Status: Hey guys! I will be posting chapters pretty quick at first since I have about 14 done right now, some will be short, some will be long. Please bear with me!!


Chapter 7: Through Glass

Eric watched her leave laughing at the stunned look on her face. Logan had done well getting in contact with her mother like that. It made the meeting memorable and mysterious, though it did bother him that Logan was still so involved in her case. Perhaps Logan hadn’t entirely given up on Gwen after all; that would be a potential problem that needed to be fixed.

He froze… What was he thinking? Behaving as if she were already his, he had no intention of taking her. He liked her, sure, but he was only 16! He still had a lot of goals he wanted to accomplish before he became paired. God! Paired! He was still thinking about it? She was a beautiful, spirited, yet challenging girl, and that was it. It was his mission to simply remove her from a misplacement scenario, nothing more. Who cared who her father and mother were, who cared about the gifts, power, and abilities she might have. He. Was. Not. Interested.

He frowned as he started walking toward her house, what was a Raider doing here anyway? Had they found her already or were they tracking him? Eric sighed, as much as he wished they had been tracking him, he wasn’t nearly important enough to be tracked by a Raider. They would have just simply killed him, and still might, since he was on their radar now. He needed to report to Logan immediately.

~ ~ ~

Gwen woke up, jolting awake from another nightmare. Fire and screams still echoed in her mind. She went to the bathroom and jumped into the shower to wash away the sweat and fear. She hated it when she had those nightmares, she could never remember what they were about; all she ever remembered was fire, dark shadows, and screams. Stepping out of the shower, she saw her reflection and noticed the new bruise that played itself across her cheek. She brushed it gingerly and winced, the bone very well might be broken. Gwen observed her features in the mirror and wondered why she didn’t just kill him; since she now knew was stronger than him, it would be so easy. There were guns in the basement, not even locked, and she had a dozen knives hidden in her room set aside for an occasion when things went too far.

Gwen shook her head sadly and decided it was time to give Nick a little attention. She wasn’t going to make it through High School in this house without dying or killing someone. She’d rather not rot in jail, so it was time to get out. Nick had his own place and frankly loved her; it would be easy work to move in with him.

~ ~ ~

Logan reacted strongly to the Raider threat, doubling Gwen’s guards and even taking shifts himself. The night of the fight saw all four of the party on patrol; Eric’s hands clenched tight when he noticed Gwen’s, now familiar, bond once again full of distress. His jaw clenched as he watched the two argue, his palms started to bleed as his fists hardened watching the human chase Gwen across the room.

He noticed Shannon stalk by in cat form and he could feel her pity and rage. He wasn’t the only one that wanted to kill the bastard, at least. He had to phase and let his frustrations out when he saw the bastards fist fly, heard the bone crunch, felt her cry out, and witnessed her fall. His outraged cry had every animal within the neighborhood tense and hide in fear. He didn’t understand the intensity of his feelings for this girl, ever since he met her he couldn’t control his emotions; he was intensely protective of her and would get worked up, to the point of needing to phase, so easily. He needed to finish this mission and move on, fast.

Eric saw the danger in Logan’s eyes during the fray and felt the threat as he growled, Move it, Eric. My patience is running thin, through their connection.

She’s mine! Eric sent back before he could stop himself, the fury in Logan’s mind had Eric flying high to escape grasping teeth.

He could hear Shannon and Mike’s laughter even while they were in their soul’s form. Idiot... They echoed harmoniously in his mind. He couldn’t agree with them more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Super small!! But then again, Gwen is the star of the show here! Please comment and let me know what you think.

*UPDATE* Fixed a weird spot