Take It out on Me

Chapter 2

I was up all night writing my “apology” We decided to let it die down a bit before I went on the TV or into public. I decided that since I was going to wait I would go home and be with my family.
“Were almost ready to land Miss. Hamilton” the flight attendant came by and told me.
“Okay, thank you” I said as I shot her a smile.
Again when I landed there were fans and reporters there waiting for me, wanting statements and pictures.
I pushed past all of the people, and made my way outside. I saw my dad’s truck and I sprinted to it.
I wasn’t worried about my stuff James and Taylor would handle it.
“How’s my favorite country singer?” My dad asked, as he pulled out of the airport parking lot.
“About to go crazy” I laughed as I rolled down the window to let some air in.
Man did it feel amazing to be back home, the air was nice and cool tonight. It was one of those nice where you don’t want to do anything but just be outside because it was so perfect.
“What’s making you go crazy?” he asked, I assumed he didn’t know anything about what happened in New York.
“I have to make an apology to people for what I said to a reported in New York, Stupid if you ask me” I said trying not to let it piss me off.
“What did you say?” He questioned, dang he really didn’t know. No surprise with how old fashioned he is.
“Some reporter asked me how I felt about the divorce and I told him that it was none of his fucking business” I said putting my arm out the window and making it do the worm.
“Why does that not surprise me?” he laughed as we pulled into the driveway of the house.
I headed inside where I was greeted by my mom and 4 younger sisters.
I guess she had waited to make dinner so I could eat with them, it’s been forever since we have ate as a family together.
We sat down, said grace and dug in. Man was it good, all of my favorites too. Some down home southern cooking.
After we ate, and I helped mama with the dishes. I went downstairs to go record my apology.
I was up all night again, at around 7AM I went to get something to eat then I was headed to bed. I hadn’t slept in 2 days.
“Hey kiddo, what are you doing up this early?” I heard my dad ask from the doorway of the kitchen.
“Don’t you mean up this late?” I laughed, he knew what I meant by it so he just laughed.
“You know that “apology” doesn’t sound like an apology?” He questioned laughing
“Oh I know. That’s the point. I have a question for you though, it’s a pretty serious one” I asked as I finished pouring my cereal into my bowl.
“What’s up?” He asked, sitting down in the chair across from me
“Okay, so I have just a little under two million in my bank. I need 3 more to get out of my contract with Enterprise” I sighed as I continued. I absolutely hated having to ask him for money, but I needed out of my contract with them. This past year has been horrible. They keep wanting me to do all this stuff to my music that I don’t want.
“What are you going to do without a record label?” he raised his eyebrows
“I don’t know start my own” I joked, as I finished my breakfast
“That’s a really good idea.” He said with the most serious look on his face
“You’ve got to be kidding me? I was only joking” almost dropping my bowl
“No I’m serious. You should, ill help you pay for it. You deserve it” He stated
“Let me talk to James” I said getting a Dr Pepper from the fridge.
“Okay, well let me know what you want to do” He said as he grabbed his stuff for his game tonight
“Will do” I said as I made my way back to my room. Once I sat down at my desk I continued to think about what he said. He was right I DID deserve it. No one to tell me what to do with my music. My own tours. My own artists.
I grabbed my phone and hit James’ contact.
J: You ready to make that apology?
S: No, but I need to talk to you about something
J: Oh no, this can’t be good.
I heard him laugh.
S: Ha-ha funny!
S: So I was thinking about buying myself out of my contract from Enterprise and starting my own label…
There was a short pause.
J: I really don’t know what to say. I think it’s a good and a bad idea.
S: As long as you’re willing to take the road with me, I’m going for it.
J: You’re going to need a name and artists
I could hear the happiness in his voice.
S: I know, you can help me find artists. You found me!
J: Oh my. Okay! I call you later. Bye kiddo
After I hung up the phone I decided it was time for me to go to bed.
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Were getting there! Hope anyone who reads this is enjoying it!
Let me know what you think, if anyone reads this!