The Writer and a Convict

The phone call

“This is a collect call from The Illinois State Prison will you accept charges?” My mind went blank who was calling me from there? They repeated the line again.
“Yes I will accept,” I sat there waiting. I was worried. I heard the line click and I got nervous. Was some crazy stalker calling me? Who did I know that was in prison? I couldn’t think of anyone.
“Hello?” I said, and then I heard a deep voice reply.
“Hey what’s up is this Roxanne?”
“Yea who’s this?”
“This is Seth.” I felt my throat close up. It was him. I was silent.
“Hey Seth how are you?”
“Well I am locked up for murder right now and I wanted to hear your voice.”
“Murder, who did you kill?”
“You want the truth?”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to lie.”
“I killed your step-dad, for everything he did to you. I have been locked up for six years.”
“Oh,” I was in shock. This was the man that I hated since we had split but he was gone because of me.
“Look my time is running up can I call you again?” I should have gone with my gut and said no then life wouldn’t have changed so drastically for me.
“Yea you can call me Seth.”
“Thanks babe, bye.”
I sat there in shock; I was trying to replay everything that just happened. He had just fucked my whole day up. In retrospective I found out why he hadn’t tried to contact me I guess. I am so confused. I went and tried to write out my confusion is my newest story. Then I read it and freaked because I had just revealed a lot of my personal problems into that chapter. I deleted it and started to rewrite. I can not let Seth get to me or it will be the end of my life, my career, and my being. I walked over to the couch and called for Shadowz. I needed a good snuggle. I eventually fell asleep only to wake up to conversation going on in my house. I opened up my eyes and seen Marie and Alex arguing n my kitchen. What the fuck are they doing here?
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More details about the step dad and Seth in the next chapter
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