with the idea of marrying him just to get away.

“Haha, very funny Nick. But I appreciate the offer, keep it open for me, k? Maybe once I’m done with school I’ll take you up on that!!” She said with a laugh, it always knocked him down a few pegs when she reminded him of her age.

“Oh… uh, yea. Sure no prob, kid. I’ll send your dad home with the food in a few. Bye, hun.” He hung up quick, Gwen knew she hurt him, but she needed to keep him in line; he could be useful but she wasn’t interested in him otherwise.

Gwen wandered to her room and fell on to her bed, she couldn’t stop thinking about The Idiot. How he looked at her, how his body had felt. She shook her head frantically, what the hell was wrong with her?! She didn’t have the leisure to date, or even invest in a crush. She could only afford to focus on school and good grades, that was the only way she was going to save herself; it was the only light at the end of the tunnel.

There was a knock at her door, “Honey, Nick called and said your father was on his way. Do you want to set up for dinner?” Gwen sighed. Maybe she should just marry Nick and escape fast, before her mother finds out about everything, or before she goes ‘teenager’ and falls for some stupid boy with great abs…
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally!! Sorry it took so long! Work got to be a little too much last week, but I finally have Word at home so I should be able to write a lot more than just during the weekends! Hope you all enjoy! Please comment and let me know what you think!