Take It out on Me

Chapter 3

“Sophie, Sophie, Sophie WAKE UP” I heard my little sisters screaming right as they jumped into my bed dog piling on me.
“I’m up! I’m up!” I said as I sat up in bed.
“Are you going to daddy’s game?” my youngest sister Kaycii asked
“Of course. Let me get ready and i’ll be up” I said, and I made my way out of bed
I headed into the bathroom as my sisters went back upstairs. I heard what I guessed was my mom come into my room.
“Sophie?” I heard her say as she entered my room
“Yeah” I poked my head out of the bathroom.
“I’m going to go ahead and take your sisters. Are you okay making it on your own?” he asked
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks for the heads up” I smiled at her, she did the same back.
Once she was gone, I turned the shower on and jumped in.
I was ready to go, I grabbed my purse and keys’, checking to make sure my phone was in my pocket.
I ran to my truck, and pulled out of the drive way. I was driving jamming to some music on the radio.
I came to a stop light; I was sitting and waiting for the light to turn green when all of a sudden I was rear ended by a truck.
I guess I hit my head pretty hard on the steering wheel, because I don’t remember putting the truck into park and getting out.
“Ma’am I am so sorry! It was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention” he said, helping me sit down on the curb next to store.
He continued to say he was sorry. I could tell he was genuinely sorry.
I wasn’t too worried, that’s what I have insurance for. I was able to call my mom and tell her that I was ok, and that I was going to get checked by the EMT’s and I would just get a taxi back home to get my truck that my birth dad gave to me before he died. She kept insisting on coming to be with me, but I was able to convince her that I was fine, and she didn’t need to leave.
The Police and EMT’s finally showed up. I was checked by the EMT’s and was cleared to go.
The other guy got a ticket for failure to control speed.
I was waiting for a cab to drive by to take me home to get my truck,
“Hey ma’am. If you don’t mind me asking where are you headed ill pay for the cab.” The guy who hit me came up beside me
“Im going to head home and then go to the Rangers game” I said as I seen a taxi drive by.
I raised my arm to wave for him, he pulled over and stopped a few feet away from us.
“If you don’t mind, can I ride with? I was headed to the game too” He asked opening the cab door for me.
“I don’t mind” I got into the cab and told the driver my address.
He took off in the direction of my house.
“I'm Tyler by the way. You can call me Ty” He stuck out his hand
“I'm Sophie. Nice to meet you” I smiled
“The Sophie?” He questioned me about who I was.
“Yes, THAT Sophie” I laughed, I was hoping he wasn’t some crazy fan
“Holy Crap!” He got really excited, i’ll admit I was kind of worried, the cab was taking me to my house.
“Im sorry, you just look so pretty in person” He tried to laugh it off.
“Its fine” I said looking out the window and seeing my house up the road.
“24.87” The taxi driver said as he came to a stop in front of my house.
“I got it” he said as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket.
I got out and started to my truck when my phone rang, it was James
S: Find any good artists for me?
J: Yes, I did actually
S: So who are they?
J: Its actually a duo, 2 guys Florida Georgia Line
S: I like the name. Anyone else?
J: Yeah a few solo. Come by after your dads game, and Ill show you.
S: Okay sounds good! See you later
I opened up the garage; it was still there even though I knew it would be.
Still the same way it was when I got it, just a few changes.
“damn, nice truck” Ty said as he got in
“Thanks. I love this thing more than I love my career.” I said as I started it up and took off.
Within 20 minutes I was pulling up to the bay door that the player park in
“Hello Miss. Hamilton” The guard said
“Hey Carlos” I said as he hit the button to open the door.
“Enjoy the game” He said
“Thanks, I will” I said as I drove my truck inside and parked.
“How did you do that?” Tyler asked me
“Do what?” I asked laughing at the question
“Get past the guard, I thought this was for players?” he said looking around at all the cars with player names displaying who’s parking spot was who’s
“Uhh, My dad plays? All of the player families park in here” I said as I opened the door leading to the stands to find my mom.
“So wait, your dad is Josh Hamilton?” he gave a very confused look
“Yeah…” I laughed
“oh...cool” he said as he followed me to where my mom was sitting
“Have you ever heard of the duo Florida Georgia Line?” I questioned him as we sat down
“Yeah why?” He said looking confused
“Are they any good?” I asked looking at the scoreboard
Rangers-4 Angels-2 Top of the 6th
“It would be a biased answer if I said yes” he laughed
“Whys that?” I questioned looking to see my dad up to bat
“Because I’m in it with my best friend Brian” He was able to spit out before the crowd went crazy due to my dad hitting another home run.
After the crowd calmed down we continued to talk about his band and that my manager wants me to check them out for my label.
After the game ended, we went with my mom and sisters into the locker room to see my dad.
Yes even though they are getting divorced they compromise a lot for me and my sisters.
He was able to meet my dad and get an autograph which I could tell he was excited for.
We explained everything to my parents about the wreck and I told my dad that I had decided to do the own label thing and that Tyler and his friend were in a duo that James wants me to check out.
After celebrating the win for a while, I decided that I needed to head over to James’ place.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know Tyler is from Georgia, but like i stated before this is fan FICTION!
So either get on board with it or stop reading!
Also, i have no idea if they have a player parking underground or not.
i also dont know any Carlos!