Take It out on Me

Chapter 14

I walked out of the doctors office in tears, i couldn't believe this. How could this happen?
So many questions ran through my head as i was driving home. I had to get away, there was no way i could handle this right now. I didn't need anyone to help me, i could do it on my own.
I pulled into my driveway and saw Tyler's truck, i started to back out as he came out of the house.
I put the truck into park and just sat there, he came walking over to the driver side.
“Hey what's wrong, looks like you’ve been crying” He said, as he opened the door and pulled me into a hug. i started to cry.
“Baby tell me what's wrong” He looked me in the eyes
“Ty, i gotta leave this town” I said as I pulled away from him with tears running down my face.
“Sophie, will you please tell me what is going on?” he said as he tried to keep me from putting my truck into reverse.
“No, Tyler. Stop please, let me go i'm a lost cause” i pushed him away from my truck as i slammed it into reverse and out of the driveway.
I saw him run after me, as i backed out onto the street. I could hear him screaming for me.

Tyler’s POV
Once Sophie left and headed to the doctor, i texted BK and told him i wasn't coming in today because Sophie was sick. He understood, and said that he would just lay down his parts and that i could do mine later.
I was sitting in the living room talking to her mom when i heard her truck pull into the drive, i walked outside to her. I could tell she had been crying.
“Hey, what's wrong. looks like you've been crying” i said as i opened up her door and pulled her in for a hug
“Baby tell me what's wrong” I looked into her eyes, i could see pain
“Ty, i gotta leave this town” She told me as she pulled away from my grip crying
“Sophie, will you please just tell me what is going on?” i begged her, as i tried to stop her from putting her truck into reverse and leaving.
“No Tyler. Stop please, let me go i'm a lost cause” she said as she pushed me, as i stumbled back she threw her truck into reverse and back out of the driveway.
As she started to take off all i could do was scream for her to stop, i was crying. i couldn't stop myself, i loved this girl how could i just let her drive away. As she got further away i dropped to my knees, screaming and crying.
I got up and made my way back to my truck, i saw her mom standing there on the porch. I could tell she was worried. I decided to go talk to her instead of leaving.
“Tyler what just happened?” She asked sitting down in the chair next to me
“I really don’t know, she wouldn't tell me. Said she had to leave this town, to let her go that she was a lost cause” i could feel the tears forming in my eyes again.
“Oh Tyler. Im sure she will be back, something had to be bothering her” She tried to make me feel better but it wasn't working, i should have went after her
“I don't know, i should have went after her. I don’t think she’s coming back” I confessed to her.
“She just needs time sweetie, she loves you i can see it in her eyes” she said as her phone went off
“Yes sweetie…..he's still here…....i will tell him…..are you okay…...yes, i understand.” she was talking to her i know she was, i took the phone from her without even thinking
“Sophie, please tell me what is going on. We can work this out, please tell me what i did?” I said to her, the phone went silent. She hung up on me.
I just sat there for a few minutes, thinking about what i could have done to make her leave, what i could have done to make her stay. Was i not good enough for her, was she going back to him.
I couldn't take it any longer, i just put the phone down and went to my truck and pulled out of the driveway and drove off.
I got onto the highway and headed home, the only person i knew that would never break my heart was my mama.
After 3 hours of driving my phone buzzed off, it was from Sophie.
“I love you Tyler, i really do. You didnt do anything, so stop thinking you did. There was nothing you could have done to make me stay. I just need some time to deal with things, i hope we can still be together after this is over if not, atleast be friends. When i'm ready to come back, you’ll be the first one to know. I love you Ty”
Was she telling the truth, or just saying that to make me feel better. I texted her back
“if i didnt do anything then why wont you let me help you with whatever is going on? I love you Sophie, i will always be waiting for you, no matter what.”
“because i know you'll want to help and I can't let you.”
“Why can't you let me, i want too” I waited for a response but never got one.
I would wait for her forever, even if she never came back id still be waiting.
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its been a while but considering I finished this on my WATTPAD ill finish posting it on here!