Take It out on Me

Chapter 12

After we finished our hour long shower, we headed over to my moms. She was extremely excited to see me, and for us to be together. After a few minutes my dad showed up, he asked Tyler if they could talk privately.
I knew my dad wouldn't hurt him, but i was worried about what he needed to talk about so privately for.
As i was sitting in the kitchen talking to my mom about Tyler and I, my phone buzzed off it was a text from BK
BK: I know you're here with Tyler, please tell him to hurry up. We need to get these lyrics laid down like yesterday
S: But what if i want to keep him for myself?
BK: You're the boss. Tell him to call me.
I laughed at his last message ‘You're the boss’ he was right, I am the boss. I went and knocked on the den door where my dad and Tyler were talking,
“Come in” I heard my dad say from the other side, i opened the door and stepped in.
“BK wants you to call him” I said to Tyler as I walked over and sat next to him.
My dad stood up, looked at Tyler and said “take care of my girl” and walked out of the room
“What was that all about?” I looked at Tyler, he started to laugh
“He just wanted to talk about me and you” he smiled and stood up. He grabbed my hand and lead me back out to the living room.
“I'm gonna step outside and call BK” he have me a quick hug before he headed out the front door.
“I honestly thought you were never going to get with him” My dad said sitting next to me at the table.
“Im sorry, i took so long” i looked at him, he was just smiling at me. I guess he could see how happy i was now.
“Im glad that you're finally away from him, you should have ended it before it ever started sweetie” She smiled at me
“I know, but the past is the past now” i smiled back at her
I was seriously forever in debt to these two, they already had 3 kids of their own when they adopted me.
I have always been a handful at times, but i always respected them. It was usually me getting into trouble at school and other places because of my mouth. They were always there for me, even without me asking them to be.
Tyler came back in and sat down next to me at the table.
“BK wants to know since you don't want to go if we can record here with your stuff?” he questioned
“Yeah i don't mind. I need to work on some stuff too” I smiled at him
“I thought you were done with your album?” my dad asked
“I was, but i want to change it up a little” i smiled at him while Tyler texted BK.
I stood up and made my way down into the basement with Tyler right behind me.
“Its been forever since i've been down here” i said, taking a look around. Everything was still the same, with my mini studio in the corner.
We sat down and waited for BK to show up so they could get started.
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Just a wee bit short, the next one will be better I promise!