Take It out on Me

Chapter 11

Sophie's POV
My eyes fluttered open from the sun shining in. The sun always seemed to be the brightest right before sunset. I felt arms around me, for a second I started to freak out. Then I remembered last night, with Tyler. I gently rolled over to see him still sleeping.
I slowly got up, trying not to wake him up. I stood up to see clothes thrown in all directions of the room. I silently laughed, I saw my underwear next to his shorts. I pulled both of them on, and looked for a shirt to put on. With no luck, I walked over to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts and slipped it on.
I walked down stairs into the kitchen, I was freaking starving. I wanted eggs and bacon, and dammit I was going to have it. I got everything out and started cooking it, I knew Tyler would be up soon so I of course made him some too.
I was getting ready to take him his food when I heard someone walk into the kitchen.

Tyler's POV
When I woke up I instantly remembered last night, I went to reach for her. She wasn't there, she never was afterwards. She always goes back to him. I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes, I held them back as hard as I could. It was hard with last night replaying in my head, with everything she said. She's never told me she loved me.
I got out of bed to get some clothes on, I noticed her pants were still on the floor. I hoped she wouldn't leave without wearing any pants. I started to pick up all the clothes thrown across the room looking for my shorts they were gone. I just grabbed a pair from my dresser, I noticed my shirt drawer wasn't closed all the way.
I pulled my shorts on and headed to the kitchen. Once I opened the bedroom door, I smelled bacon and eggs. There was only one person who it could have been, I just smiled the whole way into the kitchen.

Sophie's POV
"Mmmm smells good" I heard him say from the doorway, I just smiled.
I felt his arms come around my waist and squeeze for a hug.
"Morning Handsome" I said as I turned to face him
"Morning Beautiful" he said as he pulled me in for a kiss.
He grabbed his plate and sat down at the table and dug in.
I noticed his eyes were a little puffy and red,
"Hey, you alright?" I questioned tilting my head a bit
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He said as he took another bite
"Nothing, just looks like you've either been crying or smoking weed" I really couldn't tell which one
He nearly choked on his food when I said that, he began laughing.
"Whats so funny?" I smiled at him trying not to start laughing with him
"You really think I've been smoking weed?" He smiled up at me
"No not really, but it sort of looks like it" I said taking the last bite of my food.
He laughed a little more, "well I haven't been smoking weed, I did start to tear up when I thought you had left again" he admitted as he stood up bringing his plate to the sink.
"Well I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours and you're mine" I smiled, as he turned my way.
"Promise?" He looked at me,
"I promise " I hugged him, i couldn't help but smile. I could do this everyday, no one to stop me, no questions asked.
"Who all knows you're back in town" he slowed his arms down to my hips
"Just you, Asia. I want to keep it that way for a few days" I said looking up at him
He just nodded, "BK and I need to lay down some lyrics, I know you said you don't want anyone to know you're back but do you want to come?"
"I'd love too,but I really want to keep me being back on the down low" I smiled, as I pulled my way out of his grip.
"You need a shower first" I winked at him as I ran upstairs, it took him a few seconds to process it.
He was right behind me when I entered the bedroom.
"Babe I need clothes" I said as I opened the bathroom door,
"Fine, but don't start without me" he smiled as he headed out the door.

Tyler's POV
I headed down stairs in search of her keys, I found them on the ground next to the front door. She must have dropped them when he ran to me last night. I walked out the front door and down the driveway to her truck. I unlocked it and grabbed her bags, and headed back inside.
I turned around to shut the front door, when I noticed a blue truck sitting on the road. From this distance I couldn't see if anyone was inside or not.
I shrugged it off, and shut and locked the front door. I headed back upstairs with her things.
I opened the bedroom door, I heard the shower on.
"Babe I said don't start without me" I smiled as I made my way to the bathroom.
"You sick fuck, you hurt him and I'll kill you myself " I heard her yell, she was mad. I opened the bathroom door thinking she was on the phone.
I walked in to see her sitting on the toilet with blood coming from her face, every inch of me told me to see if she was alright but something told me to look to my right.
There he was leaning against the vanity, with that smirk on his face like he had won.
"Get out" I said as calm as I could
"I'm not going anywhere, boy" he smiled. As he stood up making his way over near Sophie.
"Tyler move" I heard her say from behind me,
"No he's not going to hurt you again " I started to look back at her, then quickly turned around to feel his fist connecting with my face.
“Tyler Reed MOVE” I heard her scream at me, i didn't budge. I meant what I said he wasn't going to hurt her again. I heard her moving around behind me, before I knew it she was pushing me out of the bathroom, and lunging at him screaming.
“I told you, you sick bastard if you touched him i would kill you myself” she started attacking him, i stood there in surprise at how she was acting. She pulled back for another hit when he grabbed her fist, and nearly broke her wrist picking her up and throwing her across the room.
I pushed past him to check on her, knowing he was probably about to start in on me again. I didn't care at this point,
“Sophie, Sophie are you okay?” I grabbed her almost shaking her, her eyes shot open as she bolted up. I swear i could see the devil in her eyes, i made a mental note not to piss her off ever.
She pushed past me, and surprisingly past him as well. She went to her bags, he tried to stop her but i tackled him to the floor.
“Tyler get off of him” She said to me as I was about to start throwing punches at him, something in me did as she said. I picked myself up off of him and turned her way.
I saw her standing there, with a 9MM in her hands pointing it right at him,
“get the fuck up” She screamed at him, he pulled himself up off the floor
“Get the fuck out” she waved her gun at the door then back at him, he held his hands up and walked towards the door.
She screamed so many things at him, fired a warning shot at his feet to let him know she was serious.
We made it outside into the driveway where I saw the blue truck next to hers,
“He's not alone” i said to her looking around to see who else was here, i didn't see anyone.
“Who's with you?” she looked at him as he backed away a few steps,
“It's just me, i promise” I said trying to convince her he was alone
“You fucking liar” She screamed as she fired another warning shot at him, nicking his leg. He fell to the ground screaming.
“Good, suffer. Who's with you?” She said again, he didn't answer.
“Soph….it's just me” A voice said from behind me, i quickly turned around

Sophie's POV
“Soph...it's just me” I heard someone say from behind Tyler. I looked to see Dylan there with his hands up, knowing i wasn't afraid to shoot someone or go to jail.
“Why the fuck did you bring him here” I questioned him
“I didn't bring him, he was coming anyways. I didn't want him doing anything stupid” He said taking a few steps back
“To fucking late for that, don't you think?” I said as I pointed the gun at him, knowing Jonathan wasn't getting up.
“I know im sorry. Please put the gun down?” He begged me, i pulled the clip out and threw them in the opposite direction.
“Get this son of a bitch out of here before I go Carrie Underwood on his ass” I said standing there waiting for him to do something. He didnt he just looked at me. I made my way over to my truck and pulled open my toolbox.
“What does that even mean?” Dylan and Jonathan both questioned at the same time.
“You'll find out” I said coming around the corner of my truck swinging the bat in my hands
“You know Jonathan these headlights look a little new” i tapped them with the tip of the bat
“Dont do it” he tried to get up, but fell. He now knew what I was talking about when I said ‘before i go Carrie Underwood on his ass’
I took a nice hard swing at the left headlight, smashing it to pieces.
“oops, it slipped” I made a giggle, walking over to the right side of his truck, i took another swing at the other headlight. I guess my dad being a baseball player came in handy today, all those days of batting practice.
I took about 15 more swings at his truck, to the windows, and the taillights.
I was getting ready to slice his tires when I heard police cars pulling up, I threw the bat down and walked away.
The police officers got out of there cars and walked over to the scene. They called an EMT, and began asking questions. What I assumed was the chief of police, pulled me off to the side for questioning.
“What happened here today ma’am?” He said crossing his arms.
“That crazy son of a bitch showed up here that's what” i was trying to hold back the attitude
“Who is he?” He questioned pulling out a small notepad
“My ex boyfriend, i left his worthless ass because he's a women beater” i took a pause,
“Tyler went out to the truck to get my things, and i heard someone come into the room when i turned around it was him. He hit me and tied me to the toilet. After we got outside, i told him to get the fuck out of here before I went Carrie Underwood on his ass. He refused, so i kept my promise” I said looking to see where Tyler was, he was over with another cop talking
“What about him being shot?” he turned to look at the EMT’s
“Oh, i have a permit for it to carry. i fired a warning shot, and he moved” i said blankly
“oh my” he shook his head “I'm going to need to see that permit, and i'm also going to have to arrest you for vandalizing his vehicle” he said taking out his handcuffs
“You can't arrest me for vandalizing my own vehicle” i almost shouted
“Is your name on the title?” He asked
I nodded “Yes, along with his. Therefore it's still mine too. I can go get my ID from inside if you need me too” i said as he nodded and followed me inside the house. My bag was sitting on the floor next to the front door where I dropped it when i ran to Tyler. I pulled my wallet out and gave him my ID
“Stay here while i go run your name” he said as he walked to his car. I sat down on the couch pulling my phone out of my bag, it was nearly dead because off all the missed calls and text messages.
I texted my mom, i briefly explained what was going on told her not to come over. That Ty and I would be over as soon as we could. She sent me one back asking if we were together. I laughed as i read it, i replied telling her yes. We hadn't really made anything official, but we didn't need too. We already knew.
After a few minutes the police officer came back inside with my ID and handed it to me,
“Im sorry for everything that happened here today. You and your boyfriend aren't in any trouble. The other two however are going to jail” He shook my hand and started out the door,
“Wait officer” he stopped and turned around “The mexican guy Dylan, he didn't do anything. Does he have to go?” I said with pleading eyes,
“If he didn't do anything then no, i suppose not” He walked out, and met Tyler half way up the sidewalk.
The EMT’s took care of Jonathan's leg and said he was good to go with the officers. Dylan on the other hand ended up getting a ride with them because he didn't have a vehicle to drive.
Ty and I went inside and sat down on the couch and just looked at each other.
“What a very eventful day, huh?” I smiled,
“Yes, a very eventful one. Still wanna finish that shower?” He winked at me.
He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me upstairs, into the bathroom.
“Now where were we” he said, as he stepped into the shower after me.
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Got some action going on in this one, very long!
i know there is alot of POV changes but i wanted to get the action from other views!