Take It out on Me

Chapter 13

The days have seemed to fly by with Tyler by my side. We were pretty much spending everyday in the studio, we didn't mind because we had so many new stuff we were working on. Hoping for another tour.
“Babe what do you think of this ‘Ill give anything to see you look that way. Give me that little oh yeah on your pretty face. All im waiting is for you to just, lay your pretty head on my shoulder for a while and find your jam on my radio dial. Girl all i want, is just to see you smile, that pretty little smile.’” he sang, i loved it.
“I love it, keep it up.” I accidently went into boss mode. I always tried to stay clear of that when I'm with them.
“Thanks” he smiled and continued to work.
I looked back down at my notebook and continued writing the song i was working on. Lyrics were spilling out of my mind these past 2 weeks, i had already finished 8 songs and i was ready to lay down the lyrics but i couldn't keep my mind from making up more.
I honestly couldn't wait for this album to drop, it was definitely going to go big. I was almost done with all of my writing, i wanted this finished and released.
My phone started to ring as i finished one more song, i looked at who it was. It read ‘Aron’
S: Hey, what's up?
A: Did you forget anything today?
S: No, not that i know of, why?
A: I'm at the airport waiting for you so i can help with your album, remember?
S: Oh shit, im so sorry. im on the way now
A: okay, hurry people are watching me. its creepy
S: leaving now
I hung up the phone and grabbed my bag and gave Tyler a kiss and told him i was going to pick Aron up at the airport.
I jumped into my truck and sped off down the road to the airport, i’m so glad that i wasn't to far from it.
After a 20 minute drive i pulled up infront of the airport, i saw him sitting down just looking at his phone. I honked my horn and he looked up and made his way to my truck.
“I seriously can't believe you forgot about me” he said as he shut the door.
“Im sorry, ive had my mind in lyric mode” i said as i put the truck into gear and drove back to the studio.
Once back at the studio, i was finally able to lay down my lyrics. This week was going to be long and my throat was going to hurt by the end of it. I was ready though.
I walked into the recording room with my lyrics in hand, i warmed up my throat so i could start.
I gave Aron the nod to start, ‘I ain't the kind you take home to mama, I ain't the kind to wear no ring. Somehow i always get stronger when i'm on my second drink’
I started, before I knew it i was finished. We had finished 3 songs by the end of today. We decided to call it a night.
“I want to lay down more lyrics, so im gunna stay at my moms” i told Tyler as I was walking to my truck.
“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked walking beside me
“Id love for you too actually” I smiled at him, as i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug.
We hugged for a good 5 minutes, before we broke apart. We hadn't really spent a lot of time together with just the two of us.
“Meet you there?” he looked down at me and smiled as he pulled away.
We got into our trucks and headed to my moms house, once there we quietly made our way into the basement.
“is this your song book?” he questioned as he saw it fly out of my bag when i threw it onto my bed
“Yep” i just smiled, and pulled out my recording gear.
“I like this one” he said as he was flipping through the pages reading them
“which one?” i headed over to him by the bed to see what one he was talking about
‘I bet this road will take me out of here, take me far away from here. I bet this car will go real fast, the wheels might even drive me past the places you said id never go’
“Oh, i dont know. I dont even have a chorus for it. Its just something that came to mind” I said as he turned the page to see what else i had written.
“what about putting this with it, maybe as a chorus” he pointed on another page
‘And ill grab the wheel and point west, pack the good and leave the rest. Ill drive until i find the missing piece. You said i wouldn't get too far on a tank of gas and an empty heart’
“I suppose it would work, if you really like it then ill finish it just for you” I smiled as i took the notebook from him and started on a new page what i already had written down.
I sat down on the bed and started playing melodies in my head, and humming along to whatever sounded good to me.
“but ive got everything i'll ever need. ive got this old guitar and a brand new set of strings” i sung aloud
“I like it, let me get a guitar” he said as he stood up and got a guitar off the stand and he started playing
“mama said i never should have done it, should have ended us before we ever started. Daddy knew about my pride so he stood there and he smiled inside and i pretended that i didn't notice a little tear that fell when i said i was going” i sang along to him playing
“This sky is the biggest one ive ever seen” i kept singing, he stopped and looked at me.
“Try, ‘The Texas sky is the biggest one ive seen’ “ he made a suggestion and i followed as he started playing again.
“The Texas sky is the biggest one ive seen, and it still aint big enough for you and me” He kept playing,
“all the things that make you mad, and all the baggage in your past” he whispered as he continued, i tried to think of something to add
“Dont leave much room for a girl like me to be, so ill fill her up with hope and worn-out dreams” i smiled as i knew we had pretty much just finished it.
“I think that should go before the chorus” he began to write down some of what we just sang
“yeah sounds good, i think we should keep it with mostly acoustic? what do you think?” I smiled at him, i was so much fun writing with him. He made everything so much more fun.
“Absolutely” he said as he finished writing down the lyrics.
We finished recording the song around 2AM, and we headed to bed.
I woke up the next day around noon, i layed in bed on my back. I had a major headache, and felt sick. I ran to the bathroom thinking i was going to puke but i never did. I was probably sick with the flu, just the thing i needed the day after i start recording.
I walked out of the bathroom to see Tyler awake and on his phone.
“You alright?” He asked as i walked out of the bathroom
“yeah, just a little sick. probably just the flu or something. ill call my doctor see if he can work me in today” I said as i went to sit and grabbed my phone.
It rang for a few seconds when someone answered.
“Dr.Wiley's office how may i help you?” The lady on the other end said
“Yes ma’am this is Sophie Hamilton, i was just wondering if there was anyway Dr. Wiley could work me in today?” i was so hopeful, i needed some meds to make me better, i didnt want to be in bed all week.
“Let me check real quick” She said as I heard the piano music play from the other end, i listened to it for a few minutes before she came back.
“He can work you in at 1 oclock if that's fine with you” she said,
“yes thats fine, Thank you so much” i said as i hung the phone up
“Do you want me to cancel today and come with you?” Tyler asked me, looking like he had already canceled his plans
“No, no. ill be fine. You need to finish in the studio” i said assuring him i would be fine
“Alright, if you need me just call” he smiled as he put his arm around me
“will do. i better get going before i get any worse” I laughed as i went to change into some clothes.
Once dressed, i grabbed everything I needed. I gave Tyler a hug and kiss goodbye.
Told him i would meet him at the studio if i felt up to it, and left the house.
I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called, so i could get my medicine and go home. I started feeling worse once i was in the truck over here.
“Hamilton to room 10” i heard the lady over the speaker say, i stood up and made my way into the room. I waited about 5 minutes before Dr. Wiley came in.
“What brings you in today?” he questioned as he opened up my folder
“I woke up this morning with a headache and got real sick to my stomach” I said, yawning from being tired. I was extra tired today, i guess that came along with being sick.
“any chance you could be pregnant?” he asked, i started to laugh at that question.
“no sir” i said chuckling at the question again
“Alright, well we're going to get a blood sample and figure out what's wrong. im sure its just a stomach bug” he said as the nurse started preparing to draw my blood.
Once she got what she needed the took the tubes and walked out, i waited for a good 20 minutes before they came back.
I was texting Tyler back when i Dr. Wiley came back in. He had a piece of paper in his hands. He sat down in his chair and handed it to me.
I was very confused as to why he handed it to me and didn't say anything. I opened it up and started reading the page, i got to the end of it and it was a big POSITIVE.
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This chapter is dedicated to all you Deuce haters!
Again the songs are NOT mine! They belong to the owners.
Dr. Wiley is an actual doctor, actually a pediatrician. but who cares.