Take It out on Me

Chapter 5

The next day I went to Enterprise to hand them the check for me to be out of my contract.
“What’s this?” He fiercely asked me, I could tell he was pissed about the itunes deal.
“I'm buying myself out of my contract” I smiled at him knowing it would piss him off
He turned around and walked off into his office. He came back handing me my contract with a big VOID stamp on it.
I just smiled and walked out. I had so much stuff to do today, I didn’t know if I was going to be able to make it through the day with only 5 hours of sleep.
I had to meet with James, Tyler, Brian and some of the other artists I signed and the producers who would be helping them with their music.
I also had to sing the national anthem at my dad's baseball game today, and I get to throw the first pitch.
I have an interview with FOX about the incident that happened in NY a few days ago.
Things in the studio have been going good; Tyler and Brian were almost done with their album they would be releasing this summer. I was already done with mine. James had gotten everything set up for a tour for us. I was excited to get back on the road.
The whole thing that happened in NY got forgotten about after I released ‘Don’t put dirt on my grave’
I had been out to LA to see Jonathan a few times since the day he helped get my song on itunes.
My dad had another series in California this weekend so I was going with them to hang out with Jonathan before the tour.
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Another short one.
Sorry not sorry!