The Writer and a Convict

Another call from him

“Hey Roxie how are you darling?”
“You called straight through.”
“Yea I kind of sold my lunch for this calling card.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I wanted to hear your voice.”
“That is no reason to starve Seth. It was really stupid of you.”
“Not really I wanted to talk to you so bad I would have given anything up to talk to you.”
I went silent. I couldn’t believe he was being so sweet to me. I was in shock yet a smile formed on my lips. I had missed him so I guess it was ok to talk to him.
“That’s really sweet but as I said no reason not to eat.”
“I promise I won’t do it again.”
“Good, how are you holding up?”
“Pretty good now that I get to talk to you.” I smiled again. After all this time he still has that effect on me. I always was happy when I was with him. Until the unspeakable happened.
“Roxie are you ok?”
“Oh yea sorry Seth um I am sorry it is kind of weird talking to you after all this time is all.”
“Oh, well its ok I have to go um can I call you later.”
“Yeah you can.”
He hung up and I felt the tears welting at my eyes. I sat on the floor and just let them release themselves. I remember how we ended. It killed me but he did the unthinkable. He cheated, with my best friend’s boyfriend.

Marie and I walked to Seth’s place. It was chilly out that night. I had on my warm hoodie on. I snuggled inside of it and laughed as my best friend froze her ass off. She opened the door and I felt my whole body go numb. Was I witnessing what I think I was? I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me. I saw my boyfriend, the one man that held all of my affections, having sex with Marie’s boyfriend, his best friend. I felt my heart sink, if he who claimed to have loved me so much was willing to do this to me what hope was there?
*end flashback*
I sat there rocking back and forth, to this day I am still haunted by that image. I can’t erase it for the life of me. Just like I have had the hardest time erasing Seth from my heart.
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well thank you dedicated readers lol
and thank you for the comments I am having a terrible week so they help me feel better